UNESCO International Symposium on Scientific, Technological and Policy Innovations for Improved Water Quality Monitoring
UNESCO International Symposium on Scientific, Technological and Policy Innovations for Improved Water Quality Monitoring
to be held in Kyoto-Otsu, Japan, from 15-17 July 2015.
The meeting focuses on three main objectives:
1. Facilitating scientific discussion, knowledge exchange and collaboration among experts and stakeholders.
2. Establishing a state-of-the-art of scientific research, methodologies, tools, technologies, and policy approaches on water quality and wastewater monitoring.
3. Collecting practical cases of this stocktaking on water quality monitoring as a demonstration of the implementation of these tools and approaches.
Contribution proposals may be submitted until 10-12 June for good contributions.
More information about the meeting in English and French are available on the UNESCO website:
and is directly accessible from the UNESCO webpage on “Water Security”