Exciting Recognition for IAHS President, Berit Arheimer: Doctor Ad Honorem

We are delighted to announce that on 31 January, the University of Córdoba's Claustro approved the prestigious acknowledgement of Berit Arheimer as honorary Doctor. Berit was nominated by Prof. María José Polo Gómez, IAHS International Commission of Remote Sensing President-Elect. This well-deserved recognition celebrates Berit's outstanding contributions to hydrological sciences, and we are incredibly proud of this achievement.

To mark the occasion, a public ceremony will take place in Córdoba on 25 March at 6:00pm (CET) to formally award Berit with this distinguished honour. We understand that this announcement comes with short notice; however, if any IAHS members are willing and able to attend, University of Córdoba would be delighted for you to join. Please let us know if you are able to participate.

Additionally, a seminar titled 'Extremes in Hydrology and Social Awareness' will be held the following day on 26 March between 10:00am-2:00pm CET. This event will feature insights on recent extreme events in Spain presented by Félix Francés from Valencia. Attendance is free, and both in-person (at the University of Córdoba) and online participation options are available. For further details and to register for the seminar, please visit the link below: Register Here



10:00 Welcome coffee
10:30 Introduction (online meeting starts)
10:45 “The flooding of southern Valencia in October 2024: lessons learned and recommendations for the future” Félix Francés, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
11:30 “Current needs for an efficient communication to society: some examples” María J. Polo, Universidad de Córdoba
12:15 “Hydrologists helping society to prepare for floods and droughts - examples from Sweden and the IAHS community” Berit Arheimer, SMHI, President of IAHS
13:00 Conclusions and future steps.

We hope many of you can join in celebrating Berit's remarkable achievement and participating in this insightful seminar.

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