Early Career scientists make up a significant amount of our community, creating an opportunity to include a new generation of hydrologists as active contributors to IAHS. Early Career scientist involvement in geoscientific organizations has rapidly increased over recent years.

During its Bureau Meeting in July 2017 (held in Port Elizabeth, South Africa following the IAHS Scientific Assembly 2017),  IAHS decided to strengthen its Early Career scientist representation to enable more active participation of those members within IAHS Commissions and Working Groups. To achieve this goal, IAHS established an Early Career Committee (ECC) which consists of the Early Career Representative of each IAHS Commission plus a chair and co-chair. The IAHS definition of Early Career embraces scientists up to 5 years after completion of the PhD (allowing for an extra year per child for parents if they took parental leave).

Fig. 1 IAHS Early Career Committee (ECC) structure.

The ECC is aimed at representing the Early Career membership of the IAHS at the Association level, and within each Commission. ECC members are dedicated to fostering dialogue between Early Career members, and between current and future generations of hydrologists. The ECC chair is appointed by the IAHS Bureau and will join the IAHS Bureau meetings as an observer. The chair will be encouraged to also be an active member of the Young Hydrologic Society to assure strong connections with other Early Career initiatives in the hydrological community.

More specifically, ECC has the following responsibilities:

●     Represent Early Career Members of IAHS in the Bureau and the IAHS Commissions, 
●     Organize events and sessions at IAHS conferences, 
●     Create and maintain an Early Career Member network within IAHS, 
●     Liaison with other Early Career leaders at e.g. IUGG, EGU, AGU, and the Young Hydrologic Society, 
●     Act as sounding board for IAHS, the IAHS Bureau and IAHS Commissions.

The ECC is a two-year mandate and will synchronize with other (longer) IAHS mandates. The first mandate came into force in July 2019 at the 27th IUGG General Assembly (in Montreal, Canada) and was extended until July 2022 when the next ECC took over at the IAHS Scientific Assembly in Montpellier, France.

IAHS has identified Michelle Newcomer to replace Nilay Dogulu as the chair of the second ECC. The second IAHS ECC mandate will run across IUGG2023 General Assembly and until IAHS2025 Scientific Assembly to re-synchronize the Post-Covid two-year pace.

The second IAHS ECC representatives are as follows:

Commission Name (First and Last) Gender Country of Work Country of Origin


Moctar Dembélé Male Ghana  Burkina Faso


Anatoly Tsyplenkov Male New Zealand Russia


P. James Dennedy-Frank Male USA USA


Rahim Barzegar Male Canada Iran


Pankaj Kumar Male India India


Jew Das Male India India


Anna-Marie Jörss Female Germany Germany


Moctar Dembélé Male Ghana Burkina Faso


Ravindra Dwivedi Male USA India


Bertil Nlend Male Cameroon Cameroon


Chris Leong Male Japan Fiji


The first ECC Committee page

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