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Author / Editor: Victor R. Baker
Publication Number: BM9
ISBN Number: 978-1-907161-30-8
Year: 2014
Pages: 494+ x pp

Price: £75.00

Palaeohydrology - Victor R. Baker

Palaeohydrology originated with and continues to have a strong focus on palaeofluvial processes, especially palaeoflooding, and this is reflected in eight sections:

  • Channel Patterns and Regime commences with Davis’s 1913 paper on underfit rivers, classics by Dury (1954, 1965) and Schumm (1968), and an important Polish contribution, Korzarski and Rotnicki (1977).
  • River Floodplains and Terraces illustrates how mapping and quantitative description became the basis for palaeo¬hydrological interpretation of the landscape.
  • Alluvial Chronology considers how the development of dating aided studies that identified major changes driven by climate.
  • Sediment Transport shows how engineering/geomorphologic under¬standing of sediment processes was initially used to back-calculate the flows associated with fluvial events.
  • Megafloods are high-discharge (>106 m3/s) flood flows now known to have been especially important at the end of the Pleistocene, but in 1923, Bretz’s hypothesis of such “cataclysmic flows” was controversial.
  • Palaeoflood Hydrology brings together the papers that mark the development from geological investigation of flood-scarred landscapes to a broader, global science rooted in environmental change studies.
  • Palaeobotanical evidence to aid palaeohydrological work originated in the 1960s, and Sigafoos (1964) is a significant contribution.
  • Palaeolakes were found to afford information central to understanding past climate in the 1960s and three seminal papers are included.

An excellent resource for graduate and post-graduate level courses in hydrology and hydro-geomorphology, reproducing many important papers that are otherwise difficult to access.

Victor R. Baker is Regents Professor in Hydrology and Water Resources at the University of Arizona, USA, and holds joint chairs in the departments of Geosciences and Planetary Sciences there. His research interests broadly concern palaeohydrology and related aspects of geomorphology, with a particular focus on flood processes. He also works in the area of planetary geomorphology and on issues that involve Earth science in relation to public policy, the environment and philosophy of science.

IAHS arranged for copyright permission to reproduce the papers included in this volume as print copy. We are unable to provide digital versions.

Contents for Palaeohydrology

Title Pages File
Contents - BM9
Victor R. Baker
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Isotope Hydrology

Author / Editor: P. K. Aggarwal, K. O. Fröhlich, J. R. Gat & R. Gonfiantini
Publication Number: BM8
ISBN Number: 978-1-907161-29-2
Year: 2012
Pages: 486

Price: £70.00

Isotope Hydrology - P. K. Aggarwal, K. O. Fröhlich, J. R. Gat & R. Gonfiantini

Isotope Hydrology uses stable and radioactive isotopes of water and its dissolved constituents to trace hydrological processes, including the pathways of rainfall and snowmelt to, and interactions between, aquifers, lakes and rivers. The potential of using stable isotopes of water was recognized in the 1930s, but not fully explored until the 1950s, since when the scope and nature of isotope applications in hydrology have blossomed. Improvements in measure¬ment techniques have facilitated use of isotopes in many contexts, and isotope hydrology has become mainstream, as documented in this volume of reprinted papers and accompanying commentaries. Section A. Fundamentals includes the first papers on deuterium, 18O and tritium contents in natural waters (Friedman, 1953; Epstein & Mayeda, 1953; Libby, 1953), and Craigâas (1961) seminal paper which defined the global meteoric water line used to understand the source of natural waters. The papers that shaped our understanding of isotopes in precipitation and global circulation, e.g. Dansgaard (1964) and Craig & Gordon (1965), come in B. Atmospheric Water Cycle. The early interpretation of isotope sequences in rock and ice, including the iconic Greenland ice sheet core (Dansgaard et al., 1969), are included in C. Palaeoclimates. D. River and Lake Hydrology contains influential papers on the use of isotopes to determine the origin of stream and lake waters. E. Groundwater deals with the origin of groundwaters, the earliest use of tritium, 14C, 81Kr and 36Cl to date them, and isotope applications in pollution and groundwater remediation. An excellent resource for graduate and post-graduate level courses in hydrology, reproducing many important papers which are otherwise difficult to access.

IAHS arranged for copyright permission to reproduce the papers included in this volume as print copy. We are unable to provide digital versions.

Contents for Isotope Hydrology

Title Pages File
Contents - BM8
P. K. Aggarwal, K. O. Fröhlich, J. R. Gat & R. Gonfiantini
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Forest Hydrology

Author / Editor: David R. DeWalle
Publication Number: BM7
ISBN Number: 978-1-907161-17-9
Year: 2011
Pages: 474

Price: £65.00

Forest Hydrology - David R. DeWalle

Forest Hydrology emphasizes the influence of forests and their management on the regime, quantity and quality of water. The volume provides an overview of the development of the discipline, with the early review by Zon (1927) and seminal contributions such as the Wagon Wheel Gap paired catchment study (Bates & Henry, 1928), and Kittredge (1948) on interception and stem flow, among the 29 Benchmark papers.

IAHS arranged for copyright permission to reproduce the papers included in this volume as print copy. We are unable to provide digital versions.

Contents for Forest Hydrology

Title Pages File
Contents - BM7
David R. DeWalle
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Hydro-Geomorphology, Erosion and Sedimentation

Author / Editor: Michael J. Kirkby
Publication Number: BM6
ISBN Number: 978-1-907161-14-8
Year: 2011
Pages: 640

Price: £70.00

Hydro-Geomorphology, Erosion and Sedimentation - Michael J. Kirkby

In the short term, hydrology responds to the topography, soils and vegetation of the landscape, but over longer time spans the entire landscape is moulded by the flow of water. The process scale ranges from the splash erosion by individual raindrops to the accumulation of sediment as alluvial fans, to the evolution of drainage networks. Kirkby presents a systematic analysis of the relationships between hydrology and geomorphology with commentaries on the papers which have been most influential in the development of research at the hydrology/geomorphology interface. Thirty-seven papers are reprinted in full or in part, the majority published pre-1970, including early contributions by Fisher (1866), Davison (1889) and Gilbert (1909), and seminal papers by Hack, Strahler, Wolman & Miller, and Melton, among others. An excellent resource for graduate and post-graduate level courses in geomorphology and hydrology, reproducing many important papers which are otherwise difficult to access.

IAHS arranged for copyright permission to reproduce the papers included in this volume as print copy. We are unable to provide digital versions.

Contents for Hydro-Geomorphology, Erosion and Sedimentation

Title Pages File
Contents - BM6
Michael J. Kirkby
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Riparian Zone Hydrology and Biogeochemistry

Author / Editor: T. P. Burt, G. Pinay and S. Sabater
Publication Number: BM5
ISBN Number: 978-1-907161-09-4
Year: 2010
Pages: 490

Price: £65.00

Riparian Zone Hydrology and Biogeochemistry - T. P. Burt, G. Pinay and S. Sabater

Study specifically of riparian zones is relatively new in hydrology, and while the oldest benchmark paper selected for this volume dates to 1936, several of the others were published in the 1970s and 1980s. Burt, Pinay and Sabater introduce them with a review of the role of the riparian zone. Its services as a buffer for nitrates and other agricultural and industrial pollutants has focused the attention of ecologists and hydrologists. It is an ecological boundary between terrestrial and aquatic environments, but also a distinct ecotone because of the intimate connection between the two. The 36 benchmark papers are grouped under the topics Landscape Ecology, Hydrology of the Riparian Zone, Linking Riparian Zone Hydrology to Solute Transport, Biogeochemical Processes and Methods, Riparian Buffering of Surface and Subsurface Flows, and In-stream Processes. Together, the reprinted papers and the commentaries by the editors chart the breakthroughs in the development of this important.

IAHS arranged for copyright permission to reproduce the papers included in this volume as print copy. We are unable to provide digital versions.

Contents for Riparian Zone Hydrology and Biogeochemistry

Title Pages File
Contents - BM5
T. P. Burt, G. Pinay and S. Sabater
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Rainfall-Runoff Modelling

Author / Editor: Keith Loague
Publication Number: BM4
ISBN Number: 978-1-907161-06-3
Year: 2010
Pages: 506

Price: £65.00

Rainfall-Runoff Modelling - Keith Loague

This volume reprints 30 papers that exemplify the best in rainfall-runoff modelling. It charts developments from Mulvany's (1851) rational method for estimating peak flow, probably the first rainfall-runoff model, up to 1989. Benchmark papers on other empirical approaches, such as Sherman (1932) and Mockus (1949), are reprinted, as are Richards (1931) and Smith & Parlange (1978), the innovative contributions of Alan Freeze, and later Keith Beven, and the seminal papers of Moore & Clarke (1981) and Abbott et al. (1986).

IAHS arranged for copyright permission to reproduce the papers included in this volume as print copy. We are unable to provide digital versions.

