Final Call: Abstracts for the IUGG 2023 General Assembly in Berlin
The 28th IUGG General Assembly will be held July 11-20, 2023 at the CityCube in Berlin, Germany. This is a special opportunity for participants from around the world to come together and share their science and culture. Join us for a host of scientific activities, including special public lectures, keynote Union lectures and a wide variety of themed sessions.
The IAHS-led programme will be over the first half of the Assembly ie 12-16 July 2023.
Abstract submission and online registration are now open on the website:
Abstracts must be submitted by 14 February 2023: click here
Registration: click here
Submission of a travel grant application: click here
Details of the IAHS symposia:
IAHS standalone symposia: click here
Inter-Association symposia led by IAHS: click here
and several other symposia led by sister associations with an IAHS involvement and hydrological perspective: click here