IAHS advances in digital acceleration
IAHS now offers a new tool for sharing scientific research across the world – the Digital Water Globe (DWG). This online application is a spinning globe that links to a zoomable map of the world, tagged with site-specific scientific case-studies (i.e. permanent digital poster exhibition linked to the IAHS website). Filtering is possible through key-words and the first version is filled with examples of case-studies from each continent, provided by the DWG Task Force, the Panta Rhei working group and some Bureau members.
The tool is now open for everybody and all IAHS members can ask for a log-in to contribute with content, such as case-studies, personal profiles, references to IAHS publications and links to data storage. Everything is tagged to key-words to be searchable and findable by anyone.
This new platform offers a quick global overview of on-going scientific activities and achievements in the hydrological community at different sites across the world. It provides an opportunity for outreach and sharing among scientists of new results that are not published yet, or to promote existing publications of thrilling results to be cited. It will also serve citizens, as the filtering function can highlight scientific messages and provide facts in the public debate.
The prototype was shown at the IAHS Scientific Assembly in Montpellier, France in 2022 and now the tool is operational in time for the 28th IUGG General Assembly next week in Berlin, Germany. Enjoy!
Share your hydrological science easily and find relevant studies here: https://dwg.smhi.se/dwg