Issue #107

February 2025

Hydrological Sciences Journal Digest

Latest articles & Journal updates


The latest news from HSJ

This first HSJ Digest of 2025 brings you all the articles published in recent issues of Hydrological Sciences Journal, including several Open Access and ‘Featured’ articles. We announce the winner of the 2024 Frances Watkins Memorial Award, and highlight news from our publisher, Taylor & Francis. Find out too about current Calls for Papers and, in our regular profile of key HSJ people, meet Co-editor Konstantinos Soulis.

In the wake of the recent terrible fires in Los Angeles, Kendra Fallon et al.’s article ‘Post-fire hydrologic analysis: a tale of two severities’ (HSJ, 69:1) has attracted widespread attention and gained

an impressive Altmetric score of 151 (at time of going to press). The article can be accessed free.

Frances Watkins Memorial Award

This award is made in memory of HSJ’s
long-serving Managing Editor, and recognizes one paper every year whose structure, presentation and writing are exemplary. The winning paper is awarded Open Access, funded by IAHS. We are delighted to make the 2024 award to John R. Nimmo for his paper in the History of hydrology collection, New insights on the origin of the Richardson-Richards equation.

Publishing Open Access for free

Our publisher Taylor & Francis has recently announced welcome additions to the list of institutions with Open Access publishing agreements, including several in the US as well as in Mexico, Romania and Japan; further additions are expected later in the year. You can see the complete list here.

HSJ on LinkedIn

We're excited to announce the launch of the official Hydrological Sciences Journal (HSJ) page on LinkedIn! This page will 

serve as a dynamic platform to share the latest research, updates and insights from the world of hydrological sciences. Follow us to stay connected with cutting-edge developments, engage with a global community of experts, and join the conversation shaping the future of hydrology.

Calls for Papers

We have extended the deadline until the end of June for our Advances in hydrological science in Latin America Special Issue, and would welcome your submissions to this exciting and wide-ranging collection. And we are still accepting submissions to History of hydrology; you can browse those already published here: History of Hydrology. We are launching a new Special Issue, "The contribution of isotope hydrology to water sciences in Africa: Revisiting foundations and exploring new research trends"; the Call for Papers will soon go live for abstract submissions, so do keep a lookout for it at Learn about Hydrological Sciences Journal.

Openly in HSJ  

Open Access papers from recent issues 

State of continental discharge estimation and modelling: challenges and opportunities for Africa 
Komlavi Akpoti et al.

Estimating river discharge across Africa remains challenging, highlighting the critical role of reliable data in water resource management. Sparse gauging networks, particularly in transboundary basins, hinder accurate assessments. A multi-pronged approach is advocated, including community-based monitoring, enhanced data-sharing, and leveraging innovative technologies such as remote sensing and data cubes, to improve discharge estimation and support sustainable water management in Africa.

Estimation of sensible and latent heat flux and evapotranspiration in arid regions using inverse analysis 
Toshisuke Maruyama, Manabu Segawa & Hiroshi Takimoto

Evapotranspiration in arid regions is crucial for understanding global warming. This study employed an inverse analysis method to estimate sensible and latent heat fluxes in these areas, demonstrating the reliability and potential of this method for accurately estimating evapotranspiration in drylands, and contributing significantly to global warming research.


Co-editors’ choice

One article in every issue is singled out by the Co-editors to be ‘featured’ for its excellence or innovation, and is awarded six months’ free access; in addition, the editors periodically choose an article of particular topical interest. Recent selections include the following:

Vol. 69 Issue 15

Featured article
Proof of concept for Bayesian inference of dynamic rating curve uncertainty in a sparsely gauged watershed
Richard Cornelio et al.

This study presents a novel method for estimating river discharge uncertainty in data-scarce environments. By integrating dynamic rating curve segmentation, physically based hydraulic modelling and Bayesian inference, the authors demonstrate improved discharge estimates compared to traditional methods, particularly in watersheds experiencing significant geomorphic changes.

Vol. 69 Issue 16

Featured article
The status quo effect in the sociohydrology of floods
Catalina Mendoza Leal et al.

This study investigates the ‘status quo effect’ in the sociohydrology of floods as another possible behavioural type in sociohydrology, alongside, for example, the ‘levee effect’. The authors examine how communities in a Chilean desert region, despite experiencing frequent flash floods, exhibit limited adaptation and continue to experience recurring flood damage; potential causes for this lack of learning and adaptation are explored.