Contents for Rainfall-Runoff Modelling

Title Pages File
Contents - BM4
Keith Loague
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Author / Editor: Mary P. Anderson
Publication Number: BM3
ISBN Number: 978-1-901502-74-9
Year: 2008
Pages: 626

Price: £55.00

Groundwater - Mary P. Anderson

Mary Anderson's selection and the commentaries that she has prepared to accompany the 35 reprinted papers, detail the development of groundwater hydrology during the 20th century. The fundamentals are introduced with a translation of Darcy's (1856) experimental results that led to Darcy's law, as well as classic papers by Meinzer, Theis and Hubbert, among others. The development of pumping test theory and practice, approaches to estimating aquifer parameters in the field, and flow system analysis are dealt with. Papers reflecting early concerns regarding quantification of uncertainty, how recognition of groundwater interaction with surface water grew, and early research on contaminant occurrence and transport, are included. Slichter's (1905) seminal contribution that identified dispersion in the field, and Skibitzke & Robinson's (1963) laboratory findings, are linked with more recent attempts to represent dispersion and heterogeneity with models.

IAHS arranged for copyright permission to reproduce the papers included in this volume as print copy. We are unable to provide digital versions.

Contents for Groundwater

Title Pages File
Contents - BM3
Mary P. Anderson
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Author / Editor: John H. C. Gash & W. James Shuttleworth
Publication Number: BM2
ISBN Number: 978-1-901502-98-5
Year: 2007
Pages: 526

Price: £40.00

Evaporation - John H. C. Gash & W. James Shuttleworth 

The development of evaporation measurement techniques are documented first, commencing with the Wagon Wheel Gap catchment water balance (1921), through mass budget to water transfer methods, and use of scintillometry. Dalton's seminal essay On Evaporation (1802) starts the selection of papers on evaporation estimation, which then covers atmospheric controls on the evaporation process (the original Penman and Thornthwaite papers are reproduced), vegetation controls via transpiration and interception, and finally evaporation as a component of the global climate system. The Commentaries explain the context and significance of each paper.

IAHS arranged for copyright permission to reproduce the papers included in this volume as print copy. We are unable to provide digital versions.

Contents for Evaporation

Title Pages File
Contents - BM2
John H. C. Gash & W. James Shuttleworth
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Streamflow Generation Processes

Author / Editor: Keith J. Beven
Publication Number: BM1
ISBN Number: 978-1-901502-53-4
Year: 2006
Pages: 432

Price: £40.00

Streamflow Generation Processes - Keith J. Beven

Keith Beven's selection of 31 papers on the theme of Streamflow Generation Processes span the period from 1933 to 1984, commencing with Hortons' early papers on infiltration and on maximum groundwater levels. With the aid of the Introduction and Commentaries, they provide a stimulating insight to developments in this part of the field of hydrology.

IAHS arranged for copyright permission to reproduce the papers included in this volume as print copy. We are unable to provide digital versions.

Contents for Streamflow Generation Processes

Title Pages File
Contents - BM1
Keith J. Beven
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Red Books

ICFM9 - River Basin Disaster Resilience and Sustainability by All

Author / Editor: T. Koike, S. Egashira, M. Ohara, M. Rasmy, T. Ushiyama, M. Miyamoto, D. Harada, K. Naito, C. Cudennec & S. Fischer
Publication Number: 386
Year: 2024
Pages: 344

ICFM9 – River Basin Disaster Resilience and Sustainability by All
The 9th International Conference on Flood Management, Tsukuba, Japan, 18–22 February 2023
Editor(s): T. Koike, S. Egashira, M. Ohara, M. Rasmy, T. Ushiyama, M. Miyamoto, D. Harada, K. Naito, C. Cudennec, and S. Fischer

Published online open access as PIAHS Vol. 386 

Contents for ICFM9 - River Basin Disaster Resilience and Sustainability by All

Title Pages File
PIAHS 386 Contents
T. Koike, S. Egashira, M. Ohara, M. Rasmy, T. Ushiyama, M. Miyamoto, D. Harada, K. Naito, C. Cudennec, and S. Fischer
5 PDF Icon

IAHS2022 - Hydrological sciences in the Anthropocene

Author / Editor: C. Cudennec
Publication Number: 385
Year: 2024
Pages: 489

Volume 385, 2024 - IAHS2022 – Hydrological sciences in the Anthropocene

IAHS Scientific Assembly 2022, Montpellier, France, 29 May–3 June 2022

Editor(s): C. Cudennec

Published online open access as PIAHS Vol. 385  

Contents for IAHS2022 - Hydrological sciences in the Anthropocene

Title Pages File
PIAHS 385 Contents
C. Cudennec
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Hydrology of Large River Basins of Africa

Author / Editor: E. Amoussou, G. Mahé, O. Amrouni, A. Bodian, C. Cudennec, S. Dietrich, D. J. Kodja & W. E. Vissin
Publication Number: 384
Year: 2021
Pages: 366

4th International Conference on the ''Hydrology of the Great Rivers of Africa''
Editor(s): E. Amoussou, G. Mahé, O. Amrouni, A. Bodian, C. Cudennec, S. Dietrich, D. J. Kodja, and W. E. Vissin

Published online open access as PIAHS Vol. 384 

Contents for Hydrology of Large River Basins of Africa

Title Pages File
PIAHS 384 Contents
Amoussou, E., Mahe, G., Amrouni, O., Bodian, A., Cudennec, C., Dietrich, S., Kodja, D. J.,
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PIAHS 384 Preface
Amoussou, E., Mahe, G., Amrouni, O., Bodian, A., Cudennec, C., Dietrich, S., Kodja, D. J.,
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Hydrological processes and water security in a changing world

Author / Editor: Z. Yu, C. Lu, D. Yu, J. Cai, G. Mahe, A. Mishra, C. Cudennec, H. A. J. Van Lanen, D. Orange, & A. Amani
Publication Number: 383
Year: 2020
Pages: 399

Hydrological processes and water security in a changing world

Hydrological Processes and Water Security in a Changing World, Beijing, China, 6–9 November 2018
Editor(s): Z. Yu, C. Lu, D. Yu, J. Cai, G. Mahe, A. Mishra, C. Cudennec, H. A. J. Van Lanen, D. Orange, and A. Amani

Published online open access as PIAHS Vol. 383 

Contents for Hydrological processes and water security in a changing world

Title Pages File
PIAHS Vol. 383 Contents
Editor(s): Z. Yu, C. Lu, D. Yu, J. Cai, G. Mahe, A. Mishra, C. Cudennec, H. A. J. Van Lane
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PIAHS Vol. 383 Foreward
Shamila Nair-Bedouelle
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PIAHS Vol. 383 Preface
Zhongbo Yu, Chunhui Lu, Jianyuan Cai, Dazheng Yu, Gil Mahe, Anil Mishra, Christophe Cudenn
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TISOLS: the Tenth International Symposium On Land Subsidence - living with subsidence

Author / Editor: P. A. Fokker & G. Erkens
Publication Number: 382
Year: 2020
Pages: 849

Volume 382, 2020
TISOLS: the Tenth International Symposium On Land Subsidence – living with subsidence, Delft, the Netherlands, 17–21 May 2021
Editor(s): P. A. Fokker and G. Erkens

Published online open access as PIAHS Vol. 382

Contents for TISOLS: the Tenth International Symposium On Land Subsidence - living with subsidence

Title Pages File
Peter A. Fokker and Gilles Erkens
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Peter A. Fokker and Gilles Erkens
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Land use and climate change impacts on erosion and sediment transport

Author / Editor: S. Chalov, V. Golosov, A. Collins, & M. Stone
Publication Number: 381
Year: 2019
Pages: 126

Volume 381, 2019
Land use and climate change impacts on erosion and sediment transport
ICCE Symposium 2018 – Climate Change Impacts on Sediment Dynamics: Measurement, Modelling and Management, Moscow, Russia, 27–31 August 2018
Editor(s): S. Chalov, V. Golosov, A. Collins, and M. Stone

Published online open access as PIAHS Vol. 381

Contents for Land use and climate change impacts on erosion and sediment transport

Title Pages File
Contents 381
S. Chalov, V. Golosov, A. Collins, and M. Stone
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Preface 381
S. Chalov, V. Golosov, A. Collins, and M. Stone
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Earth Observation for Integrated Water and Basin Management: New possibilities and challenges for adaptation to a changing environment

Author / Editor: M. P. González-Dugo, C. Neale, A. Andreu, R. Pimentel, & M. J. Polo
Publication Number: 380
Year: 2018
Pages: 85

Volume 380, 2018
Earth Observation for Integrated Water and Basin Management: New possibilities and challenges for adaptation to a changing environment
The Remote Sensing & Hydrology Symposium, Cordoba, Spain, 8–10 May 2018
M. P. González-Dugo, C. Neale, A. Andreu, R. Pimentel, and M. J. Polo

Published online open access as PIAHS Vol. 380

Innovative water resources management - understanding and balancing interactions between humankind and nature

Author / Editor: Z. Xu, D. Peng, W. Sun, B. Pang, D. Zuo, A. Schumann, & Y. Chen
Publication Number: 379
Year: 2018
Pages: 464

Innovative water resources management – understanding and balancing interactions between humankind and nature

8th International Water Resources Management Conference of ICWRS,
Beijing, China, 13–15 June 2018

