Title | Pages | File |
Foz do Iguacu Symposium, 2005, Sediment Budgets 1 Des E. Walling Arthur J. Horowitz, Editors | |   |
Preface D. E. Walling and A. J. Horowitz | v-viii |  |
The sediment budgets of cultivated slopes and slope catchments: an evaluation of the influence of slope morphology V. Golosov and L. Litvin | 3-10 |  |
Human-accelerated soil redistribution within an intensively cultivated dry valley catchment in southern European Russia V.R. Belyaev, V.N. Golosov, N.N. Ivanova, M.V.Markelov, E.V. Tishkina | 11-20 |  |
Etude du ruissellement et du transport solide dans les Monts de Beni-Chougrane, Algerie: utilisation de la simulation de pluie M. Meddi, Y. Boukhari, B. Morsli | 21-28 |  |
Sediment production by landslides in Hong Kong: two case studies M. R. Peart, J. P. King M. E. Ruse | 29-36 |  |
Post-eruption sediment budget of a small catchment on the Miyakejima volcano, Japan Satoshi Tagata, Takao Yamakoshi, Yasuhiro Doi, Katsuo Sasahara, Haruo Nishimoto Hiroshi N | 37-45 |  |
The organic carbon dynamics of a small catchment in the humid tropics J. R. Ndam-Ngoupayou, J. L. Boeglin, J. L. Probst, J. J. Braun, M. Meybeck G. Nkoue Ndond | 46-53 |  |
Contributions of authigenic iron compounds to fluvial suspended sediment concentrations and fluxes in the Nete sub-basin, Belgium Elin Vanlierde, Jan De Schutter, Joris F. A. Meys, Frank Mostaert Patric Jacobs | 54-63 |  |
A comparison of erosion rates obtained using the 137Cs technique and direct measurements on runoff plots Vladia Correchel, Osny Oliveira Santos Bacchi, Isabella Clerici De Maria, Sonia Carmella F | 64-69 |  |
The pattern of soil redistribution along a transect in the central Ebro basin (NE Spain) Ana Navas, Desmond E. Walling, Timothy A. Quine, Javier Machin Jesus Soto | 70-77 |  |
Interpreting 137Cs depth profiles with no single peak in lake deposits in China Xinbao Zhang, Xiubin He Yongqing Qi | 78-84 |  |
Riverbank erosion and its importance to uncertainties in large-scale sediment budgets Ronald De Rose, David J. Wilson, Rebecca Bartley Scott Wilkinson | 85-92 |  |
Identification of sediment sources in a small grazed Sahelian catchment, Burkina Faso Harouna Karambiri Olivier Ribolzi | 93-101 |  |
Using environmental radionuclides to elucidate sediment sources within a small drainage basin in the Polish Flysch Carpathians Wojciech Froehlich Des E. Walling | 102-112 |  |
Investigating sediment sources within a small catchment in southern Italy Paolo Porto, Des E. Walling Giovanni Callegari | 113-122 |  |
Suspended sediment sources in British rivers D. E. Walling A. L. Collins | 123-133 |  |
Fluvial contribution to the sediment budget of the Tay Estuary, Scotland Pierre A. Jenkins, Robert W. Duck John S. Rowan | 134-140 |  |
Impacts of wildfire on effective sediment particle size: implications for post-fire sediment budgets William H. Blake, Ian G. Droppo, Peter J. Wallbrink, Stefan H. Doerr, Richard A. Shakesby | 143-150 |  |
Estimation of the concentration of suspended solids in rivers from turbidity measurement: error assessment Edmilson Costa Teixeira Paulo Cezar Caliari | 151-160 |  |
Transport des matieres en suspension au Cameroun dans un contexte hydroclimatique deficitaire Gaston Lienou, Gil Mahe, Eric Servat, Rodrigue Tegofack, Joseph Sahagu, Jacob Nwalal, Issa | 161-171 |  |
Investigations of the sediment budget of a reach of the Yellow River in the Loess Plateau Jueyi Sui, Peter Jackson Daxian Fang | 172-181 |  |