Topical article
Remote sensing to quantify potential aquifer recharge as a complementary tool for groundwater monitoring
Lucas Vituri Santarosa et al.

The authors investigate the potential of remote sensing to quantify aquifer recharge in the Guarani and Bauru aquifer systems of Brazil. Recharge estimates derived from remote sensing data are compared with those obtained from satellite-based groundwater storage measurements, highlighting the strengths and limitations of each approach and emphasizing the importance of integrating multiple methods for accurate recharge assessment.

Vol. 70 Issue 1

Featured article
Shifting cold regions streamflow regimes in North America affect flood frequency analysis
Donald H. Burn & Paul. H. Whitfield

Shifting streamflow regimes in North America, driven by climate change, impact flood characteristics. The study finds a significant decline in snowmelt-dominated floods and an increase in rain-dominated floods. Accounting for these changing flood types in flood frequency analysis leads to higher estimates of design flows, highlighting the importance of considering climate-driven regime shifts in flood risk assessments.

Topical article
The first catchment water balance: new insights into Pierre Perrault, his perceptual model and his peculiar catchment
Jeffrey J. McDonnell et al.

Pierre Perrault's groundbreaking 1674 work on catchment water balance is re-examined, providing new insights into his methodologies, into the perceptual model of streamflow generation, and the characteristics of his study catchment. By revisiting the catchment and re-analysing his data, the authors uncover uncertainties in his measurements and compare his observations with the modern understanding of hydrological processes.



HSJ Vol. 69

Issue 15

Special issue:
Twenty-first century hydrological challenges and opportunities in Africa

Bathymetry and discharge estimation in large and data-scarce rivers using an entropy-based approach
Djamel Kechnit et al.

 State of continental discharge estimation and modelling: challenges and opportunities for Africa 
 Komlavi Akpoti et al.

Special issue:
History of hydrology
New insights on the origin of the Richardson-Richards equation
John R. Nimmo

Special issue:
Emerging hydro-climatic dynamics and human-water interactions in a changing world: Perspectives from Roorkee Water Conclave 2024
GRACE-derived groundwater variability and its resilience in north India: impact of climatic and socioeconomic factors
Sandip Kumar Rana and Ashutosh Chamoli

Featured article 
Proof of concept for Bayesian inference of dynamic rating curve uncertainty in a sparsely gauged watershed
Richard Cornelio et al.

Research articles 
Trend detection in the temperature of Quebec (Canada) rivers
Anik Daigle and Arthur Légaré

Regional analysis of specific suspended sediment loads in northern Iran using multivariate statistical techniques
Somaiyeh Khaleghi et al.

Scouring and bed morphology dynamics in a sharp bend with collared pier under unsteady flow
Saman Solati et al.

Hybrid non-linear probabilistic model using Monte Carlo simulation and hybrid support vector regression for evaporation predictions
Jamshid Piri and Ozgur Kisi

A novel optimal temporal lag air2stream model using dynamic time series matching
Lingbo Li et al.

Comparison of groundwater distribution, exchange and storage between cropland and forestland over the past 115 years
Ying Ouyang et al.

Understanding floods and droughts in the Yangtze River Basin: a historical perspective (1470–2022)
Deli Ma et al.

Technical note 
Application of remote sensing and GIS techniques for monitoring water volume variations in inaccessible reservoirs
Muthanna Mohammed Abdulhameed Albayati, Ahmed Mohammed Sami Al-Janabi & 
Ans Ibrahim Mahameed


HSJ Vol. 69

Issue 16

Special issue:
History of hydrology

Development of runoff generation models in the former USSR and Russia: a historical overview
Lev Kuchment & Alexander Gelfan

Cloudbursts and the upper tail of short-duration rainfall: Hortonian perspectives
James A. Smith et al.

Reconstruction of the historic flood of 1813 on rivers in the mountains of the Western Carpathians (Slovakia)
Pavel HronĨek et al.

Historical synthesis of the International Commission on Water Resources Systems
Gökçen Uysal et al.

The history of hydrological studies on the Mekong floodplains – from colonial experiments to computational models
Christina Anna Orieschnig & Jean-Philippe Venot

Special issue:
Twenty-first century hydrological challenges and opportunities in Africa

Combining WetSpass and MODFLOW to assess the groundwater recharge in the agricultural highlands of Ethiopia
Tade Mule Asrade et al.