Editors: Z. Xu, D. Peng, W. Sun, B. Pang, D. Zuo, A. Schumann, and Y. Chen

Published online open access as PIAHS Vol. 379

Contents for Innovative water resources management - understanding and balancing interactions between humankind and nature

Title Pages File
Zongxue Xu, Dingzhi Peng, Wenchao Sun, Bo Pang, Depeng Zuo, Andreas Schumann, and Yangbo C
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Zongxue Xu, Dingzhi Peng, Wenchao Sun, Bo Pang, Depeng Zuo, Andreas Schumann, and Yangbo C
463-464 PDF Icon

Understanding spatio-temporal variability of water resources and the implications for IWRM in semi-arid eastern and southern Africa

Author / Editor: H. Makurira, D. Mazvimavi, J.-M. Kileshye-Onema, E. Kapangaziwiri, & W. Gumindoga
Publication Number: 378
Year: 2018
Pages: 98

Understanding spatio-temporal variability of water resources and the implications for IWRM in semi-arid eastern and southern Africa

IAHS Scientific Assembly 2017, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, 10–14 July 2017

Editors: H. Makurira, D. Mazvimavi, J.-M. Kileshye-Onema, E. Kapangaziwiri, and W. Gumindoga

Published online open access as PIAHS Vol. 378

Contents for Understanding spatio-temporal variability of water resources and the implications for IWRM in semi-arid eastern and southern Africa

Title Pages File
Hodson Makurira, Dominic Mazvimavi, Evison Kapangaziwiri, Jean-Marie Kileshye Onema, and W
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Hodson Makurira, Dominic Mazvimavi, Evison Kapangaziwiri, Jean-Marie Kileshye Onema, and W
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Water quality and sediment transport issues in surface water

Author / Editor: G. Mahe, K. Heal, A. B. Gupta, & H. Aksoy
Publication Number: 377
Year: 2018
Pages: 96

Water quality and sediment transport issues in surface water

IAHS Scientific Assembly 2017, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, 10–14 July 2017

Published online open access as PIAHS Vol. 377

Contents for Water quality and sediment transport issues in surface water

Title Pages File
G. Mahe, K. Heal, A. B. Gupta, and H. Aksoy
i PDF Icon
G. Mahe, K. Heal, A. B. Gupta, and H. Aksoy
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Water security and the food-water-energy nexus: drivers, responses and feedbacks at local to global scales

Author / Editor: G. Jewitt & B. Croke
Publication Number: 376
Year: 2018
Pages: 104

Water security and the food–water–energy nexus: drivers, responses and feedbacks at local to global scales

IAHS Scientific Assembly 2017, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, 10–14 July 2017

Published online open access as PIAHS Vol. 376

Contents for Water security and the food-water-energy nexus: drivers, responses and feedbacks at local to global scales

Title Pages File
G. Jewitt and B. Croke
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Barry Croke and Graham Jewitt
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Integrating monitoring and modelling for understanding, predicting and managing sediment dynamics

Author / Editor: A. Collins, M. Stone, A. Horowitz, & I. Foster
Publication Number: 375
Year: 2017
Pages: 39

Integrating monitoring and modelling for understanding, predicting and managing sediment dynamics

ICCE Symposium 2016 – Integrating monitoring and modelling for sediment dynamics, Okehampton, UK, 11–15 July 2017

Editor(s): A. Collins, M. Stone, A. Horowitz, and I. Foster

Published online open access as PIAHS Vol. 375

Contents for Integrating monitoring and modelling for understanding, predicting and managing sediment dynamics

Title Pages File
A. Collins, M. Stone, A. Horowitz, and I. Foster
1 PDF Icon

Water Resources Assessment and Seasonal Prediction

Author / Editor: W. Grabs & S. Demuth
Publication Number: 374
Year: 2016
Pages: 199

Water Resources Assessment and Seasonal Prediction

International Conference Water Resources Assessment and Seasonal Prediction, Koblenz, Germany, 13–16 October 2015

Editor(s): W. Grabs and S. Demuth

Published online open access as PIAHS Vol. 374

Contents for Water Resources Assessment and Seasonal Prediction

Title Pages File
W. Grabs and S. Demuth
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W. Grabs and S. Demuth
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The spatial dimensions of water management - Redistribution of benefits and risks

Author / Editor: A. H. Schumann, G. Blöschl, A. Castellarin, J. Dietrich, S. Grimaldi, U. Haberlandt, A. Montanari, D. Rosbjerg, A. Viglione, & S. Vorogushyn
Publication Number: 373
Year: 2016
Pages: 136

The spatial dimensions of water management – Redistribution of benefits and risks

7th International Water Resources Management Conference of ICWRS, Bochum, Germany, 18–20 May 2016

Editor(s): A. H. Schumann, G. Blöschl, A. Castellarin, J. Dietrich, S. Grimaldi, U. Haberlandt, A. Montanari, D. Rosbjerg, A. Viglione, & S. Vorogushyn

Published online open access as PIAHS Vol. 373

Contents for The spatial dimensions of water management - Redistribution of benefits and risks

Title Pages File
A. H. Schumann, G. Blöschl, A. Castellarin, J. Dietrich, S. Grimaldi, U. Haberlandt, A. Mo
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A. H. Schumann, G. Blöschl, A. Castellarin, J. Dietrich, S. Grimaldi, U. Haberlandt, A. Mo
221-222 PDF Icon

Prevention and mitigation of natural and anthropogenic hazards due to land subsidence

Author / Editor: Editors: K. Daito & D. Galloway
Publication Number: 372
Year: 2015
Pages: 538

Prevention and mitigation of natural and anthropogenic hazards due to land subsidence

Ninth International Symposium on Land Subsidence (NISOLS), Nagoya, Japan, 15–19 November 2015

Editors: K. Daito and D. Galloway

Published online open access as PIAHS Vol. 372


Contents for Prevention and mitigation of natural and anthropogenic hazards due to land subsidence

Title Pages File
K. Daito and D. Galloway
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K. Daito and D. Galloway
555-557 PDF Icon

Hydrologic Non-Stationarity and Extrapolating Models to Predict the Future

Author / Editor: J. Vaze, F. Chiew, D. Hughes, & V. Andreassian
Publication Number: 371
Year: 2015
Pages: 221

Hydrologic Non-Stationarity and Extrapolating Models to Predict the Future
Editor(s): J. Vaze, F. Chiew, D. Hughes, &  V. Andreassian

IAHS Symposium HS02, 26th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Prague, Czech Republic, 22 June - 2 July 2015

Published online open access as PIAHS Vol. 371

Contents for Hydrologic Non-Stationarity and Extrapolating Models to Predict the Future

Title Pages File
J. Vaze, F. Chiew, D. Hughes, and V. Andreassian
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J. Vaze, F. Chiew, D. Hughes, and V. Andreassian
1-2 PDF Icon

Changes in Flood Risk and Perception in Catchments and Cities

Author / Editor: M. Rogger, H. Aksoy, M. Kooy, A. Schumann, E. Toth, Y. Chen, V. Borrell Estupina, & G. Blöschl
Publication Number: 370
Year: 2015
Pages: 242

Changes in Flood Risk and Perception in Catchments and Cities
Editor(s): M. Rogger, H. Aksoy, M. Kooy, A. Schumann, E. Toth, Y. Chen, V. Borrell Estupina, & G. Blöschl

IAHS Symposium HS01, 26th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Prague, Czech Republic, 22 June - 2 July 2015

Published online open access as PIAHS Vol. 370

Contents for Changes in Flood Risk and Perception in Catchments and Cities

Title Pages File
M. Rogger, H. Aksoy, M. Kooy, A. Schumann, E. Toth, Y. Chen, V. Borrell Estupina, and G. B
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M. Rogger, H. Aksoy, M. Kooy, A. Schumann, E. Toth, Y. Chen, V. Borrell Estupina, and G. B
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Extreme Hydrological Events

Author / Editor: C. Cudennec, A. Eicker, P. Pilon, M. Stoffel, A. Viglione, & Z. Xu
Publication Number: 369
Year: 2015
Pages: 207

Extreme Hydrological Events
Editor(s): C. Cudennec, A. Eicker, P. Pilon, M. Stoffel, A. Viglione, &  Z. Xu

IAHS-IACS-IAG Joint Symposium JH1, 26th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Prague, Czech Republic, 22 June - 2 July 2015

Published open access online as  PIAHS Vol, 369

Contents for Extreme Hydrological Events

Title Pages File
C. Cudennec, A. Eicker, P. Pilon, M. Stoffel, A. Viglione, and Z. Xu
i-iv PDF Icon
C. Cudennec, A. Eicker, P. Pilon, M. Stoffel, A. Viglione, and Z. Xu
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Remote Sensing and GIS for Hydrology and Water Resources

Author / Editor: Yangbo Chen, C. Neale, I. Cluckie, Z. Su, J. Zhou, Q. Huang & Z. Xu
Publication Number: 368
ISBN Number: 978-1-907161-46-9
Year: 2015
Pages: 484 + xii

Price: £110.00

Remote Sensing and GIS for Hydrology and Water Resources



Also available online as volume 368 of PIAHS (Proceedings of IAHS) at:

