Runoff Prediction in Ungauged Basins - Chinese Translation now published

Four years after the successful completion of IAHS Predictions in Ungauged Basins (PUB) initiative, its high impact continues with publication of the Chinese translation of the Cambridge University monograph, Runoff Predictions in Ungauged Basins: Synthesis across Processes, Places and Scales (G. Blöschl, M. Sivapalan, T. Wagener, A. Viglione and H. H. G. Savenije, Editors, 2013). 

This is a simplified Chinese translation produced by a team of hydrologists at Tsinghua University, Beijing, led by Professor Fuqiang Tian. The softcover edition is published by China Water & Power Press, in partnership with Cambridge University Press. More information is available from

This Simplified Chinese Translation is authorised for sale in the People’s Republic of China (excluding Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan) only.

IAHS 2017 Abstract Submission Deadline March 6th 2017

IAHS 2017 Scientific Assembly
10 – 14 July 2017
Port Elizabeth, South Africa

"Water And Development: Scientific Challenges In Addressing Societal Issues”

The Abstract Submission for IAHS 2017 closes on March 6th 2017.

Authors can submit abstracts of original work for consideration as a poster or oral presentation at IAHS 2017. View the Scientific Programme for details of all themes.

Abstracts must be submitted via the Copernicus online system by Monday 6th March 2017.

Organisers: Graham Jewitt and  Denis Hughes

Only a few more days are available to submit your abstracts for IAHS 2017

IAHS 2017 Scientific Assembly
10 – 14 July 2017
Port Elizabeth, South Africa

"Water And Development: Scientific Challenges In Addressing Societal Issues”

Only a few more days are available to submit your abstract for IAHS 2017.

Authors can submit abstracts of original work for consideration as a poster or oral presentation at IAHS 2017. View the Scientific Programme for details of all themes.

Abstracts must be submitted via the Copernicus online system by Monday 6th March 2017.

Organisers: Graham Jewitt and Denis Hughes

IAHS 2017 Scientific Assembly Reminder


10 – 14 JULY 2017

Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Water and Development: scientific challenges in addressing societal issues
Authors can submit abstracts of original work for consideration as a poster or oral presentation at IAHS 2017. View the Scientific Programme for details of all themes.

Abstracts must be submitted via the Copernicus online system by Monday 6 March 2017.

Conference Fees
Early Bird Until April 30, 2017           Euro 450
After May 1, 2017 (including on-site) Euro 480
Abstract submission fee                    Euro 37

UNESCO may cover the abstract processing charge for applicants for Session #26 upon request and pre-submission of the abstract to Renée Gift ([email protected]) and Nicole Webley ([email protected]), with priority given to students as well as individuals from developing and least developed countries.

Please note that PIAHS volumes for sessions #1 and #16 will be post-published.

Panta Rhei opinion paper series in HSJ

Dear IAHS members,

We recently started the Panta Rhei opinion paper series. The purpose of the series is to enrich and improve the Panta Rhei approach via diverse, critical and constructive opinions. For this, we have identified key questions and topics for debate, which will be covered by invited opinion papers over the course of the next two years.

Additionally, we want to motivate a scientific discussion in response to the contributions and topics presented. We sincerely hope for your engagement in this scientific debate. Please contribute your ideas or critique on the opinion papers by writing and submitting your commentary within six months from their online publication. Once the commentary is deemed suitable for publication, the authors of the original opinion paper will be invited to submit a 'Reply to commentary' so that the two (or more) contributions to the formal scientific discussion can be published together in a later issue of the Hydrological Sciences Journal.

The first two opinion papers are “The role of experimental work in hydrological sciences – insights from a community survey” by Blume et al. (http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02626667.2016.1230675 ) and “Prediction in a socio-hydrological world” by Srinivasan et al. (http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02626667.2016.1253844).

More details about the idea of the Panta Rhei opinion paper series can be found in the respective editorial “Scientific debate of Panta Rhei research – how to advance our knowledge of changes in hydrology and society?” by Kreibich et al. (http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02626667.2016.1209929)

I hope for a lively discussion!

Heidi Kreibich, member of Panta Rhei leadership team 2015-2017

More information about the Panta Rhei Working Group can be found on the IAHS website.

IAHS 2017 Abstract Submission Date

10 – 14 JULY 2017

"Water And Development: Scientific Challenges In Addressing Societal Issues”

Don't forget the Abstract submission deadline for IAHS 2017 is Tuesday 14 February 2017.

Authors can submit abstracts of original work for consideration as a poster or oral presentation at IAHS 2017. View the Scientific Programme for details of all themes.

Abstracts must be submitted via the Copernicus online system by Tuesday 14 February 2017.

