Register now for the IUGG 2023 General Assembly in Berlin
The 28th IUGG General Assembly will be held July 11-20, 2023 at the CityCube in Berlin, Germany. This is a special opportunity for participants from around the world to come together and share their science and culture. Join us for a host of scientific activities, including special public lectures, keynote Union lectures and a wide variety of themed sessions.
Abstract submission, online registration and submission of travel grant applications are now open on the website.
The IAHS-led programme will be over the first half of the Assembly ie 12-16 July 2023. Details of the IAHS symposia can be found here:
IAHS standalone symposia
Inter-Association symposia led by IAHS.
This event is eligible for IAHS SYSTA travel award support. The closing date for SYSTA applications for upcoming IUGG 2023 General Assembly is 12 noon (GMT) on 6 December 2022.