Contents for Remote Sensing and GIS for Hydrology and Water Resources

Title Pages File
Preface of Volume 368 - Abstracts and papers are available online open access as Volume 368 of PIAHS (Proceedings of IAHS) at:
Yangbo Chen, C. Neale, I. Cluckie, Z. Su, J. Zhou, Q. Huang, Z. Xu
v-vi PDF Icon
Yangbo Chen, C. Neale, I. Cluckie, Z. Su, J. Zhou, Q. Huang, Z. Xu
vii-xii PDF Icon
Calibration of hydrological models using TOPEX/Poseidon radar altimetry observations
Wenchao Sun, Hao Song, Tao Cheng & Jingshan Yu
3-8 PDF Icon
GéoSAS: A modular and interoperable Open Source Spatial Data Infrastructure for research
R. Béra, H. Squividant, G. Le Henaff, P. Pichelin, L. Ruiz, J. Launay, J. Vanhouteghem, P.
9-14 PDF Icon
Simultaneous atmospheric correction and quantification of suspended particulate matter in the Guadalquivir estuary from Landsat images
Miriam Carpintero, María José Polo & Mhd. Suhyb Salama
15-20 PDF Icon
Seasonal variation of ice melting on varying layers of debris of Lirung Glacier, Langtang Valley, Nepal
Mohan B. Chand, Rijan B. Kayastha, Achut Parajuli & Pradeep K. Mool
21-26 PDF Icon
Atmospheric boundary layer characteristics and land−atmosphere energy transfer in the Third Pole area
Yaoming Ma, Zhikun Zhu, Pukar Man Amatya, Xuelong Chen, Zeyong Hu, Lang Zhang, Maoshan Li
27-32 PDF Icon
Snow evolution in a semi-arid mountainous area combining snow modelling and Landsat spectral mixture analysis
Rafael Pimentel, Javier Herrero & María José Polo
33-39 PDF Icon
Studying snow cover in European Russia with the use of remote sensing methods
A. A. Telegina
40-45 PDF Icon
Estimating atmospheric visibility using synergy of MODIS data and ground-based observations
Hossein Komeilian, S. Mohyeddin Bateni, Tongren Xu & Jeffrey Nielson
46-50 PDF Icon
Application of ZY-3 remote sensing image in the research of Huashan experimental watershed
Kun Guo, Jianqun Wang & Yang Wang
51-56 PDF Icon
Glacier area and volume changes of Hidden Valley, Mustang, Nepal from ~1980s to 2010 based on remote sensing
Lakshman Lama, Rijan B. Kayastha, Suadan Bikash Maharjan, Samjwal Ratna Bajracharya, Mohan
57-62 PDF Icon
Driving factors for runoff decline in the Upper Hanjiang basin, a major water source for the South-to-North Water Diversion Project in China
Shulei Zhang, Dawen Yang & Xiangyu Xu
63-68 PDF Icon
Atmospheric correction of HJ1-A/B images and the effects on remote sensing monitoring of cyanobacteria bloom
Hongxu Ma, Shenglian Guo, Xingjun Hong & Yanlai Zhou
69-74 PDF Icon
Comparison of multiple models for estimating gross primary production using remote sensing data and fluxnet observations
Sisi Wang & Xingguo Mo
75-80 PDF Icon
Surface resistance calibration for a hydrological model using evapotranspiration retrieved from remote sensing data in Nahe catchment forest area
Weiwei Bie, Markus C. Casper, Philipp Reiter & Michael Vohland
81-88 PDF Icon
Evaluation of radar-based precipitation estimates for flash flood forecasting in the Three Gorges Region
Zhe Li, Dawen Yang, Yang Hong, Youcun Qi & Qing Cao
89-95 PDF Icon
Application of quantitative precipitation forecasting and precipitation ensemble prediction for hydrological forecasting
Peng Tao, Shen Tie-Yuan, Yin Zhi-Yuan & Wang Jun-Chao
96-101 PDF Icon
Influence of rainfall space-time variability over the Ouémé basin in Benin
T. Gascon, T. Vischel, T. Lebel, G. Quantin, T. Pellarin, V. Quatela, D. Leroux & S. Galle
102-107 PDF Icon
Study of a dynamic downscaling scheme for quantitative precipitation forecasting
Yuan Li, G.H. Lu, Z.Y. Wu & Jun Shi
108-113 PDF Icon
Analysis of precipitation cycles based on MEM in the Yellow River basin
Zhanjie Li, Tao Cheng, Hao Song, Zhanling Li & Jingshan Yu
114-119 PDF Icon
Temporal and spatial variations of precipitation in the Jinsha River basin during 1961–2010
Xiaofan Zeng, Na Zhao, Huaiwei Sun, Lei Ye & Jianqing Zhai
120-125 PDF Icon
Trends of surface humidity and temperature during 1951−2012 in Beijing, China
Qi Chu, Zongxue Xu, Dingzhi Peng, Xiaojing Yang & Gang Yang
126-131 PDF Icon
Satellite and gauge rainfall merging using geographically weighted regression
Qingfang Hu, Hanbo Yang, Xianmeng Meng, Yintang Wang & Pengxin Deng
132-137 PDF Icon
Spatial and temporal variations of precipitation in Haihe River basin in the recent 53 years
Bing Wang & Zhixia Xu
138-143 PDF Icon
Online watershed boundary delineation: sharing models through Spatial Data Infrastructures
H. Squividant, R. Béra, P. Aurousseau & C. Cudennec
144-149 PDF Icon
Study of Beijiang catchment flash-flood forecasting model
Yangbo Chen, Ji li, Shaokun Huang & Yi Dong
150-155 PDF Icon
Physically-based distributed modelling of river runoff under changing climate conditions
I. Krylenko, Yu. Motovilov, E. Antokhina, V. Zhuk & G. Surkova
156-161 PDF Icon
Optimal parameters of the SVM for temperature prediction
Xiaoyu Shi, Qiang Huang, Jianxia Chang, Yimin Wang, Jiangqun Lei & Jing Zhao
162-167 PDF Icon
Study of heterogeneous vertical hyporheic flux via streambed temperature at different depths
Jingsi Zhu, Longcang Shu, Chengpeng Lu, Junjiang Li, Shuai Chen, Shulei Li & Guan Wang
168-173 PDF Icon
Research experiment on infiltration and runoff in Jujube land of northern Shaanxi
Province Xiaoyu Song & Peng Bai
174-179 PDF Icon
Evaluation of the HYMOD model for rainfall–runoff simulation using the GLUE method
Zhongxian Quan, Jianbiao Teng, Wenchao Sun, Tao Cheng & Jie Zhang
180-185 PDF Icon
Urban flood simulation based on the SWMM model
Lei Jiang, Yangbo Chen & Huanyu Wang
186-191 PDF Icon
Flood forecasting model based on geographical information system
An Dong, Li Zhi-Jia, Wu Yong-Tuo, Yao Cheng & Du Yi-Heng
192-196 PDF Icon
An estimation method of the direct benefit of a waterlogging control project applicable to the changing environment
Liu Zengmei, Qin Guanghua & Chen Zishen
197-203 PDF Icon
Annual runoff prediction using a nearest-neighbour method based on cosine angle distance for similarity estimation
Guanghua Qin, Hongxia Li, Xin Wang, Qingyan He & Shenqi Li
204-208 PDF Icon
Application of the PRMS model in the Zhenjiangguan watershed in the Upper Minjiang River basin
Longzhang Fang, Chao Liu, Guanghua Qin, Bin Zhang & Tiegang Liu
209-214 PDF Icon
Simulation of soil moisture for typical plain region using the Variable Infiltration Capacity model
Zhiyong Wu, Yun Mao, Guihua Lu & Jianhua Zhang
215-220 PDF Icon
Simulating hydrological processes in a sub-basin of the Mekong using GBHM and RS data
Wei Wang, Hui Lu, Dawen Yang, Bin Gao, Yang Jiao & Zhiguo Pang
221-226 PDF Icon
Optimal application of conceptual rainfall–runoff hydrological models in the Jinshajiang River basin, China
Muhammad Tayyab, Jianzhong Zhou, Xiaofan Zeng, Lu Chen & Lei Ye
227-232 PDF Icon
Detecting runoff variation in Weihe River basin, China
Fan Jingjing, Huang Qiang, Cui Shen & Guo Aijun
233-238 PDF Icon
Improving evaluation of climate change impacts on the water cycle by remote sensing ET-retrieval