Kruger National Park technical tour following IAHS 2017

The Kruger National Park is South Africa’s flagship conservation area where 2 million hectares of unrivalled diversity of life forms fuses with historical and archaeological sites, in a semi-arid savanna landscape. The KNP offers a wildlife experience that ranks as one of the best in Africa. The KNP has also had a long history of freshwater management and research on both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystem, which includes some long running water resources management and hydrological studies. This technical tour will allow the participants to get out into the bush, with a chance to see some of the Big 5 whilst visiting some of the long term hydrological monitoring sites. Space is limited, so please register your interest as soon as possible at http://cwrr.ukzn.ac.za/iahs/programme-of-activities 

Organisers: Graham Jewitt and  Denis Hughes

Abstract submission deadline for IAHS 2017 - 14 February 2017

10 – 14 JULY 2017
"Water And Development: Scientific Challenges In Addressing Societal Issues”

The Abstract submission deadline for IAHS 2017 is fast approaching - Tuesday 14 February 2017.

Authors can submit abstracts of original work for consideration as a poster or oral presentation at IAHS 2017. View the Scientific Programme for details of all themes.

Abstracts must be submitted via the Copernicus online system by Tuesday 14 February 2017.

Kruger National Park technical tour following IAHS 2017

The Kruger National Park is South Africa’s flagship conservation area where 2 million hectares of unrivalled diversity of life forms fuses with historical and archaeological sites, in a semi-arid savanna landscape. The KNP offers a wildlife experience that ranks as one of the best in Africa. The KNP has also had a long history of freshwater management and research on both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystem, which includes some long running water resources management and hydrological studies. This technical tour will allow the participants to get out into the bush, with a chance to see some of the Big 5 whilst visiting some of the long term hydrological monitoring sites. Space is limited, so please register your interest as soon as possible at  http://cwrr.ukzn.ac.za/iahs/programme-of-activities 

Organisers Graham Jewitt and Denis Hughes

IUGG Publications: February e-journal

The February e-journal from IUGG is now available - February 2017

This informal newsletter is intended to keep IUGG Member National Committees informed about the activities of the IUGG Associations, and actions of the IUGG Secretariat. E-journals from the two most recent years are available in the news section of the IAHS website (http://iahs.info/News/IUGG-Newsletters.do). Past issues are posted on the IUGG website (http://www.iugg.org/publications/ejournals/). 

If you would like to subscribe for the monthly E-Journal, please contact the IUGG Secretariat

IAHS 2017 Scientific Assembly - Abstract Submission Due by 14th February

IAHS 2017 Scientific Assembly
10 – 14 July 2017
Port Elizabeth, South Africa
"Water And Development: Scientific Challenges In Addressing Societal Issues” 
Scientific programme of the IAHS Scientific Assembly
#1 Water security and the food-water-energy nexus: drivers, responses and feedbacks at local to global scales (to be post-published as a PIAHS volume)
#2 Hydrology and the Anthropocene
#3 Understanding spatio-temporal variability of water resources and the implications for IWRM in the semi-arid east and southern Africa
#4 Water Balance and Crop Water Productivity in Sub-Saharan Africa Agricultural Watersheds
#5 Land use change impacts on water resources
#6 Water resources management and the competition/balance between humans and ecosystems (eco-hydrology)
#7 Measurements in the 21st century: innovation in hydrological observations
#8 Environmental and artificial tracers as indicators in hydrology
#9 Innovative ICT tools for water management and science
#10 Prediction in ungauged basins
#11 Modelling hydrological processes for prediction under change
#12 Probabilistic forecasts and land-atmosphere interactions to advance hydrological predictions
#13 Extreme events: links between science and practice
#14 Advances in cold-region hydrological models: Integration of process understanding and application to climate and landcover changes
#15 Operational snowmelt runoff modelling: Advances and prospects for water management
#16 Water quality and sediment transport issues in surface water (to be post-published as a PIAHS volume)
#17 Long-term evolution in catchment water quality
#18 Changing biogeochemistry of aquatic systems in the Anthropocene: inter-comparison of data and models for predicting water quality
#19 Advancements in modeling and characterization of aquifer
#20 Methodologies for risk assessment of groundwater contamination
#21 Quantifying uncertainty in hydrological systems: A Bayesian point of view
#22 Nonstationarity in Hydrology: Theories, Methods and Applications
#23 Multivariate statistics for hydrological application
#24 Stochastic hydrology: simulation and disaggregation models
#25 Graduate Schools in Water Sciences
#26 Facilitating Scientific contributions in water diplomacy and cooperation processes

Submission of abstracts for the symposia and workshops is now open via the Copernicus online system.

Submission deadline for all sessions is 14 February 2017.

Conference Website   
Scientific Programme

Organisers Graham Jewitt and Denis Hughes

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