Contents for Hamburg Symposium, 1983, Dissolved Loads of Rivers and Surface Water Quantity/Quality Relationships
Title | Pages | File |
Hamburg Symposium, 1983, Dissolved Loads of Rivers and Surface Water Quantity/Quality Relationships B.W. Webb, Editor | |   |
Preface of Volume 141 Webb, B.W. & Gras, R.A. | vii |  |
Preface du volume 141 Webb, B.W. & Gras, R.A. | |  |
The disolved loads of rivers : a global overview (review paper) Walling, D.E. & Webb, B.W. | 3 |  |
Variation in solute concentration within the River Almond and its effect on the estimated load Al-Jabbari, M.H., Al-Ansari, N.A. & McManus, J. | 21 |  |
Physiogenic and anthropogenic controls of global and regional ionic runoff Aurada, K.D. | 31 |  |
Solute yield from a glacierized high mountain basin Collins, D.N. | 41 |  |
Evolution de la concentration en matieres dissoutes en Afrique. Deux exemples opposes : les fleuves du Togo et la Medjerdah en Tunisie Colombani, J. | 51 |  |
Trend analysis of water quality in the Sabarmati River at Ahmedabad for a decade (1968-1978) Datta, P.S. | 71 |  |
Dissolved loads in streams and rivers - discharge and seasonally related variations Davis, J.S. & Keller, H.M. | 79 |  |
Multivariate analysis of quality parameters to determine the chemical transport of rivers Feher, J. | 91 |  |
The mechanisms of dissolved solids transport in flysch drainage basins Froehlich, W. | 99 |  |
Analyse statistique des relations liant les parametres de qualite de l'eau et le debit du Rhin en huit stations de 1959 a 1974 Sabaton, C. | 109 |  |
Runoff processes and dissolved substances during flood events in small differentially used drainage areas Schulte-Wulwer-Leidig, A. & Mollenhauer, K. | 121 |  |
A regional analysis of water quality in major streams of the United States Stele, T.D. | 131 |  |
Factors controlling the chemical composition of river waters in India Subramanian, V. | 145 |  |
Stream solute behavior in the River Exe basin, Devon, UK Webb, B.W. & Walling, D.E. | 153 |  |
Atmospheric inputs and river transport of dissolved substances (review paper) Meybeck, M. | 173 |  |
Weathering reactions, water chemistry and denudation rates in drainage basins of different bedrock types : I - sandstone and shale Afifi, A.A. & Bricker, O.P. | 193 |  |
Denudation of the Piceance Creek basin, Colorado Andrews, E.D. | 205 |  |
Nutrient and sediment budgets for the tidal Potomac River and Estuary Bennett, J.P. | 217 |  |
The chemical mass balance of a small basin in the wet monsoonal environment and the effect of fast-growing plantation forest Bruijnzeel, L.A. | 229 |  |
Biogeochemical controls on river water quality in a forested drainage basin, Warwickshire, UK Foster, I.D.L., Carter, A.D. & Grieve, I.C. | 241 |  |
Dissolved and particulate load in Danish water courses Hasholt, B. | 255 |  |
Mesures d'erosion chimique dans le massif des Maures : l'exemple du bassin versant du Rimbaud (Var, France) Martin, C. | 265 |  |
Budget of water and its constituents for Lake Taupo (New Zealand) Schouten, C.J. | 277 |  |
Stream solute sources and variations in a temperate granite drainage basin Williams, A.G., Ternan, J.L. & Kent, M. | 299 |  |
The effects of hydraulic projects and theirn management on water quality (review paper) Gras, R., Albignat, J.P. & Gosse, P. | 313 |  |
Methodologies de quantification des flux de nutriments en riviere Balland, P. | 333 |  |
Dissolved and suspended loads of the regulated River Nidda in the Rhine-Main area Brinkmann, W.L.F. | 347 |  |
Simulation numerique de l'influence des pratiques culturales dans un bassin versant sur la qualite des eaux a son exutoire Caussade, B. & Prat, M. | 359 |  |
The role of detention basins for stormwater quality control Ferrara, R.A. | 371 |  |
Nitrate load/discharge relationships and nitrate load trends in Danish rivers Hagebro, C., Bang, S. & Somer, E. | 377 |  |
Principles underlying the development of water quality monitoring systems in Hungary Kovacs, G. & Pinter, G. | 387 |  |
Real time water quality forecasting models based on the water quantity/quality relationship Marivoet, J.L. | 395 |  |
Heavy metal content in sediments of lakes in southern Bavaria as a sign of a long-term environmental impact Michler, G. | 405 |  |
The influence of catastrophic floods on water quality asecorded in the sediments of Blagdon Lake, England Smith, J.P., Bradley, S.B., Macklin, M.G. & Cox, J.J. | 421 |  |
Comparison of water quality in drainage basins under agricultural and forest land use Sussmann, W. | 431 |  |