New program format for the IAHS Scientific Assembly


Preparation for the XIIth IAHS Scientific Assembly, 5-10 October 2025 is continuing at full speed. The Assembly will be jointly organized by the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, in coordination with the National Institute of Hydrology Roorkee, Irrigation Research Institute Roorkee and CBRI–Central Building Research Institute (CBRI) Roorkee, four leading institutions in the field of water resources in India.

The IAHS Scientific Assembly will experiment with an innovative format aiming to underline the importance of the discipline of Hydrology and to increase the visibility of the next generation of hydrologists.

The main innovation is that the Assembly will be held in plenary, without parallel sessions, thus increasing the interaction and audience size for all oral presentations. This choice is expected to produce more engaging presentations, to increase the visibility of the speakers and to increase the awareness that we are all part of the same discipline.

The second innovation is that all participants will have an oral slot in the plenary. This choice will secure the visibility of early career scientists. In order to guarantee an oral slot for all participants, two contributions will be available: oral contribution (15 minutes duration), and forum contribution (1 minute duration).

The forum contribution may be a plenary flash presentation, traditional poster or poster with video-interview. Authors that opt for the latter will be interviewed in front of their poster (3 minutes duration) and the video will be posted on the IAHS-YouTube channel.  

Since the innovative format would like to emphasize that hydrology is a unique discipline, the third main innovation is that there will not be a Call for Sessions. The scientific program of the IAHS Scientific Assembly will cover all the various scientific initiatives of IAHS:

-          Continental Erosion (ICCE)

-          Coupled Land-Atmospher Systems (ICCLAS)

-          Groundwater (ICGW)

-          Human-Water Feedbacks (ICHWF)

-          Remote Sensing (ICRS

-          Statistical Hydrology (ICSH)

-          Snow and Ice Hydrology (ICSIH

-          Surface Water (ICSW)

-          Tracers (ICT)

-          Water Quality (ICWQ)

-          Water Resource Systems (ICWRS

-          The Unsolved Problems in Hydrology – (23 sub-flags for selecting the specific question)

-          Measurements and Observations in the XXI century (MOXXI)

-          Citizen and Hydrology (CANDHY)

-          History of Hydrology

-          Global and local interactions (HELPING Theme 1)

-          Holistic solutions for water security (HELPING Theme 2)

-          Cross-Cutting Goals (HELPING Theme 3)


In addition to keynote speeches, technical presentations, and panel discussions, the conference includes field visits, workshops, and training programs.

Instead of parallel meetings, we will have pre-event meetings as side events. Therefore interested leaders of International Commissions, Working Groups and Committee Leaders should reach out to the IAHS Secretariat or Secretary General as soon as possible so that facilities can be provided and participants can arrange their stay accordingly. Side event details will be posted on the IAHS2025 website as soon as they’re confirmed, so stay tuned!

Abstract submission will open soon as well as travel grant opportunities.

Join us in India next year for what promises to be an engaging and transformative event for the hydrological sciences! 



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