Sandra G. García Galiano, Patricia Olmos Giménez, José Ángel Martínez Pérez, Juan Diego Gi
239-244 PDF Icon
Spatial and temporal variations of winter discharge under climate change: Case study of rivers in European Russia
E.A. Telegina
245-250 PDF Icon
POME-copula for hydrological dependence analysis
Dengfeng Liu, Dong Wang, Lachun Wang, Yuanfang Chen, Xi Chen & Shenghua Gu
251-256 PDF Icon
An evaluation of the effect of future climate on runoff in the Dongjiang River basin, South China
Kairong Lin, Wenliang Zhai, Shuxian Huang & Zufa Liu
257-262 PDF Icon
Quantitative study of impacts of climate change and human activities on runoff in Beiluohe River basin
Aijun Guo, Qiang Huang & Yimin Wang
263-268 PDF Icon
Analysing the influence of human activity on runoff in the Weihe River basin
Cui Shen & Huang Qiang
269-274 PDF Icon
Effects of dams on river flow regime based on IHA/RVA
Qingting Zuo & Shikui Liang
275-280 PDF Icon
Calculation of design flood for regions with no data but influenced by warping dam projects
Qin Yi, Quan Qize, Li Ke & Li Xuechun
281-286 PDF Icon
Impact of global dimming on reference evapotranspiration in Hai River basin, China
Na Zhao, Xiaofan Zeng & Huaiwei Sun
287-292 PDF Icon
Response of hydrological processes to climate change in the middle reaches of the Yellow River, China
Xiaolei Yao, Xingqi Cui, Jingshan Yu & Wenchao Sun
293-298 PDF Icon
Monitoring temporal patterns of vertical hyporheic flux via distributed temperature sensors
Xiaoru Su, Longcang Shu, Wei Li, Chengpeng Lu, Jingsi Zhu, Guangdong Wu, Xi Wang & Guan Wa
299-304 PDF Icon
Effect of length of the observed dataset on the calibration of a distributed hydrological model
Xingqi Cui, Wenchao Sun, Jianbiao Teng, Hao Song & Xiaolei Yao
305-311 PDF Icon
Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of the Variable Infiltration Capacity model in the upstream of Heihe River basin
Rui He & Bo Pang
312-316 PDF Icon
Regionalization of coaxial correlation diagrams for the semi-humid and semi-arid catchments in Northern China
Qiaoling Li, Zhijia Li, Lizhe Chen & Cheng Yao
317-322 PDF Icon
Satellite data analysis for identification of groundwater salinization effects on coastal forest for monitoring purposes
M. Barbarella, M. De Giglio, L. Panciroli & N. Greggio
325-330 PDF Icon
Forecast of irrigation water demand considering multiple factors
Xuemei Wang, Xiaohui Lei, Xuning Guo, Jinjun You & Hao Wang
331-336 PDF Icon
Estimation of long-term nutrient loadings into a hyper-eutrophic artificial lake in a lowland catchment, western Japan
Yuta Shimizu, Shin-Ichi Onodera, Guangzhe Jin & Mitsuyo Saito
337-342 PDF Icon
Estimating water availability across the Upper Salween and Mekong river basins
Suxia Liu, Wenhao Ding, Changming Liu, Lifang Liu, Sagar Bajracharya, Arun Shrestha, Neera
343-349 PDF Icon
Yangbo Chen, C. Neale, I. Cluckie, Z. Su, J. Zhou, Q. Huang, Z. Xu
343-349 PDF Icon
Risk control of groundwater exploitation for Zhangye basin in the middle reaches of Heihe River basin, China
Xiang Guosheng, Qian Ju, Wang Shuixian, Liu Qin, Liu Fen & Wan Liu
350-355 PDF Icon
Development of Chengdu and sustainable utilization of the ancient Dujiangyan Water-Conservancy Project
Xiaorong Huang, Jinjun You, Pengpeng Yang & Xuerui Chai
356-360 PDF Icon
Studying groundwater and surface water interactions using airborne remote sensing in Heihe River basin, northwest China
Chuankun Liu, Jie Liu, Yue Hu & Chunmiao Zheng
361-365 PDF Icon
Study of an evaluation index system of well-off water conservancy in Yunnan Province
Chunxiao Chang, Zhonghui Wen, Longcang Shu, Chengpeng Lu, Shixiang Gu, Jianguang Su, Meng
366-372 PDF Icon
Analysis of shallow-groundwater dynamic responses to water supply change in the Haihe River plain
Zhou Lin, Wang Lin & Lin Pengfei
373-378 PDF Icon
Combining the trapezoidal relationship between land surface temperature and vegetation index with the Priestley-Taylor equation to estimate evapotranspiration
Xiaogang Wang, Wen Wang & Yanyang Jiang
379-384 PDF Icon
Spatial and temporal characteristics of water resources in Argun River basin based on multi-source data
Liu Hui, Baiyin Baoligao, Chen Xingru & Wang Xiuying
385-390 PDF Icon
Spatio-temporal variation of surface soil moisture over the Yellow River basin during 1961–2012
Rui Tong, Xiaoli Yang, Liliang Ren, Hongren Shen, Hongcui Shan, Hao Kong & Changqing Lin
391-395 PDF Icon
Regional drought assessment using a distributed hydrological model coupled with Standardized Runoff Index
Hongren Shen, Fei Yuan, Liliang Ren, Mingwei Ma, Hao Kong & Rui Tong
397-402 PDF Icon
Analysis of baseflow index based hydrological model in Upper Wei River basin on the Loess Plateau in China
Dengfeng Liu, Jianxia Chang, Fuqiang Tian, Qiang Huang & Xianmeng Meng
403-408 PDF Icon
Modified temperature index model for estimating the melt water discharge from debris- covered Lirung Glacier, Nepal
Achut Parajuli, Mohan B. Chand, Rijan B. Kayastha, Joseph M. Shea & Pradeep K. Mool
409-414 PDF Icon
Ecological restoration and effect investigation of a river wetland in a semi-arid region, China
Shiguo Xu, Xin Jiang, Yuyu Liu, Yanzhao Fu & Qian Zhao
417-423 PDF Icon
Impacts of lake water environmental condition on bioavailable-phosphorus of surface sediments in Lixia River basin, China
Ying Zhang, Ling Liu & Chengpeng Lu
424-429 PDF Icon
Hindcasting morphodynamic evolution with sand–mud interactions in the Yangtze Estuary
Hao Jie, Guo Leicheng, Mick Van Der Wegen & Dano Roelvink
430-435 PDF Icon
Eco-environmental quality evaluation of Huaibei Plain
Min Xu, Yonghua Zhu, Haishen Lü, Yuan Li, Xiaozhen Zhou & Yaning Chen
436-441 PDF Icon
Confined aquifer vulnerability induced by a pumping well in a leakage area
Xianmeng Meng, Bo Deng, Junyu Shao, Maosheng Yin, Dengfeng Liu & Qingfang Hu
442-447 PDF Icon
Temporal-spatial distribution of non-point source pollution in a drinking water source reservoir watershed based on SWAT
Min Wang, Wen Cheng, Bo-shi Yu & Yong Fang
448-453 PDF Icon
Effect of land use on the seasonal variation of streamwater quality in the Wei River basin, China
Songyan Yu, Zongxue Xu, Wei Wu & Depeng Zuo
454-459 PDF Icon
Water budget and its variation in Hutuo River basin predicted with the VIP ecohydrological model
Farong Huang & Xingguo Mo
460-465 PDF Icon
Experimental study on the spatial variation of hydrodynamic parameters for hillslope-gully side erosion system in loess landscapes
Xungui Li & Xia Wei
466-471 PDF Icon
Stochastic analysis of the hydraulic conductivity estimated for a heterogeneous aquifer via numerical modelling
Chengpeng Lu, Ying Zhang, Longcang Shu, Xunhong Chen, Shuai Chen, Shulei Li, Guan Wang & J
472-477 PDF Icon
A new empirical model for estimating the hydraulic conductivity of low permeability media
Shipeng Qi, Zhonghui Wen, Chengpeng Lu, Longcang Shu, Jianwei Shao, Yin Huang, Shuo Zhang
478-484 PDF Icon

