Hydrological Sciences Journal (HSJ)

Hydrological Sciences Journal (HSJ) is the official Journal of the IAHS and provides a forum for original papers and for the exchange of information and views on significant developments in hydrology worldwide. It is published by Taylor & Francis and available online and in print format. The scope of the journal includes:

    • the hydrological cycle
    • surface water, groundwater, snow and ice, in all their physical, chemical and biological processes, their interrelationships, and their relationships to geographical factors, atmospheric processes and climate, and Earth processes including erosion and sedimentation
    • hydrological extremes and their impact
    • measurement, mathematical representation and computational aspects of hydrological processes
    • hydrological aspects of the use and management of water resources and their change under the influence of human activity
    • water resources systems, including the planning, engineering, management and economic aspects of applied hydrology.


The editors welcome original articles, scientific notes, opinion papers, technical notes and discussions. All papers submitted to HSJ are considered for peer review. More information is available here. Submissions should be made online via ScholarOne Manuscripts. New users should first create an account. Submissions should be made via the Author Centre. Authors are advised to follow the 'Instructions for authors' before submitting a manuscript.

Featured Articles

The co-editors of Hydrological Science Journal generally select one paper per issue to highlight as a Featured Article to be available on a free-to-view basis for a limited period.


The co-editors aim to select the most innovative papers with exciting science. Prizes are awarded annually for contributors to the HSJ. Detailed information can be found here.

HSJ Digest

The HSJ Digest is our bi-monthly synopsis of the latest news from Hydrological Sciences Journal. Find links to all the articles published in the latest issues of the Journal, together with the Editors’ choice of featured articles and various other news and noteworthy items.


Online access to papers in the two most recent volumes of HSJ is by library/personal subscription; all earlier volumes are available open access. The latest articles including accepted author versions are published online prior to being assigned to an issue and may be cited using the DOI. 

HSJ: Q1 CiteScore Best Quartile; 6.6 CiteScore (Scopus); 2.8 IF; 3.9 5-year IF (2023 Journal Citation Reports).


As the official Journal of IAHS, HSJ is freely available online to IAHS members from financially disadvantaged countries. Membership of IAHS is free to all. Sign up for HSJ online ‘new content alerts’ from our publishers Taylor & Francis.



Attilio Castellarin


Stacey Archfield


Aldo Fiori


Konstantinos Soulis


Riddhi Singh

Editorial Office

Editorial Manager

Lottie Rundall


Submission & Review Coordinator

Kate Hill










Associate Editors (year of appointment)

Pedro Luiz Borges Chaffe (Brazil), Maria Grodzka-Łukaszewska (Poland), Fernando Nardi (Italy), Bertil Nlend (Cameroon), Afua Owusu (Ghana), Dingzhi Peng (China), Long Yang (China), Tongtiegang Zhao (China), Yanlai Zhou (China)


Svenja Fischer (Germany), Tobias Krueger (Germany), Arpita Mondal (India), Yiannis Panagopoulos (Greece), Simone Persiano (Italy), M. Cristina Rulli (Italy), Kai Schröter (Germany), Marthe Wens (Netherlands)


Brunella Bonaccorso (Italy)


Ankit Agarwal (India), Marco Bianchi (UK), Slaven Conevski (Norway), Evan Davies (Canada), Auguste Gires (France), Tobias Heckmann (Germany), Daniel Kingston (New Zealand), Ozgur Kisi (Georgia), Giuseppe Mascaro (USA), Michelle Newcomer (USA)


Marina Batalini de Macedo (Brazil), Mehmet Cüneyd Demirel (Turkey), Zheng Duan (Sweden), Elmira Hassanzadeh (Canada), Monica Ionita (Germany), Ghulam Jeelani (India), Oscar Link (Chile),  Michael Nones (Poland), Christina Papadaki (Greece), Daniele Penna (Italy), Ilaria Prosdocimi (Italy)


Alessio Domeneghetti (Italy), Stephanie Kampf (USA), Olga Makarieva (Russia), Santosh M. Pingale (India), Diego Rivera (Chile), Karen Ryberg (USA), Xun Sun (China)


Krysztof (Chris) Kochanek (Poland), Andrea Petroselli (Italy)


Gabriele Chiogna (Germany), Mike Hutchins (UK), Steve Lyon (Sweden), Flavia Tauro (Italy)


Fi-John Chang (Taiwan, Republic of China),  Ronald van Nooijen (The Netherlands)


Shaochun Huang (Norway), Nesa Ilich (Canada), Elena Volpi (Italy)


Laurent Ruiz (France)


The policy of Hydrological Sciences Journal, as agreed by the IAHS Bureau (General Assemblies of Baltimore, 1989, Perugia, 2007, and Gothenburg,
2013), is that the term of appointment of Associate Editors should be limited to a period of three years, renewable upon Editors' invitation, with new Associate Editors being invited to serve each year as existing ones retire from the panel. The number of Associate Editors was increased to 60 in total (in 2019). The date of appointment is given after each entry.

Former Editors

Zbigniew W. Kundzewicz

Address by Demetris Koutsoyiannis

Demetris Koutsoyiannis

Address by Attilio Castellarin

Mike Acreman


Ross Woods


Former Editorial Manager

 Frances Watkins

Address by Kate Heal

View HSJ Digest News here


View Former Associate Editors here

View HSJ Awards here


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