Prizes are awarded annually for contributors to the journal. 

Hydrological Sciences Journal Associate Editor Award

The award is granted for outstanding overall contribution to the journal’s impact and visibility, and excellence in supporting authors and editors through the peer review process. The award of £1,250 is granted annually by IAHS, with the support of Taylor & Francis, to one Associate Editor identified by the HSJ Editors. The recipients are:

2024 Marina Batalini de Macedo (Brazil)
Michael Nones (Poland)
2022 Ilaria Prosdocimi (Italy)
2021 Chiogna Gabriele (Germany)
2020 Konstantinos Soulis (Greece)
2019 Elena Volpi (Italy)

Hydrological Sciences Journal Reviewer Award

The award is granted for outstanding contribution to the journal, and excellence in supporting authors and editors with timely and relevant reviews. The award (comprising a cash prize of £200 and book tokens) is granted annually by IAHS, with the support of Taylor & Francis, to reviewers identified by the HSJ Editors. The recipients are:


2024 Ciro Apollonio (Italy), Abinesh Ganapathy (India), Sujay Naganna (India), Andrzej Wałęga (Poland) and Dinesh Kumar Vishwakarma (India)
Rana Muhammad Adnan (China), Liguang Jiang (China), Valentina Krysanova (Germany), Saeed Samadianfard (Iran)
2022 Ciro Apollonio (Italy), Ali Danandeh Mehr (Turkey), Sujay Naganna (India), Georgia Papacharalampous (Greece)
2021  Anurag Malik (India), Yiannis Panagopoulos (Greece), Matej Vojtek (Slovakia)
2020 Ozgur Kisi (Georgia) and Andrzej Wałęga (Poland)

Frances Watkins Memorial Award

Frances Watkins was part of the HSJ Editorial team for 27 years from her first appointment as Assistant Editor in 1993 through to her taking up the position of Editorial Manager in 2003 and retirement in 2021. She oversaw the publication of over two-thirds of HSJ pages and tirelessly mentored HSJ Authors, Associate Editors, and Editors. Frances achieved all this with her characteristic warmth and empathy, making the HSJ Editorial Team feel like a welcoming family. 

To create an enduring legacy of Frances’s immense contribution to HSJ, the Co-editors proposed to the 2022 Bureau to establish an annual Frances Watkins Memorial Award, to be given to a paper whose structure, presentation and writing are exemplary. The award will cover the Open Access charge thus enabling greater reach of the paper.

2024: Nimmo, J. R. (2024). New insights on the origin of the Richardson-Richards equation. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 69:15, 2153–2158. doi.org/10.1080/02626667.2024.2404714 

2023: Yuzhuang Chen and Yuntong She (2023): A hydrologic and river ice modelling framework for assessing ungauged sub-basin streamflow impact in a large cold-region river basin, Hydrological Sciences Journal 68:15, Pages 2121-2140; doi.org/10.1080/02626667.2023.2251957 

2022: Sadegh Vanda & Mohammad Javad Abedini (2022) Identifying potential systemic changes in a regulated river: a diagnostic methodology based on whiteness property of innovation sequences, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 67:13, 1954-1970, doi.org/10.1080/02626667.2022.2115913  

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