UrbanRain15, 1-5 December in Pontresina, Switzerland

10th International Workshop on Precipitation in Urban Areas


Extreme weather, and especially heavy rain, has a major impact on urban populations and landscapes. Urban flooding and the damage to infrastructure and society are problems in both developing and developed countries. Key challenges in urbanized areas are to provide good quality detailed weather forecasts, to accurately measure high resolution space-time precipitation fields, to be able to predict impacts on urban systems and their vulnerability, evaluate flood risk and potential practical counter-measures. Similar challenges apply to the effects of rainfall in natural landscapes, the triggering of landslides, debris flows, and other natural hazards. Climate change provides an additional uncertainty to deal with when analyzing potential impacts of heavy rainfall in the future.

Abstract submission deadline is now 15 May 2015.
Sport Hotel, Pontresina, Switzerland, 1-5 December 2015.

Website: http://www.ifu.ethz.ch/urbanrain

Joint EGU Topical & IAHS STAHY Conference, 18-20 November 2015 in Addis Ababa.

JOINT EGU Topical and IAHS STAHY Conference
Water-Food-Energy River and Society in the Tropics

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 18 – 20 November 2015

The conference brings together three important scientific meetings for the water science community at the international level: the Alexander von Humboldt Conference of the European Geosciences Union, the STAHY workshop of the International Commission on Statistical Hydrology of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (ICSH-IAHS) and the Leonardo Conference of the Hydrological Sciences Division of the European Geosciences Union.

The associated GIFT workshop (Geosciences Information for Teachers) will bring together 50 high school teachers from Ethiopia and neighbouring countries.

For more information visit the conference website

Third Space for Hydrology Workshop

Third Space for Hydrology Workshop

"Surface Water Storage and Runoff: Modelling, In-Situ data and Remote Sensing"
15-17 September 2015
ESA-ESRIN, Frascati (Rome), Italy


Workshop information

The deadline for abstract submission is until 15 May 2015.

IUGG 2015 Scientific Programme

IUGG 2015 Scientific Programme 

The Draft Scientific Programme is now available to view on the IUGG 2015 website showing the schedule and location of each session.

The IUGG 2015 conference will be held in Prague, Czech Republic from 22 June to 2 July 2015 with the IAHS Symposia and Workshops occurring during the first week (Tuesday 23 to Sunday 28 June).

You can also quickly access the deadline timings and information on IAHS sessions in our 'at a glance' and ‘Symposia and Workshops’ pdf files on the IUGG2015 page of the IAHS website.

We look forward to seeing you in Prague.

IAHS co-convenes sessions on Freshwater at the International Scientific Conference - Our common future under climate change, 7-10 July 2015, Paris, France

IAHS co-convenes sessions on Freshwater at the International Scientific Conference “Our common future under climate change”, 7-10 July 2015, Paris, France, the largest scientific event ahead of the UNFCCC COP21 negotiations to be held in December 2015.


Climate change and freshwater – 1: State of knowledge / 2: Shaping the future

Convening partners: IAHS-UNESCO-WMO-French research coordination Allenvi

The freshwater cycle, including groundwater, is embedded in the climatic system. The freshwater cycle is also a strong structural and functional driver linking processes, locations, scales, uses and hazards, and socio-institutional entities and dynamics. The freshwater cycle also provides a key interface between the atmosphere, the geosphere, the biosphere and the anthroposphere; and between the basic needs, especially for water, food, energy and health. Although the fundamental physics behind climate processes is rather straightforward, the impact of climate change on local water resources is difficult to quantify with limited uncertainty (IPCC 2014).

Two sessions will address these issues across the first days of the conference, with a conceptual progression from actual knowledge towards approaches to shape the future.

Contributions submissions by 2nd March at www.commonfuture-paris2015.org

IUGG 2015 Abstract DEADLINE extended to Sunday 8th February

Due to the increased interest in the abstract submission for the 26th IUGG General Assembly in the last few days the Local Organizing Committee decided to extend the Abstract Submission Deadline until February 8, 2015. If you have not yet submitted your abstract, do not miss your chance to be part of the Scientific Programme.

When 22 June - 2 July 2015
Where Prague Congress Centre, Prague, Czech Republic
Website www.iugg2015prague.com

New Abstract submission deadline JH3, HW01-HW18 8 February 2015
You can review these 'at a glance' in our pdf file or you can easily print the full description of each session from our sessions list.



The dynamic assessment and monitoring of available water resources and seasonal predictions are a basis for the sustainable management and use of water resources. To this effect, an International Conference on Water Resources Assessment and Seasonal Prediction is being organized in Koblenz, Germany from 13 to 16 October 2015.

The conference is being organized by the German Federal Institute of Hydrology and the German IHP/HWRP Secretariat and co-sponsored presently by WMO, UNESCO, GEOSS and IAHS.

The first information note and call for papers has been published on: www.worldwaterbalance.org
The organizers can be contacted under: [email protected]

IUGG Fellows Announcement

On 10th January 2015 IUGG announced the list of Elected and Conferred Fellows to be presented at XXVI IUGG General Assembly on 1 July 2015 in Prague, Czech Republic.

With specific relevance to IAHS we congratulate:  A. Askew (Switzerland/Australia), H. Colenbrander (The Netherlands), J. C. Rodda (UK), K. Takeuchi (Japan), G. Young (Canada).

IUGG Fellows Announcement

Abstract Submission Dates for IUGG General Assembly

Abstract Deadline for the XXVI IUGG General Assembly

The Local Organizing Committee and the Scientific Program Committee of the XXVI IUGG General Assembly announced the following abstract submissions dates:
- 15 January 2015, due date for the abstract submission in case of an application for a travel grant award; and
- 31 January, due date for the abstract submission.

Other important dates to be marked in your calendar:
- 31 March, due date for the notification of paper acceptance and successful grant application;
- 10 April, early bird registration deadline.

Please read carefully the abstract submission guidelines before submitting your abstract at: http://www.iugg2015prague.com/abstract-submission-guidelines.htm. All presenters are limited to two oral presentations, except for the invited Union Plenary Lecturers, who may present two oral presentations in addition to their Union lectures.

For all abstract submission and registration details, and the scientific program outline, go to: http://www.iugg2015prague.com.

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