Sediment Dynamics from the Summit to the Sea

Author / Editor: Y. Jun Xu, M.A. Allison, S.J. Bentley, A.L. Collins, W.D. Erskine, V. Golosov, A.J. Horowitz & M. Stone
Publication Number: 367
ISBN Number: 978-1-907161-45-2
Year: 2014
Pages: 470 + x

Price: £105.00

Sediment Dynamics from the Summit to the Sea 

Editor: Y. Jun Xu
Co-Editors: Mead A. Allison, Samuel J. Bentley, Adrian L. Collins, Wayne D. Erskine, Valentin Golosov, Arthur J. Horowitz & Mike Stone

The contributions selected for this volume from ICCE2014 present the latest progress on research covering topics from hillslope and channel erosion to riverine sediment transport, sediment-associated contamination and pollution, catchment and river basin sediment yield, integrated erosion-sediment modelling, and sediment dynamics in coastal systems.
The New Orleans symposium on Sediment Dynamics from the Summit to the Sea continued the successful, ongoing series of International Commission on Continental Erosion (ICCE) of IAHS symposia but was unique in being held on a large river delta; and highlighting the beneficial sides of erosion and sedimentation in connection with coastal and delta building processes.

Published online open access as PIAHS Vol. 367

Contents for Sediment Dynamics from the Summit to the Sea

Title Pages File
Preface of Volume 367
Y. Jun Xu, M.A. Allison, S.J. Bentley, A.L. Collins, W.D. Erskine, V. Golosov, A.J. Horowi
v PDF Icon
Downstream hydraulic geometry of alluvial rivers
P. Y. Julien
3-11 PDF Icon
Daily variability of suspended particulate concentrations and yields and their effect on river particulates chemistry
Michel Meybeck & Florentina Moatar
12-28 PDF Icon
Temporal and spatial responses of river discharge to tectonic and climatic perturbations: Choshui River, Taiwan, and Typhoon Mindulle (2004)
J. D. Milliman, T.Y Lee, J.C. Huang & S.J. Kao
29-40 PDF Icon
Simulation of rainfall effects on sediment transport on steep slopes in an Alpine catchment
A. Kaiser, F. Neugirg, M. Schindewolf, F. Haas & J. Schmidt
43-50 PDF Icon
Quantification, analysis and modelling of soil erosion on steep slopes using LiDAR and UAV photographs
F. Neugirg, A. Kaiser, J. Schmidt, M. Becht & F. Haas
51-58 PDF Icon
Estimates of slope erosion intensity utilizing terrestrial laser scanning
Bulat Usmanov, Oleg Yermolaev & Artur Gafurov
59-65 PDF Icon
An aerodynamic approach in soil hydraulic conductivity estimation for investigating soil erosion degree
Vasyukov Sergey & Sirotkin Vyacheslav
66-71 PDF Icon
Predicting ephemeral gully erosion with RUSLER and EphGEE
Seth M. Dabney, Dalmo A. N. Vieira & Daniel C. Yoder
72-79 PDF Icon
Distributed soil loss estimation system including ephemeral gully development and tillage erosion
Dalmo A. N. Vieira, Seth M. Dabney & Daniel C. Yoder
80-86 PDF Icon
Impact of precipitation and runoff on ephemeral gully development in cultivated croplands
Vladimir Karimov, Aleksey Sheshukov & Philip Barnes
87-92 PDF Icon
Predicting location and length of ephemeral gullies with a process-based Topographic Index model
Aleksey Y. Sheshukov
93-98 PDF Icon
Assessing the applicability of the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) to Irish catchments
A. Rymszewicz, E. Mockler, J. O’Sullivan, M. Bruen, J. Turner, E. Conroy, M. Kelly-Quinn,
99-106 PDF Icon
Channel morphodynamics on a small proglacial braid plain (Fagge River, Gepatschferner, Austria)
David Morche, Anne Schuchardt, Karolin Dubberke & Henning Baewert
109-116 PDF Icon
Erosion depth of sand from an immobile gravel bed
Roger Kuhnle, Daniel Wren & Eddy Langendoen
117-121 PDF Icon
Modelling streambank erosion potential using maximum entropy in a central Appalachian watershed
Jonathan Pitchford, Michael Strager, Adam Riley, Lianshin Lin & James Anderson
122-127 PDF Icon
Evaluating sediment transport capacity relationships for use in ephemeral gully erosion models
Eddy J. Langendoen, Robert R. Wells, Mick E. Ursic, Dalmo A. N. Vieira & Seth M. Dabney
128-133 PDF Icon
Wave-current induced erosion of cohesive riverbanks in northern Manitoba, Canada
Navid Kimiaghalam, Shawn Clark, Habib Ahmari & Joel Hunt
134-140 PDF Icon
Long-term flood controls on semi-arid river form: evidence from the Sabie and Olifants rivers, eastern South Africa
George Heritage, Stephen Tooth, Neil Entwistle & David Milan
141-146 PDF Icon
Vistula River bed erosion processes and their influence on Warsaw’s flood safety
Artur Magnuszewski & Sharon Moran
147-154 PDF Icon
The effect of coarse gravel on cohesive sediment entrapment in an annular flume
Ken Glasbergen, Mike Stone, Bommanna Krishnappan, Jamie Dixon & Uldis Silins
157-162 PDF Icon
Ratio of basin lag times for runoff and sediment yield processes recorded in various environments
Kazimierz Banasik & Agnieszka Hejduk
163-169 PDF Icon
Measurement of light attenuation extends the application of suspended sediment monitoring in rivers
A.O. Hughes, R.J. Davies-Colley & A.H. Elliott
170-176 PDF Icon
A micromechanical modelling approach for predicting particle dislodgement
WuRong Shih & Panayiotis Diplas
177-184 PDF Icon
Bedload flux in southern Brazilian basalt scarp
Gustavo Henrique Merten & Jean Paolo Gomes Minella
185-192 PDF Icon
Fitting sediment rating curves using regression analysis: a case study of Russian Arctic rivers
Nikita I. Tananaev
193-198 PDF Icon
Interactions between sediment delivery, river bed deposition and salmon spawning success
Ian Pattison, David A. Sear, Adrian L. Collins, J. Iwan Jones, Pamela S. Naden
199-206 PDF Icon
Simulation and control of morphological changes due to dam removal in the Sandy River, Oregon, USA
Yan Ding & Mustafa S. Altinakar
207-214 PDF Icon
Anastomosing reach control on hydraulics and sediment distribution on the Sabie River, South Africa
Neil Entwistle, George Heritage, Stephen Tooth & David Milan
215-219 PDF Icon
Combining caesium-137 measurements and suspended sediment load data to investigate the sediment response of a small catchment in southern Italy
Paolo Porto, Desmond E. Walling, Carmelo La Spada & Nicola Mallimo
220-227 PDF Icon
Using fallout radionuclides to investigate recent overbank sedimentation rates on river floodplains: an overview
Valentin Golosov & Desmond E. Walling
228-234 PDF Icon
Tracking the origin and dispersion of contaminated sediments transported by rivers draining the Fukushima radioactive contaminant plume
Hugo Lepage, Olivier Evrard, Yuichi Onda, Caroline Chartin, Irene Lefevre, Ayrault Sophie
237-243 PDF Icon
Heavy metal enrichment in the riparian sediments and soils of the Three Gorges Reservoir, China
Qiang Tang, Yuhai Bao, Xiubin He & Anbang Wen
244-250 PDF Icon
Annual layers in river-bed sediment of a stagnant river-mouth area of the Kitagawa Brook, Central Japan
Yoshimasa Kurashige, Toshiaki Nakano, Eri Kasubuchi, Masahiro Maruo & Hanako Domitsu
251-257 PDF Icon
Influence of land use on total suspended solid and dissolved ion concentrations: Baton Rouge, Louisiana area
Douglas Carlson
258-264 PDF Icon
Mutual relationships of suspended sediment, turbidity and visual clarity in New Zealand rivers
Deborah J. Ballantine, Andrew O. Hughes & Robert J. Davies-Colley
265-271 PDF Icon
A coupled modelling effort to study the fate of contaminated sediments downstream of the Coles Hill deposit, Virginia, USA
Celso F. Castro-Bolinaga, Edgardo R. Zavaleta & Panayiotis Diplas
272-280 PDF Icon
Do suspended sediment and bedload move progressively from the summit to the sea along Magela Creek, northern Australia?
Wayne D. Erskine, Michael J. Saynor, Kate Turner, Timothy Whiteside, James Boyden & Kennet
283-290 PDF Icon
Impact of earthquake-triggered landslides on catchment sediment yield
Matthias Vanmaercke, Florin Obreja & Jean Poesen
291-296 PDF Icon
Recent changes of suspended sediment yields in the Upper Yangtze River and its headwater tributaries
Xinbao Zhang, Qiang Tang, Yi Long, Xiubin He & Anbang Wen
297-303 PDF Icon
Spatial and temporal variability of suspended sediment yield in the Kamchatka Krai, Russian Federation
Liudmila Kuksina & Nikolay Alexeevsky
304-311 PDF Icon
A comparative study of the flux and fate of the Mississippi and Yangtze river sediments
Kehui Xu & S.L. Yang
312-319 PDF Icon
Sediment budget in the Ucayali River basin, an Andean tributary of the Amazon River
William Santini, Jean-Michel Martinez, Raul Espinoza-Villar, Gerard Cochonneau, Philippe V
320-325 PDF Icon
Suspended sediment yield mapping of Northern Eurasia
K.A. Maltsev, O.P. Yermolaev & V.V. Mozzherin
326-332 PDF Icon
Recent changes in sediment redistribution in the upper parts of the fluvial system of European Russia: regional aspects
O.P. Yermolaev, V.N. Golosov, M.V. Kumani, L. F. Litvin, I.I. Rysin & A.P. Dvinskikh
333-339 PDF Icon
Changing trends of rainfall and sediment fluxes in the Kinta River catchment, Malaysia
Wan Ruslan Ismail & Mohmadisa Hashim
340-346 PDF Icon
Erosion modelling towards, and sediment transport modelling in unnavigable watercourses in Flanders, Belgium
B. Ferket, M. Van de Broek, T. Van Hoestenberghe, J. Degerickx, R. De Sutter, G. Govers, N
349-356 PDF Icon
A combined model of sediment production, supply and transport
Masaharu Fujita, Kazuki Yamanoi & Hiroaki Izumiyama
357-365 PDF Icon
Simulation of hydrosedimentological impacts caused by climate change in the Apucaraninha River watershed, southern Brazil
Isabela Raquel Ramos Iensen, Gilson Bauer Schultz & Irani Dos Santos
366-373 PDF Icon
Investigating transport capacity equations in sediment yield modelling for the Cariri semi-arid region of Paraiba-PB/Brazil
Eduardo E. De Figueiredo, Caio César R. A. Souto & Zacarias Caetano Vieira
374-381 PDF Icon
The costs and efficacy of sediment mitigation measures for representative farm types across England and Wales
Adrian L. Collins, Yusheng Zhang & Pamela Naden
382-388 PDF Icon
Tidal modulated flow and sediment flux through Wax Lake Delta distributary channels: Implications for delta development
Kevin Hanegan & Ioannis Georgiou
391-398 PDF Icon
Effects of human alterations on the hydrodynamics and sediment transport in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California
Mathieu D. Marineau & Scott A. Wright
399-406 PDF Icon
Tapped lakes as sediment traps in an Arctic delta
Jesse Walker & Molly McGraw
407-412 PDF Icon
River, delta and coastal morphological response accounting for biological dynamics
Wendi Goldsmith, Dario Bernardi & Leonardo Schippa
413-420 PDF Icon
Sedimentary signature of Hurricane Isaac in a Taxodium swamp on the western margin of Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana, USA
Kam-biu Liu, Terrence A. McCloskey, Stacy Ortego & Kanchan Maiti
421-428 PDF Icon
Large freshwater and sediment impoundments between the Mississippi River and the Louisiana coastline
Glen R. Andersen, Brad Hall & E. Marco Aieta
429-434 PDF Icon
Effects of salinity and particle concentration on sediment hydrodynamics and critical bed-shear-stress for erosion of fine grained sediments used in wetland restoration projects
Malay Ghose-Hajra, Alex McCorquodale, Gregory Mattson, Donald Jerolleman & John Filostrat
435-446 PDF Icon
Sediment capture in flood plains of the Mississippi River: A case study in Cat Island National Wildlife Refuge, Louisiana
Matthew Smith & Samuel J. Bentley, Sr.
442-446 PDF Icon
Design of a semi-autonomous boat for measurements of coastal sedimentation and erosion
Daniel Smith, Linda Cross, Jared Rivet & Steven Hall
447-454 PDF Icon
Challenges of ecosystem restoration in Louisiana – availability of sediment and its management
Syed M. Khalil & Angelina M. Freeman
455-562 PDF Icon
Rethinking the Mississippi River diversion for effective capture of riverine sediments
Y. Jun Xu
463-470 PDF Icon
Page of 20
Special Publications (Blue Books)

