Save the date: IAHS 2025 Scientific Assembly

The XIIth Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS 2025) will take place in Roorkee, India from 5 to 10 October 2025.

This important biennial event will provide an opportunity to communicate, exchange and project on all major topics in the hydrological sciences within the framework of sessions organized by all IAHS Commissions and Working Groups as well as the new HELPING Science for Solutions Decade.

This event will use a new forum program, to encourage scientific outlook and interactions between participants. Everyone will get an opportunity to speak in a Forum for the plenum. In addition, there will be fewer but more engaging presentations for the broad community of hydrological sciences, without any parallel sessions.

Key Innovations:

  • Plenary Sessions Only – Please note that these are not invited talks. Plenary oral will be selected among the submitted abstracts only presenting challenging research. No parallel sessions ensure full audience engagement and better visibility of speakers.
  • Guaranteed Oral Slot – All participants will present their work in the plenary, either through a 15-minute plenary oral presentation or a 1-minute forum oral.
  • Visibility for Young Hydrologists – Early career scientists will have a secured platform for visibility.
  • Poster with Video Interview – Participants opting for forum contributions will have their research showcased both in-person and via video interviews, shared on the IAHS YouTube channel.

Pre-conference events and training will be highlighted on the website when available.

It is jointly organized by the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, in coordination with the National Institute of Hydrology Roorkee, Irrigation Research Institute Roorkee and CBRI–Central Building Research Institute (CBRI) Roorkee.

More information will follow soon.

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