Co-Creating Water Knowledge

Details of the Working Group

Co-Creating Water Knowledge(CCWK): Lead by Giulio Castelli, Natalie Ceperley and Wouter Buytaert 

The group will contribute to the goal by synthesizing the available experiences of participatory water management and governance and participatory research in water sciences to develop a comprehensive state of the art, identify research gaps and implement suitable training activities within IAHS. For information: [email protected]; [email protected]

View the proposal and sign up here and view the Presentation from the November 2023 webinar.

Objectives of the group

The objectives of the group were initially proposed by the Leads and then advanced in two participatory meetings between November 2023 and January 2024.

Short term: (1) Increase awareness in the hydrological community of the value of multiple and diverse water knowledges for sustainable development in a changing world. (2) Establish a multi- and transdisciplinary network of academics from the social and natural sciences arts, and humanities, social actors, and citizens to develop co-creation approaches to water management and knowledge.

Long Term: (1) Develop a shared vision and strategy for valuing multiple and diverse water knowledges within IAHS. (2) Identify and foster co-produced research and development initiatives that: i. bridge social and natural science and generate power-sensitive accounts of the production and distribution of hydrological risk; ii. recognises and leverages diverse grassroot knowledge on water management at multiple scales; iii. accounts for the aspirations and desired futures of actors who most directly experience and suffer from hydrological risk. (3) Develop a database of good practices of collaboration and co-creation of knowledge, both from existing research and new experiences within the WG.

Ultimate: (1) Develop a platform within IAHS dedicated to co-creating water knowledge by drawing on different ways of knowing without establishing a hierarchy between them and recognising their values and richness for addressing present and future water-related challenges and fostering just and sustainable futures.


Working group meeting at EGU 2024 

The working group met in person at the EGU 2024 conference on 16 April 2024. The main activities of the group were presented and discussed, and a participatory methodology was put in place to advance the writing of the first CCWK perspective paper on co-creation.

Conference participation 
Joint conference 9th IWRM, 14th STAHY, 1st EBHE, Florianópolis, Brazil, 2024: Ocampo-Melgar et al., Forthcoming, Co-creation as a lever of science for solutions in hydrology and water resources management: a community perspective. 

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