Changes in Flood Risk

Author / Editor: Zbigniew W. Kundzewicz
Publication Number: SP10
ISBN Number: 978-1-907161-28-5
Year: 2012
Pages: 516

Price: £85.00

Floods are the most prevalent natural hazard in Europe. But, has flood risk increased in the continent? How, where, and why? Are climate change impacts apparent? How do socio-economic trends and associated land-use change impact flood risk? This interdisciplinary book, authored by an international team, offers: • A comprehensive overview of flood risk in Europe, past and present, and future • National/regional chapters covering Central Europe, Western Europe, Southern Europe and Northern Europe, the Alpine region and the Iberian Peninsula. • A focus on detection and attribution of change with respect to climate change and its impacts, water resources and flood risk, the re-insurer’s view point, and future projections of flood risk • Rectification of common-place judgements, e.g.: “climate is warming so floods should become more frequent and intense”; observations do not always confirm this expectation
Also available electronically - 

Leonardo Da Vinci's Water Theory: On the origin and fate of water

Author / Editor: Laurent. Pfister, Hubert H. G. Savenije & Fabrizio Fenicia
Publication Number: SP9
ISBN Number: 978-1-901502-34-3
Year: 2009
Pages: 92

Price: £25.00

Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519) was not only one of the greatest artists of his time, he was also a great engineer and scientist. A large part of his scientific work was dedicated to understanding the movement, circulation and physical characteristics of water in its different forms. This book aims to make Leonardo Da Vinci's contributions to the science of water accessible to a wider public and to compare his ideas with our present knowledge. Fascinating, revealing and inspiring, Leonardo Da Vinci's Water Theory opens up a new history to the study of water. Two hundred years before Newton, Perrault and Halley, Leonardo Da Vinci was doing hypothesis-driven science and describing and classifying hydrological processes. For example, he came close to the modern definition of the hydrological cycle, recognising that water passes through the major river systems countless times, summing up to volumes much greater than those contained in the world's oceans.

Contents for Leonardo Da Vinci's Water Theory: On the origin and fate of water

Title Pages File
Contents for SP9
Laurent Pfister & Hubert H. G. Savenije
v-vi PDF Icon
Foreword-Preface for SP9
Laurent Pfister & Hubert H. G. Savenije
vii-x PDF Icon

Climate and the Hydrological Cycle

Author / Editor: Marc Bierkens, Han Dolman & Peter Troch
Publication Number: SP8
ISBN Number: 978-1-901502-54-1
Year: 2008
Pages: 344

Price: £50.00

An in-depth overview of the role of the hydrological cycle within the climate system, including climate change impacts on hydrological reserves and fluxes, and the controls of terrestrial hydrology on regional and global climatology. This book, composed of self-contained chapters by specialists in hydrology and climate science, is intended to serve as a text for graduate and postgraduate courses in climate hydrology and hydroclimatology. It will also be of interest to scientists and engineers/practioners interested in the water cycle, weather prediction and climate change.

Contents for Climate and the Hydrological Cycle

Title Pages File
Climate and the Hydrological Cycle
Marc Bierkens, Han Dolman & Peter Troch, Editors
Contents - SP8
M. F. P. Bierkens, A. J. Dolman & P. A. Troch
iii-viii PDF Icon
Foreword for SP8
M. F. P. Bierkens, A. J. Dolman & P. A. Troch
x PDF Icon
Preface for SP8
M. F. P. Bierkens, A. J. Dolman & P. A. Troch
xi-xiii PDF Icon

HYDROLOGY: A question of balance

Author / Editor: J. V. Sutcliffe
Publication Number: SP7
ISBN Number: 978-1-901502-770
Year: 2004
Pages: 200

Price: £30.00

Hydrology: A Question of Balance is a unique hydrology text. It brings hydrological analysis to life by means of examples in which the author has been involved: numerous practical problems that had to be tackled (often despite limited data, resources and time) are described and the methods that were used to find a solution are explained. The application of a water balance is an essential component of solving these applied problems. John Sutcliffe offers the experience of a hydrologist with extraordinary practical expertise, assembled in areas with different climates, topographies, levels of development, and cultures. Projects in many countries, including Sudan, Iran, Senegal, Botswana, India, Sri Lanka, New Zealand, Bosnia, Poland and the UK, are detailed to illustrate how hydrologists can, and need to, use all the available information to understand the hydrological context of their studies. Practising hydrologists and engineers, as well as students, will learn from this volume which complements standard hydrology textbooks.



Contents for HYDROLOGY: A question of balance

Title Pages File
Hydrology : A Question of Balance
J.V. Sutcliffe
Contents - SP5
J. V. Sutcliffe
v-x PDF Icon
Foreword for SP7
J. V. Sutcliffe
xi-xiv PDF Icon
Preface for SP7
J. V. Sutcliffe
xv-xvi PDF Icon
Chapter 1: Need for Hydrological Information
J. V. Sutcliffe
1-6 PDF Icon
Chapter 2: Network Design and Appraisal
J. V. Sutcliffe
7-14 PDF Icon
Chapter 3: Rainfall
J. V. Sutcliffe
15-32 PDF Icon
Chapter 4: Evaporation and Transpiration
J. V. Sutcliffe
33-42 PDF Icon
Chapter 5: Soil Moisture Storage
J. V. Sutcliffe
43-54 PDF Icon
Chapter 6: Groundwater Recharge
J. V. Sutcliffe
55-74 PDF Icon
Chapter 7: River Flow
J. V. Sutcliffe
75-90 PDF Icon
Chapter 8: Water Balance
J. V. Sutcliffe
91-128 PDF Icon
Chapter 9: Surface Water Resource Assessment
J. V. Sutcliffe
129-146 PDF Icon
Chapter 10: Flood Estimation
J. V. Sutcliffe
147-166 PDF Icon
Chapter 11: Sedimentation and Environmental Issues
J. V. Sutcliffe
167-186 PDF Icon
Chapter 12: Postscript
J. V. Sutcliffe
187-188 PDF Icon
J. V. Sutcliffe
189-196 PDF Icon

The Ecohydrology of South American Rivers and Wetlands

Author / Editor: Michael E. McClain
Publication Number: SP6
ISBN Number: 978-1-901502-02-2
Year: 2002
Pages: 210

Price: £39.50

An overview of ecohydrological processes operating in South America’s most important aquatic systems. River reaches ranging from pristine to heavily impacted and processes operating in channels, wetlands, and riparian environments are considered. The Amazon, Orinoco, and Paraná, receive the greatest attention, but the condition of the Piracicaba (São Paulo) and the Paraíba do Sul (Rio de Janeiro) are also evaluated. There is an urgent need for action— many spectacular ecosystems remain to be preserved. The natural attenuation processes in these ecosystems stand to aid South America in achieving its goal for sustainable use of its resources Ecohydrological processes serve to regulate environmental conditions within aquatic systems, maintaining energy levels, water quantity and water quality, within ranges suitable to native flora and fauna. South America, the wettest and most ecologically diverse continent on Earth with an unrivalled waterscape of giant rivers and wetlands, has great opportunities to capitalize on the natural attenuation effects of ecohydrological processes. South Americans have greatly benefited from the resources derived from their rivers and wetlands, but these aquatic systems have not generally benefited from their association with humans. Dam building, dredging, and canalization are expanding across the continent, eliminating the natural flow regimes of many river reaches and draining wetlands. Much riparian vegetation lying along river margins has been removed. Disturbance of riparian zones has changed the rates of material exchanges from land to aquatic systems, generally increasing erosion and contaminant fluxes. Uncontrolled waste discharges have also degraded water quality in many urban rivers and wetlands, with consequent negative impacts on the health of many urban and downstream rural poor

