Panta Rhei at EGU 2017
Dear IAHS members, 
The deadline for EGU 2017 abstract submissions is 11 Jan 2017, and many sessions are being organized through the Panta Rhei IAHS decade. We hope you will consider submitting your abstract to one of these sessions: we have an overarching Panta Rhei session “HS1.2 Hydrology, society and environmental change” and 6 sessions organized by our working groups. Brief introductions to all the sessions are given below.
We also provide an early announcement of the 2nd “Panta Rhei Day” workshop on 23 April at TU Vienna (the Sunday just prior to EGU). This workshop will contain a mix of invited talks and interactive activities, following the format of last year’s successful workshop. Please put it in your diaries, further information to follow.
See you at EGU!
Hilary McMillan, Panta Rhei Chair 2015-2017
Panta Rhei Sessions at EGU
Panta Rhei at AGU 2016 Fall Meeting

The deadline for EGU 2017 abstract submissions is 11 Jan 2017, and many sessions are being organized through the Panta Rhei IAHS decade. We hope you will consider submitting your abstract to one of these sessions: we have an overarching Panta Rhei session “HS1.2 Hydrology, society and environmental change” and 6 sessions organized by our working groups. Brief introductions to all the sessions are given below.
We also provide an early announcement of the 2nd “Panta Rhei Day” workshop on 23 April at TU Vienna (the Sunday just prior to EGU). This workshop will contain a mix of invited talks and interactive activities, following the format of last year’s successful workshop. Please put it in your diaries, further information to follow.
See you at EGU!
Hilary McMillan, Panta Rhei Chair 2015-2017
Panta Rhei Sessions at EGU
Panta Rhei at AGU 2016 Fall Meeting