Sediment and Stream Water Quality in a Changing Environment: Trends and Explanation Author / Editor: N. E. Peters & D. E. Walling Publication Number: 203 ISBN Number: 0-947571-08-6 Year: 1991 Pages: 374 Price: £10.00 Vienna Symposium, 1991, Sediment and Stream Water Quality in a Changing Environment: Trends and Explanation Contents for Sediment and Stream Water Quality in a Changing Environment: Trends and Explanation Title | Pages | File | Vienna Symposium, 1991, Sediment and Stream Water Quality in a Changing Environment : Trends and Explanation N. E. Peters D. E. Walling, Editors | |   | Preface Peters, N. E., Walling, D. E. | v-vi |  | Climatic and glaciological influences on suspended sediment transport from an alpine glacier Collins, D. N. | 3-12 |  | Disentangling land use effects on sediment yield from year to year climatic variability Ferguson, R. I., Grieve, I. C., Harrison, D. J. | 13-20 |  | Sediment production from unmetalled road surfaces Froehlich, W. | 21-29 |  | Long-term patterns of sediment transport after timber harvest, western Cascade Mountains, Oregon, USA Grant, G. E., Wolff, A. L. | 31-40 |  | Stop sediment on the watershed, not in the stream Heede, B. H. | 41-45 |  | The impact of environmental change and conservation measures on erosion and sediment loads in the Yellow River basin Jinze, M. | 47-52 |  | Suspended sediments in streamwater—indicators of erosion and bed load transport in mountainous basins Keller, H. M., Weibel, P. | 53-61 |  | Short-term sediment budget for a small drainage basin in a mountainous abandoned farming area Llorens, P., Gallart, F. | 63-71 |  | Assessing the impact of land use change on stream sediment transport in a variable environment Olive, L. J., Rieger, W. A., | 73-81 |  | Influence of land use change on discharge and sediment transport of floods Overland, H., Kleeberg, H. B. | 83-92 |  | Changing patterns of erosion in a peri-urban catchment, Maseru, Lesotho Rowntree, K. M., Ntsaba, M. M., Weaver, A. V. B. | 93-102 |  | The diversity of sediment yield from abandoned fields of the central Spanish Pyrenees Ruiz-Flano, P., Lasanta-Martinez, T., Garcia-Ruiz, J. M., Otrigosa-Izquierdo, L. M. | 103-110 |  | Analysis of channel instability due to catchment land-use change Thorne, C. R. | 111-122 |  | Recent rates of soil loss from areas of arable cultivation in the UK Walling, D. E., Quine, T. A. | 123-131 |  | Some characteristics of sediment transport in the Lower Yellow River Qinghua, Z., Wenhao, Z. | 133-142 |  | Long-term sedimentation effects of different patterns of timber harvesting Ziemer, R. R., Lewis, J., Lisle, T. E., Rice, R. M. | 143-150 |  | Effects of land use (ski-resort vs. traditional grazing) on stream water quality of two Pyrenean basins Alvera, B., Barrio, G. D., Puigdefabregas, J., Diez, J. C. | 153-160 |  | Stream surveys—the importance of the relation between habitat quality and biological condition Barbour, M. T. | 161-168 |  | Recent trends in NO3-N concentration and loads in British rivers Betton, C., Webb, B. W., Walling, D. E. | 169-180 |  | A protocol for using surface-floating pupal exuviae of Chironomidae for rapid bioassessment of changing water quality Ferrington Jr, L. C., Blackwood, M. A., Wright, C. A., Crisp, N. H., Kavanaugh, J. L., Sch | 181-190 |  | River salination due to dryland agriculture in the Western Cape Province, Republic of South Africa Flugel, W. A. | 191-200 |  | Dissolved organic carbon trends in small streams, land use effects and models of temporal variation Grieve, I. C. | 201-208 |  | Predicting the effect of land use on stream water quality in the UK Heathwaite, A. L., Burt, T. P. | 209-218 |  | An investigation of the hydrological response to informal settlements on small catchments in South Africa Kelbe, B. E., Bodenstein, B., Mulder, G. J. | 219-227 |  | Effects of pasture runoff on water chemistry, Buffalo National River, USA Mott, D. N., Steele, K. F. | 229-238 |  | Human impact on the water quality in a small research basin in Germany Rieg, A., Demuth, S., Leibundgut, C. | 239-248 |  | The leaching of agrochemicals under different agricultural land uses and its effect on water quality Rose, S. C., Harris, G. L., Armstrong, A. C., Williams, J. R., Howse, K. R., Tranter, N. | 249-257 |  | Hydrology and water chemistry changes after harvesting small, indigenous forest catchments, Westland, New Zealand Rowe, L. K., Fahey, B. D. | 259-266 |  | Estimation of dissolved pollutant transport to rivers from urban areas: a modelling approach Schumann, A. H., Koncsos, L., Schultz, G. A. | 267-276 |  | The biological assessment of toxic metal impacts on receiving water quality, UK Shutes, R. B. E., Ellis, J. B., Revitt, D. M., Bascombe, A. D. | 277-284 |  | Effects of season and silvicultural practices on the chemistry of first-order streams in the Ozark National Forest, Arkansas, USA Steele, K. F., Lybrand, M. S., Wheeler, G. L., Lawson, E. R., Waide, J. B. | 285-292 |  | Temporal and spatial patterns in trace-metal concentrations of a mountain stream in west–central Colorado, USA Steele, T. D., Weaver, R. M., Mott, D. E. | 293-302 |  | Design and application of a sediment and contaminant transport modelling system Bathurst, J. C., Purnama, A. | 305-313 |  | Exchange of heavy metals between sediment and water in the Wloclawek Reservoir on the Vistula River Dojlido, J. R., Taboryska, B. | 315-320 |  | Lake sediments: a surrogate measure of sediment associated heavy metal transport in fluvial systems? Foster, I. D. L., Charlesworth, S. M., Dearing, J. A., Keen, D. H., Dalgleish, H. | 321-328 |  | Influence of erosion on the transport of suspended sediment and phosphorus Hasholt, B. | 329-338 |  | The use of sediment-trace element geochemical models for the identification of local fluvial baseline concentrations Horowitz, A. J., Elrick, K. A., Demas, C. R., Demcheck, D. K. | 339-348 |  | Water quality trends in the Windrush catchment: nitrogen speciation and sediment interactions Johnes, P. J., Burt, T. P. | 349-357 |  | Transport of particulate nutrients and pollutants in the low land River Spree Kozerski, H. P., Kohler, J., Schellenberger, G. | 359-366 |  | Heavy metals in the water and sediments of Guan-Ting Reservoir Xian-Chen, S., Miao-Song, Y., Hui-Hua, F. | 367-374 |  |
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