PUB Links

If you would like to add a link to your own site here, just drop us an email at [email protected], together with a brief description of its relevance to the PUB Movement and let's embark on this scientific journey together. Your quest for knowledge starts here!

IAHS International Association for Hydrological Sciences
IUGG International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
Working Group 1 Top-Down Modelling Group
Working Group 7 Uncertainty Estimation for Hydrological Modelling
Working Group 12 Slope Inter-Comparison Experiment (SLICE)
Working Group 13 United Kingdom Working Group
Working Group 14 Waternet - Southern Africa Working Group
Working Group 15 Canadian National Working Group
Working Group 16 Improved Processes, Parameterisation & Prediction in Cold Regions Hydrology (IP3)


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