Open Call for Next Biennium Chair of IAHS HELPING Decade

Take the lead for the next biennium of the IAHS Science for Solutions Decade dedicated to water solutions in the Anthropocene.


The third IAHS Scientific Decade, HELPING  (Hydrology Engaging Local People IN one Global world) was launched in 2023 with the first biennium chaired by IAHS President Berit Arheimer. This decade is a bottom-up process empowered by local hydrologists and scientists using open science and local data/methods when solving local water problems.

The first biennium has already achieved a great deal with the formation of 29 Working Groups with over 1000 members and the publication of the visionary community paper in the Hydrological Sciences Journal.

HELPING underpins solutions for the water crisis, leaving no catchment or hydrologist behind, in search for scientific evidence to:

  • Accelerate the understanding of the linkages between hydrological processes at local and global scales and their interaction with water resources.
  • Engage with local scientists and societies to learn from local experience, differences in hydrological processes and change around the world, and transfer solutions globally.
  • Synthesising hydrological understanding across the globe and underpin the management of current crises by finding holistic solutions to mitigate future crises.


Continuing in the same format as previous IAHS Scientific Decades the Chair serves for two years. IAHS is therefore now looking for a talented leader who is familiar to IAHS and willing to serve as Chair of the second biennium.

The Chair is responsible for:

  • Promoting the IAHS HELPING Decade
  • Coordinating the activities of the Working Groups via the three Theme leaders
  • Leading, initiating and synthesising the publication of community papers from the Decade
  • Reporting annually on the HELPING process to the IAHS Bureau

The applicants should have documented leadership experience and be active in water solutions research in line with the HELPING vision and working groups. Such research could for instance be encompassing interaction between local and global hydrological change, or developing holistic solutions for water security, or elaborating and applying co-creation processes.

To be considered please send an email to [email protected] by 8 November 2024 with the following attachments:

  • cover letter no longer than one page outlining your relevant experience and aspirations for HELPING
  • a resumé of CV no longer than two pages.

If you have any questions, please contact the IAHS secretariat. Looking forward to receiving many engaged and highly qualified applications!




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