Are you part of the hydrology and water science community? Don’t miss out on the latest research, events, and collaborations—follow the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) and Hydrological Sciences Journal (HSJ) on LinkedIn today!
What’s in it for y....
Submit your ISHC2025 SYSTA application before the Friday 28 Feb 9:00GMT deadline! It is so easy to apply; simply submit your application via the Google Form or go to our IAHS News for more details.
Deadline for SYSTA applications: The ISHC in Tokyo is Friday 28 Feb 2025 at 09:00 GMT.
Are you passionate about hydrology and water science? Stay updated with the latest research, events, and discussions by following the IAHS on LinkedIn!
✅ Get insights from IAHS Working Groups & committees✅ Stay informed about upcoming conferences & initiatives✅ Engage with a glo....
Have You Submitted a SYSTA Application?
We realise that there has been an issue with our email this month. If you have already completed and submitted a SYSTA application for ISHC in Tokyo, Japan or the IAHS Scientific Assembly in Roorkee, India but have not received a response from IAHS within t....
We're excited to announce the launch of the official Hydrological Sciences Journal (HSJ) page on LinkedIn! This page will serve as a dynamic platform to share the latest research, updates and insights from the world of hydrological sciences.
Follow us to stay connected with cutting-edge developme....
Across our Committees, Working Groups, International Commissions and Initiatives, exciting research and developments are shaping the future of hydrological sciences.
In this issue, we spotlight studies, highlight key achievements, and share upcoming events that bring our global community together....
The 2nd International Sociohydrology Conference, co-organised by the IAHS Human-Water Feedbacks Commission, will be held from 19-21 July 2025, in Tokyo, marking its first appearance in Asia.
Important Dates
Abstract Submission Deadline: 28 February 2025 at 09:00 GMT
SYSTA Application Submissi....
This first HSJ Digest of 2025 brings you all the articles published in recent issues of Hydrological Sciences Journal, including several Open Access and ‘Featured’ articles. We announce the winner of the 2024 Frances Watkins Memorial Award, and highlight news from our publisher, Taylor &....
Preparation for the XIIth IAHS Scientific Assembly is continuing at full speed and the abstract submission deadline has been extended to 20 February 2025 due to popular demand!
Early Career Travel Award - SYSTA
SYSTA awards are available to eligible early career scientists who meet A....
Early Career Travel Award - SYSTA
SYSTA travel awards are available to eligible early career scientists who meet ALL of the SYSTA Award criteria. Applicants should email the completed application form and a copy of their published paper and Scientific Assembly abstract to IAHS Secretar....