Exciting Recognition for IAHS President, Berit Arheimer: Doctor Ad Honorem

We are delighted to announce that on 31 January, the University of Córdoba's Claustro approved the prestigious acknowledgement of Berit Arheimer as honorary Doctor. Berit was nominated by Prof. María José Polo Gómez, IAHS International Commission of Remote Sensing President-Elect. This well-deserved recognition celebrates Berit's outstanding contributions to hydrological sciences, and we are incredibly proud of this achievement.

To mark the occasion, a public ceremony will take place in Córdoba on 25 March at 6:00pm (CET) to formally award Berit with this distinguished honour. We understand that this announcement comes with short notice; however, if any IAHS members are willing and able to attend, University of Córdoba would be delighted for you to join. Please let us know if you are able to participate.

Additionally, a seminar titled 'Extremes in Hydrology and Social Awareness' will be held the following day on 26 March between 10:00am-2:00pm CET. This event will feature insights on recent extreme events in Spain presented by Félix Francés from Valencia. Attendance is free, and both in-person (at the University of Córdoba) and online participation options are available. For further details and to register for the seminar, please visit the link below: Register Here



10:00 Welcome coffee
10:30 Introduction (online meeting starts)
10:45 “The flooding of southern Valencia in October 2024: lessons learned and recommendations for the future” Félix Francés, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
11:30 “Current needs for an efficient communication to society: some examples” María J. Polo, Universidad de Córdoba
12:15 “Hydrologists helping society to prepare for floods and droughts - examples from Sweden and the IAHS community” Berit Arheimer, SMHI, President of IAHS
13:00 Conclusions and future steps.

We hope many of you can join in celebrating Berit's remarkable achievement and participating in this insightful seminar.

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✅ A global network of passionate hydrologists & researchers
✅ The latest research and special issues
✅ Highlights from top articles and emerging trends
✅ Opportunities for collaboration and calls for papers
✅ Insights from the global hydrology community.

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Are you passionate about hydrology and water science? Stay updated with the latest research, events, and discussions by following the IAHS on LinkedIn!

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Have you submitted a SYSTA application for ISHC2025 in Tokyo, Japan?

Submit your ISHC2025 SYSTA application before the Friday 28 Feb 9:00GMT deadline! It is so easy to apply; simply submit your application via the Google Form or go to our IAHS News for more details.

Deadline for SYSTA applications: The ISHC in Tokyo is Friday 28 Feb 2025 at 09:00 GMT.

Ensuring that all applications are received & processed correctly is our priority. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Resubmit your SYSTA application if you have not received an acknowledgement

Have You Submitted a SYSTA Application?

We realise that there has been an issue with our email this month. If you have already completed and submitted a SYSTA application for ISHC in Tokyo, Japan or the IAHS Scientific Assembly in Roorkee, India but have not received a response from IAHS within the past two weeks, we kindly ask you to resubmit your application via the following Google Form:

Submit your SYSTA application here.

Deadline for SYSTA applications for the Scientific Assembly is Friday 21 February 2025 at 09:00 GMT and for ISHC the deadline is 28 February 2025 at 09:00 GMT

Ensuring that all applications are received and processed correctly is our priority. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Thank you for your cooperation!

HSJ on LinkedIn

We're excited to announce the launch of the official Hydrological Sciences Journal (HSJ) page on LinkedIn! This page will serve as a dynamic platform to share the latest research, updates and insights from the world of hydrological sciences.

Follow us to stay connected with cutting-edge developments, engage with a global community of experts, and join the conversation shaping the future of hydrology.

IAHS Community News

Across our Committees, Working Groups, International Commissions and Initiatives, exciting research and developments are shaping the future of hydrological sciences.

In this issue, we spotlight studies, highlight key achievements, and share upcoming events that bring our global community together. Whether you’re leading a project, contributing to a working group, or simply keen to stay informed, this newsletter is your go-to source for the latest updates. 


Event Name


Sergey Chalov 
President Elect ICCE
Anatolii Tsyplenkov
Remote Sensing Applications in River Sediment Research organised by International Commission on Continental Erosion (ICCE)  18-21 February 2025
Salvatore Manfreda
HS1.2.1 – Innovative Technologies and Approaches in Hydrological Monitoring. This session is co-sponsored by MOXXI, the Working Group on novel observational methods of the IAHS 27 April–2 May 2025
EGU 2025, Vienna, Austria
Moctar Dembélé
ECC Rep to ICSW and Chair ECC
ITS3.5/HS12.2 - Co-creation in Hydrology and Water Resources Management. This session is co-organised by the HELPING Working Group on Co-Creation of Water Knowledge of the IAHS 27 April–2 May 2025
EGU 2025, Vienna, Austria 
Günter Blöschl
Chair UPH
Summer School - Runoff Predictions in Ungauged Basins (PUB) 30 June 2025
TU Wien, Vienna, Austria
Heidi Kreibich
President ICHWF
2nd International Sociohydrology Conference 19-21 July 2025
University of Tokyo, Japan
Bertil Nlend

Vice-Chair Africa Regional Committee and ECC Rep to ICWQ

International Workshop on Leveraging Technology and Societal Innovation in Urban Water Management 31 July-1 August 2025
Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung, Munich


And in other news:

Stay engaged, get involved, and help us amplify the impact of hydrology worldwide!



Abstract Submission Reminder for International Sociohydrology Conference July 2025

The 2nd International Sociohydrology Conference, co-organised by the IAHS Human-Water Feedbacks Commission, will be held from 19-21 July 2025, in Tokyo, marking its first appearance in Asia.

Important Dates

  • Abstract Submission Deadline: 28 February 2025 at 09:00 GMT
  • SYSTA Application Submission Deadline: 28 February 2025 at 09:00 GMT
  • Registration Deadline: 30 April 2025. 

SYSTA travel awards are available to eligible early career scientists who meet ALL of the SYSTA Award criteria. Applicants should email the completed application form and a copy of their published paper and conference abstract to IAHS Secretariat before the deadline of 28 February 2025 at 09:00 GMT. Before submitting their application form, applicants should read the “Guidance on completing the SYSTA application form” document. Applications and published paper must be in English. All eligible applications will be evaluated by the SYSTA committee after the deadline to decide on the awards.

The latest news from HSJ Digest

This first HSJ Digest of 2025 brings you all the articles published in recent issues of Hydrological Sciences Journal, including several Open Access and ‘Featured’ articles. We announce the winner of the 2024 Frances Watkins Memorial Award, and highlight news from our publisher, Taylor & Francis. We announce the launch of the official Hydrological Sciences Journal (HSJ) page on LinkedIn! Find out too about current Calls for Papers and, in our regular profile of key HSJ people, meet Co-editor Konstantinos Soulis.

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