The relationship between suspended and bed load transport in river channels Zygmunt Babinski | 182-188 |  |
Bankfull and bed load effective discharge in a steep boulder-bed channel L. Mao, F. Comiti, A. Andreoli, M. A. Lenzi G. R. Scussel | 189-195 |  |
Bed load transport described by a one-dimensional gamma functions model Geraldo Wilson Junior | 196-205 |  |
Investigating sediment cascades using field measurements and spatial modelling Michael Becht, Florian Haas, Tobias Heckmann Volker Wichmann | 206-213 |  |
The effect of rainfall intensity on sediment transport in a scoria-rich river on Miyakejima Island, Japan Yasuhiro Doi, Katsuo Sasahara, Takao Yamakoshi Haruo Nishimoto | 214-221 |  |
A new series of sediment collectors for developing bed load sediment budgets and restoring streams David A. Braatz Randall L. Tucker | 222-226 |  |
Hydrological and instrumentation aspects of monitoring and analysing suspended sediment transport crossing international borders G. Schindl, M. Studnicka, A. Eckelhart W. Summer | 227-240 |  |
A suspended sediment budget for the Liu River basin Haoming Fan Qiangguo Cai | 243-249 |  |
Variations spatio-temporelles du bilan sedimentaire dans le bassin Amazonien Bresilien, a partir d'un echantillonnage decadaire Alain Laraque, Naziano Filizola Jean Loup Guyot | 250-258 |  |
Storage of fine-grained sediment and associated contaminants within the channels of lowland permeable catchments in the UK Adrian L. Collins, Desmond E. Walling Graham J. L. Leeks | 259-268 |  |
The use of high-resolution field laser scanning for mapping surface topography in fluvial systems George Heritage David Hetherington | 269-277 |  |
Daily fine sediment dynamics on an active Alpine glacier outwash plain David Hetherington, George Heritage David Milan | 278-284 |  |
Sediment deposition in riparian ecosystems evaluated by different methods Gerd Sparovek, Osny Oliveira Santos Bacchi, Miguel Cooper, Joseline Filippe, Vladia Correc | 285-293 |  |
Sedimentation rates in the Corumbatai River basin, Brazil, derived from 210Pb measurements Daniel Marcos Bonotto, Kelly Yaeko Miyashiro De Almeida Sammy Sampaio Sieber | 294-302 |  |
Sediment accumulation determined with 210Pb geochronology for Strickland River flood plains, Papua New Guinea Rolf Aalto William Dietrich | 303-309 |  |
The role of flood plains in the hydrology and sediment dynamics of the Amazon River, Brazil Laurence Maurice-Bourgoin, Jean-Michel Martinez, Julien Grelaud, Naziano Filizola Geraldo | 310-319 |  |
The sediment budgets of hill reservoirs in small catchments in North Africa and the Middle East Jean Albergel, Jean Collinet, Yannick Pepin, Patrick Zante, Slah Nasri, Mohamed Boufaroua, | 323-331 |  |
Erosion of deposits from the pyroclastic flow that occurred on Mt Merapi, Indonesia in July 1998 Katsuo Sasahara, Masanori Kaneko, Masanobu Takeuchi, Noriyuki Minami Subarkah | 332-338 |  |
Sediment yield scale dependency in the River Eden basin, northwest England James Bathurst, Paul Quinn, Jeremie Gravier, Jenny Orange, Pascal Vivier Silke Vogel | 339-346 |  |
Regime et bilan du flux sedimentaire de l'Amazone a Obidos (Para, Bresil) de 1995 a 2003 Jean Loup Guyot, Naziano Filizola Alain Laraque | 347-354 |  |
Suspended sediment fluxes in the large river basins of Brazil Jorge Enoch Furquim Werneck Lima, Walszon Terllizzie Araujo Lopes, Newton de Oliveira Carv | 355-363 |  |