HELPING Themes and Working Groups

HELPING Themes and Working Groups

Science for water solutions decade: HELPING – Hydrology Engaging Local People IN one Global world. The overarching goal is understanding hydrological diversity and integrating knowledge across scales and regions for sustainable water management under challenges of the water crisis. The Working Groups have been built by the community by submitting proposals. The list of suggested Working Groups, under each Theme, follows below along with their related proposal documents, first Working Group meeting presentations from November 2023, and the name and email of each Working Group leader. The Working Groups began in November 2023 and may run and evolve for the duration of the decade, or shorter periods. If you cannot access the online Google form, or need any further assistance, please contact the IAHS office on [email protected] for more assistance.

Theme 1: HELPING with global and local interactions (Lead by Justin Sheffield, University of Southampton, England)

Research Goals

Outcome / Product Goals

Community Goals

Understanding local hydrological processes Case-studies populating the Digital Water Globe platform Meta-analysis (synthesis) for joint global description of diversity
Understanding differences and similarities between regions Large-sample datasets; Tools for monitoring or assessments Collaboration between people at similar conditions worldwide
Understanding global-local interactions Methods to link global estimates with local conditions Recognition when implementing general policy at local level


Theme 1: Working Groups


Working Groups in global and local interactions

Proposal & Sign up


Group leader


1.1 REHYDRATE - REtrieve historical HYDRologic dATa & Estimates View the proposal & sign up here Presentation

Miriam Bertola
Paola Mazzoglio 

1.2 Decomposing Complexity View the proposal & sign up here Presentation Ankit Agarwal 
1.3 Irrigation quantification & management & its effect on water cycle View the proposal & sign up here Presentation Chiara Corbari
1.4 Urban Water - Urbanization phenomenon & adequate water management View the proposal & sign up here Presentation Bertil Nlend 
1.5 From local to large scale human-water dynamics View the proposal & sign up here Presentation Mohammad Ghoreishi 
1.6 Comparative understanding of runoff generation processes View the proposal & sign up here Presentation Fuqiang Tian 
1.7 Water for biodiversity in a changing world View the proposal & sign up here Presentation Claudia Teutschbein
1.8 Understanding drivers & feedbacks of soil moisture variability View the proposal & sign up here Presentation Justin Sheffield
1.9 Deep Explanation & Evaluation for Practices in Hydrological Changes (DEEPHY) View the proposal & sign up here Presentation Suxia Liu 
1.10 Effective Aquifer Governance for Agriculture View the proposal & sign up here Presentation Maria Elena Orduna Alegria
1.11 Hydrologic Design - Solutions & Communication View the proposal & sign up here Presentation Svenja Fischer 
1.12 Water Quality Under Global Changes View the proposal & sign up here Presentation Albert Nkwasa 
1.13 Development & application of river basin simulators View the proposal & sign up here Presentation

Jun Xia

1.14 Ensuring evidence-based findings View the proposal & sign up here Presentation Benjamin Dekongmen
1.15 Droughts in Mountain Regions View the proposal & sign up here Presentation Francesco Avanzi
Marit van Tiel

To suggest a Working Group for Theme 1 to support the HELPING goal(s), please complete this form as soon as possible. If you are experiencing any problems with this form, please contact us at [email protected].


Theme 2: HELPING with holistic solutions for water security (Lead by Ana Mijic of Imperial College, London)

Research Goals

Outcome / Product Goals

Community Goals

Understanding potential and challenges with mitigation methods (for floods, droughts, water quality/pollution) Catalogue of solutions and potential effects; Tools for evaluations Empowered hydrologists in water security
Understanding sectorial nexus of problems/solutions Guidelines for assessments of solutions, which effects several sectors Participation in trans-disciplinary analysis and applied research
Nature-based solutions for achieving water security Catalogue of NBS; Guidelines; Synthesis Foster sustainability and green societal transition


Theme 2: Working Groups


Working Groups for holistic solutions for water security

Proposal & Sign up


Group leader


2.1 Central Asian Water Resources & Climate Change: hydrology as a key for better adaptation to climate change View the proposal & sign up here Presentation to follow Abror Gafurov
2.2 Drought in the Anthropocene View the proposal & sign up here Presentation Marthe Wens
2.3 Participatory Water Systems View the proposal & sign up here Presentation Santosh Palmate
2.4 Near-term (annual to decadal) forecasts of water availability View the proposal & sign up here Presentation Kristian Förster
2.5 Acceptance of Nature-based solutions & their implementation in guidelines View the proposal & sign up here Presentation Junguo Liu
Nejc Bezak
2.6 The Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem (WEFE) nexus: pathways to resilience View the proposal & sign up here Presentation Claudia Teutschbein
Shiv Nishad
David Finger
2.7 Water systems analysis for integrated planning & management View the proposal & sign up here Presentation Ana Mijic
2.8 Stepwise ecological restoration of watersheds View the proposal & sign up here Presentation Junguo Liu
2.9 WATER & HEALTH - Integrated water pollution solutions to tackle the water & health nexus View the proposal & sign up here Presentation

Stefan Krause


To suggest a Working Group for Theme 2 to support the HELPING goal(s), please complete this form as soon as possible. If you are experiencing any problems with this form, please contact us at [email protected].


Theme 3: HELPING with Cross-Cutting Goals (Lead by Adeyemi Olusola of York University, Canada)

Research Goals

Outcome / Product Goals

Community Goals

Integrating new technologies with existing

New data sources in open data repositories

Facilitate evaluation/application of current concepts and study new hypothesis
Co-creating hydrological knowledge between people & between disciplines

Catalogue of local associations, Methods and training in co-creation activities, Database of good examples merging practical/indigenous knowledge with evidence-based science

Engage with local people globally, Enhance science communication, inclusiveness, and applications of citizen science, Foster transdisciplinary research


Theme 3: Working Groups


Working Groups for Cross-Cutting Goals

Proposal & Sign up


Group leader


3.1 Strategic UN-Collaboration Group (SCG-Hydro) View the proposal & sign up here Presentation Mojtaba Shafiei
3.2 Outreach, Communication & Science Interfaces View the proposal & sign up here


Christina Orieschnig
3.3 Co-Creating Water Knowledge View the proposal & sign up here Presentation Giulio Castelli
Natalie Ceperley
Wouter Buytaert
3.4 HELPING with Human-Water Systems Science View the proposal & sign up here Presentation to follow Cyndi Castro
3.5 Decolonisation and Hydrology View the proposal & sign up here Presentation Kwok Chun

To suggest a Working Group for Theme 3 to support the HELPING goal(s), please complete this form as soon as possible. If you are experiencing any problems with this form, please contact us at [email protected].

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