Contents for The Ecohydrology of South American Rivers and Wetlands

Title Pages File
The Ecohydrology of South American Rivers and Wetlands
Michael McClain, Editor
Michael E. McClain
Processing of Bioactive Elements in the Amazon River System
Emilio Mayorga & Anthony Aufdenkampe
Organic Matter Size Dynamics in the Amazon River
Stephane Mounier, Marc Benedetti, Jean Yves Benaïm & Jacques Boulegue
Nitrogen Dynamics on the Amazon Flood Plain in Relation to the Flood Pulse of the Solimoes River
Jurgen Kern, Heidi Kreibich & Assad Darwich
Total Mercury Distribution and Importance of the Biomagnification Process in Rivers of the Bolivian Amazon
Laurence Maurice-Bourgoin & Irma Quiroga
Hydro-ecoregions of the Bolivian Amazon: a Geographical Framework for the Functioning of River Ecosystems
Jean-Gabriel Wasson, Soraya Barrera, Benedicte Barrere, David Binet, David Collomb, Ismael
Ecohydrology of Riparian Forests in the Orinoco River Basin
Judith Rosales, Conrad Vispo, Nelda Dezzeo, Ligia Blanco-Belmonte, Claudia Knab-Vispo, Nir
Benthic Macroinvertebrates and Physical Habitat Relationships in the Parana River Flood-plain System
Mercedes Marchese, Ines Ezcurra de Drago & Edmundo C. Drago
Hydrological Controls of Ecological Structure and Function in the Pantanal Wetland (Brazil)
Stephen K. Hamilton
Hydrology and Water Quality in the Piracicaba River Basin, Sao Paulo State, Brazil
Luiz A. Martinelli, Reynaldo L. Victoria, Epaminondas S. Ferraz, Plinio B. Camargo, Marcel
The Ecohydrology of the Paraiba do Sul River, Southeast Brazil
Carlos Eduardo Veiga de Carvalho & Joao Paulo Machado Torres
The Application of Ecohydrological Principles for Better Water Resources Management in South America
Michael E. McClain

The Hydrology of the Nile

Author / Editor: J. V. Sutcliffe & Y. P. Parks
Publication Number: SP5
ISBN Number: 978-1-901502-75-6
Year: 1999
Pages: 180

Price: £15.00

This book presents an account of the hydrology of the whole Nile basin, dealing with each tributary in turn but drawing attention to links between reaches. The Nile is shown to be a set of very different tributaries which came together by geological accident. Nevertheless, evidence from one part of the basin often throws light on a different area. Recent changes are discussed, in particular the dramatic change of regime of Lake Victoria and other lakes which occurred after 1961. The relationship between hydrology and vegetation affects the important wetlands of the White Nile basin, and discussion of this relationship includes the effect of increased lake outflows. The authors draw on the extensive records collected throughout the basin to paint a detailed hydrological picture of the regime of the Nile. The book is illustrated by over 100 diagrams and photographs, and its scope is indicated by the list of contents overleaf. J. V. Sutcliffe has worked on all the major Nile tributaries over a period of 50 years and has been the author of many papers and reports on the different hydrological problems. Y. P. Parks has worked on hydrological models of the Sudd and on water resources problems of several Nile tributaries

Contents for The Hydrology of the Nile

Title Pages File
The Hydrology of the Nile
J. V. Sutcliffe & Y. P. Parks
Preface for SP5
J. V. Sutcliffe & Y. P. Parks
i-vi PDF Icon
Contents for SP5
J. V. Sutcliffe & Y. P. Parks
vii-xi PDF Icon
Chapter 1: An Outline of the Nile Basin
J. V. Sutcliffe & Y. P. Parks
1-7 PDF Icon
Chapter 2: Early studies and flow measurement.
J. V. Sutcliffe & Y. P. Parks
8-17 PDF Icon
Chapter 3: The Lake Victoria Basin.
J. V. Sutcliffe & Y. P. Parks
18-36 PDF Icon
Chapter 4: The East African Lakes below Lake Victoria.
J. V. Sutcliffe & Y. P. Parks
37-56 PDF Icon
Chapter 5: The Bahr el Jebel and the Sudd.
J. V. Sutcliffe & Y. P. Parks
57-87 PDF Icon
Chapter 6: The Bahr el Ghazal Basin.
J. V. Sutcliffe & Y. P. Parks
88-102 PDF Icon
Chapter 7: The Sobat basin and the Machar Marshes.
J. V. Sutcliffe & Y. P. Parks
103-118 PDF Icon
Chapter 8: The White Nile below Malakal.
J. V. Sutcliffe & Y. P. Parks
119-126 PDF Icon
Chapter 9: The Blue Nile and its tributaries.
J. V. Sutcliffe & Y. P. Parks
127-141 PDF Icon
Chapter 10: The Atbara and main Nile and Wadi Halfa.
J. V. Sutcliffe & Y. P. Parks
142-150 PDF Icon
Chapter 11: The main Nile in Egypt.
J. V. Sutcliffe & Y. P. Parks
151-160 PDF Icon
Chapter 12: The Nile and hydrological aspects of water use.
J. V. Sutcliffe & Y. P. Parks
161-174 PDF Icon
J. V. Sutcliffe & Y. P. Parks
175-179 PDF Icon

The Use of Suspended Sediment and Associated Trace Elements in Water Quality Studies

Author / Editor: Arthur J. Horowitz
Publication Number: SP4
ISBN Number: 978-0-947571-79-5
Year: 1995
Pages: 58

Price: £14.50

Suspended sediment plays a key role in the biological and geochemical cycling of trace elements in aquatic systems. As such, suspended sediment can be and is used in a variety of environ­mental and water quality studies. Anyone attempting to design a study involving the collection, processing and subsequent analysis of suspended sediment must develop a clear understanding of the problems associated with using this sample medium. Of particular concern are the short- and long-term spatial and temporal variations in the distribution and concentration of suspend­ed sediment and associated trace elements that commonly occur in fluvial systems.

Since 1987, the U.S. Geological Survey’s Office of Water Quality has sponsored a number of studies designed specifically to address many of the problems associated with using suspended sedi­ment in water quality programmes. The results of these studies are summarized in this IAHS Special Publication.

Contents for The Use of Suspended Sediment and Associated Trace Elements in Water Quality Studies

Title Pages File
The Use of Suspended Sediment and Associated Trace Elements in Water Quality Studies
Arthur J. Horowitz

Coupling Large-Scale Hydrological and Atmospheric Models

Author / Editor: G. A. Schultz, M. Hornbogen, P. Viterbo & J. Noilhan
Publication Number: SP3
ISBN Number: 978-0-947571-24-8
Year: 1995
Pages: 96

Price: £17.00

 Coupling Large-Scale Hydrological and Atmospheric Models

Contents for Coupling Large-Scale Hydrological and Atmospheric Models

Title Pages File
Coupling Large-Scale Hydrological and Atmospheric Models
G. A. Schultz, M. Hornbogen, P. Viterbo & J. Noilhan

A Methodology for the Assessment of Surface Resistance and Soil Water Storage Variability at Mesoscale Based on Remote Sensing Measurements: A Case Study with HAPEX-EFEDA Data

Author / Editor: W. G. M. Bastiaanssen, D. H. Hoekman & R. A. Roebeling
Publication Number: SP2
ISBN Number: 978-0-947571-93-0
Year: 1994
Pages: 66

Price: £13.00

 A Methodology for the Assessment of Surface Resistance and Soil Water Storage Variability at Mesoscale Based on Remote Sensing Measurements: A Case Study with HAPEX-EFEDA Data

Contents for A Methodology for the Assessment of Surface Resistance and Soil Water Storage Variability at Mesoscale Based on Remote Sensing Measurements: A Case Study with HAPEX-EFEDA Data

Title Pages File
Hydrological Phenomena in Geosphere-Biosphere Interactions
Malin Falkenmark
A Methodology for the Assessment of Surface Resistance and Soil Water Storage Variability at Mesoscale Based on Remote Sensing Measurements: A Case Study with HAPEX-EFEDA Data
W. G. M. Bastiaanssen, D. H. Hoekman & R. A. Roebeling

Hydrological Phenomena in Geosphere - Biosphere Interactions Outlooks to Past, Present and Future

Author / Editor: Mälin Falkenmark
Publication Number: SP1
ISBN Number: 978-0-947571-76-0
Year: 1989
Pages: 86 + x pages

Price: £15.00

Hydrological Phenomena in Geosphere - Biosphere Interactions Outlooks to Past, Present and Future
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