UNESCO event - Science for a water secure world in a changing environment

A contribution to United Nations Water Conference 2023

Within the framework of the 25th Ordinary session of the Intergovernmental Council of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme (IHP),  IAHS will contribute to the scientific side event “Science for a Water Secure World in a Changing Environment - A contribution to Water Conference 2023”, scheduled to take place on 25 April 2022, in hybrid mode in Paris and online. 

The recently released Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report (2022) highlighted that increases in frequency and intensity of extremes have reduced food and water security, hindering efforts to meet SDGs. Furthermore, the IPCC report also emphasized that risks in physical water availability and water-related hazards will continue to increase, with greater risk at higher global warming levels. The report also expressed high confidence that the projected changes in the water cycle, water quality, cryosphere changes, and increases in droughts and floods will negatively impact natural and human systems.

IHP’s 9th phase (2022-2029) Science for a Water Secure World in a changing Environment seeks to ensure that “By 2029, the Member States have the knowledge, sound scientific and research capacity, new and improved technologies, and the management skills that allow them to secure water resources for human development and healthy of ecosystems within a sustainable development context.” 

The proposed scientific side event is organized to discuss and shape the science contribution to IHP-IX (2022-2029) “Science for a Water Secure World in a Changing Environment” as well as to feed into the scientific research agenda for the Water Conference 2023. The side event will build further on the achievements of the recent 9th World Water Forum (March 2022) and the Dakar Declaration, that urges the need for a ‘Blue Deal’ for water security and sanitation for peace and development, through enhanced international cooperation towards solving the water resources challenges under a changing climate. 

The event is structured around three panels on:

-     Science Policy
-     Water Education and Capacity Development
-     Scientific Research and Innovation 

The event is hybrid (online and physical speakers) and is open to all.

To participate either physically or virtually, please register.

IAHS will be represented by Berit Arheimer (IAHS President ), Christophe Cudennec (IAHS Secretary General ) and Nilay Dogulu (IAHS Chair Early Career Committee).

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