Featured article
The status quo effect in the sociohydrology of floods
Catalina Mendoza Leal et al.

Research article
Hydrological drought and floodplain disconnectivity: quantifying flow thresholds in a large coastal plain river
Amobichukwu Chukwudi Amanambu et al.

Remote sensing to quantify potential aquifer recharge as a complementary tool for groundwater monitoring
Lucas Vituri Santarosa
et al.

Increased socio-vulnerability to floods around flood protection structures: case study of Ganga and Brahmaputra basins (India)
Apoorva Singh, Sukrati Gautam & C. T. Dhanya

Comparative analysis of lumped and semi-distributed hydrological models in humid Mediterranean environments
Sergio Eduardo Abbenante, Ingrid Althoff & Javier Valdes-Abellan

Impacts of land use/cover change on urban rainfall-flooding processes based on numerical simulations
Xiaosheng Lian et al.

Modelling fields of hydrological cycle characteristics in the Nizhnekamskoye Reservoir watershed of the Volga River basin under climate change
Yury G. Motovilov, Kseniia V. Kortunova & Tatiana B. Fashchevskaya

Zeolite intervention in soil nitrate dynamics: insights from column experiments and modelling
Azadeh Safadoust, Seira Soleymanekhtyari & Bahram Gharabaghi


HSJ Vol. 70

Issue 1

Special issue:
Twenty-first century hydrological challenges and opportunities in Africa

Prediction uncertainty of evapotranspiration deficit index
Frank Joseph Wambura

Special issue:
History of hydrology

History of hydrological research in Slovakia and its links to water management
Ladislav Holko et al.

The first catchment water balance: new insights into Pierre Perrault, his perceptual model and his peculiar catchment
Jeffrey J. McDonnell
et al.

Special issue:
Advances in hydrological science in Latin America

Predicting oxygen-18 and deuterium over South America: local meteoric water lines for countries and biogeographical regions
Cesar de Oliveira Ferreira Silva et al.

Featured article
Shifting cold regions streamflow regimes in North America affect flood frequency analysis
Donald H. Burn & Paul H. Whitfield

Research article
Investigating hydrological processes using explainable deep-learning models
Wenqiang Liu et al.

Derivation of fractured rock hybrid analytical equation for estimation of groundwater inflow into mine pit using major fault trigonometry
Emmanuel Coffie-Anum et al.

Multi-covariate non-stationary flood frequency analysis for assessing flood hazard over the Mahanadi River basin, India
Sachin Bhere & Manne Janga Reddy

Simulating water balance and nutrient losses in a pastoral catchment using the SWAT+ model: added value of isotope data
Meti Yulianti, Deniz Özkundakci & Iwan Ridwansyah

A probabilistic integration of LSTM and Gaussian process regression for uncertainty-aware reservoir water level predictions
Kshitij Tandon & Subhamoy Sen

Wavelet analysis of discharge and sediment load for the Subarnarekha, Brahmani, and Mahanadi rivers of India
Mohd Imaran, Arun Chakraborty & Subhasish Tripathy

 Estimation of sensible and latent heat flux and evapotranspiration in arid regions using inverse analysis
Toshisuke Maruyama, Manabu Segawa & Hiroshi Takimoto





Meet the Editor

Dr Konstantinos Soulis joined our editorial team as an Associate Editor in 2017. He received the Journal's Associate Editor Award in 2020 and has been a Co-editor since 2022.

Dr Soulis is an agricultural engineer and works as an Assistant Professor at the Agricultural University of Athens, Greece, with a focus on geoinformatics and spatial analysis in agriculture and the environment. His research and teaching combine his passion for hydrology with agriculture and geospatial technologies. 

‘From my first interactions with HSJ as a reviewer and then as an author, Associate Editor and finally Co-editor, I was  impressed by the open, transparent and inclusive environment for all researchers, especially those at early career stages or from 

regions facing significant challenges in scientific research and publication. I received help and advice whenever I needed it, and from the first moment I felt like a member of a big family. I am forever grateful for the knowledge and the opportunities that Hydrological Sciences Journal has offered me, and I am deeply honoured and committed to serving the Journal with all my powers.’ 


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