IAHS at IUGG 2015 Prague Assembly

IUGG 2015 is fast approaching (June 22nd - July 2nd). IAHS will have a presence on the IUGG booth so please come along to meet us and buy a ticket for the IAHS dinner on Friday 26th June (limited availability).

During the IUGG General Assembly elections will take place for officers of IAHS and the Commissions. See www.iugg2015prague.com/ for the programme and additional information. A ballot paper has been drawn up for the 55 positions who will be elected by National Representatives and is available on the IAHS 2015 Elections page where you will find all the election information.

There are two candidates for the post of President-elect of the Association. An IAHS administrative plenary will take place at the Prague Assembly, in Forum Hall, on Tuesday 23rd June, from 12:15 where the two candidates will take the floor and present their vision.

Elections results will be announced during the IAHS Plenary on Friday 26 June and on iahs.info. During the plenary session prizes will be presented for the International Hydrology prizes (Dooge medal and Volker medal) and the Tison award (see announcement).  We celebrate the end of the first biennium in the Panta Rhei decade and welcome the transition to the new Working Group. During the week, meetings will take place for some of the 10 IAHS commissions.

On a fun note we look forward to the traditional frisbee contest where the delegates demonstrate their physical skills in an international competition.

The full scientific programme is available and the papers selected for three IAHS symposia at IUGG2015 are now available open access on the PIAHS website: JS1 (Vol. 369), HS01 (Vol. 370) and HS02 (Vol. 371).

New eBook: The Value of Water Monitoring

There is a solution – you understand the value of water monitoring but need additional, sustainable funding. Know that you are not alone. The gap between water monitoring capability and the rapidly evolving need for evidence-based policies, planning, and engineering design is growing worldwide. Learn how to form persuasive arguments that are sensitive to local politics and priorities to address this deficit in funding. The benefits of hydrological information DO vastly outweigh investments in water monitoring.

Read Stu's eBook

This free resource can help water resource professionals, government agencies, private enterprises, and citizens around the world frame locally meaningful discussions on how to best prepare for a secure water future. Here are some highlights:

  • The universal value of water – social, economic & environmental benefits
  • The cost of ignorance – adverse, unwanted outcomes
  • The value of establishing relevance & trust – actionable information from data
  • The economics of monitoring – benefit/cost analyses
  • Tips for success in your quest for more funding

Stu Hamilton was a senior hydrometric technologist with Water Survey Canada for nearly 30 years and managed the operations of 500+ monitoring stations. Today, Stu is Senior Hydrologist at Aquatic Informatics and serves as an expert volunteer with the WMO, ISO, NASH, and OGC.

Read Stu’s new eBook The Value of Water Monitoring today and discover winning strategies to help you close the funding gap for your water monitoring program.

Aquatic Informatics
1 (877) 870-2782 or 1 (604) 873-2782
[email protected]
Video: AQUARIUS in 3 minutes

Sent to you by the IAHS, on behalf of Aquatic Informatics.
This is not an endorsement of the eBook or the AQUARIUS water data management system.
© Copyright 2015 Aquatic Informatics Inc. 1111 – 2400 W Georgia St, Vancouver, BC, V6E 4M3

HIC 2016 12th International Conference on Hydroinformatics

“Smart Water for the Future”

HIC is a well-established series of Hydroinformatics conferences started in the early nineties. It is supported by three world-leading international organizations, IAHR (International Association of Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research), IAHS (International Association of Hydrological Sciences) and IWA International Water Association).

August 21-26, 2016

Songdo Convensia, Incheon, Korea

Abstract submission Sept 30 2015

Website: http://www.hic2016.org/html/index.php

UNESCO International Symposium on Scientific, Technological and Policy Innovations for Improved Water Quality Monitoring

UNESCO International Symposium on Scientific, Technological and Policy Innovations for Improved Water Quality Monitoring

to be held in Kyoto-Otsu, Japan, from 15-17 July 2015. 

 The meeting focuses on three main objectives:

1. Facilitating scientific discussion, knowledge exchange and collaboration among experts and stakeholders.
2. Establishing a state-of-the-art of scientific research, methodologies, tools, technologies, and policy approaches on water quality and wastewater monitoring.
3. Collecting practical cases of this stocktaking on water quality monitoring as a demonstration of the implementation of these tools and approaches.

Contribution proposals may be submitted until 10-12 June for good contributions.

Conference brochure

More information about the meeting in English and French are available on the UNESCO website:



and is directly accessible from the UNESCO webpage on “Water Security”


Watch the On-Demand Webinar: Securing More Funding for Water Monitoring

As a friend of the IAHS, you are invited to watch the on-demand webinar: Securing More Funding for Water Monitoring. Discover proven techniques and strategies that have achieved increased funding.

Ryan Muller and Peter Evans from the Interstate Council on Water Policy (ICWP) share how they secured US$7.2 million in additional funding for USGS stream gauging over the past two fiscal years. They outline successful strategies that can be scaled to any size funding campaign. Aquatic Informatics Senior Hydrologist Stu Hamilton highlights 7 proven tactics to quantify and qualify the value of your water monitoring and discusses how to build a winning cost/benefit business case for sustainable funding.


1-Hour Webinar Highlights:

  • Inside look at ICWP funding strategies that work
  • Funding success: state + national case studies
  • 7 universal truths to success for any scale funding effort
  • Review of published cost/benefit industry studies


Don't miss this complimentary web presentation – watch the webinar here! Studies show the benefits of hydrological information vastly outweigh investments in water monitoring. Learn how to form persuasive arguments to get that additional funding.

Aquatic Informatics
1 (877) 870-2782 or 1 (604) 873-2782
[email protected]

Sent to you by the IAHS, on behalf of Aquatic Informatics.
This is not an endorsement of the webinar or the AQUARIUS water data management system.
© Copyright 2015 Aquatic Informatics Inc. 1111 – 2400 W Georgia St, Vancouver, BC, V6E 4M3

Remote Sensing and GIS for Hydrology and Water Resources: IAHS Publ. 368 now available.

Remote Sensing and GIS for Hydrology and Water Resources: IAHS Publ. 368 now available.

IAHS Publ. 368 (2015) ISBN 978-1-907161-46-9, 484 + xii pp. Price £110.00

Available both online open access as PIAHS vol. 368, and to purchase as a Red Book, vol. 368.

This volume collects together 78 peer-reviewed papers presented at the 3rd Remote Sensing and Hydrology Symposium and the 3rd International Conference of GIS/RS in Hydrology, Water Resources and Environment, that were held concurrently in Guangzhou, China, in August 2014. The papers are organized under four topics: GIS And Remote Sensing; Hydrology (Precipitation estimation and applications,  Simulation and prediction of hydrological processes, Evaluation of hydrological processes); Water Resources and Environment.

Field Course in Hydrology & Geology at Reykjavik University

 “The Principals of Resilience Based Management of Natural Resources” from 17th -22nd August, 2015.

The course will include daily field trips, field measurement, modelling aspects and management strategies.

This programme is a joint collaboration with the Soil Conservation Service of Iceland. For more information, or advice on applying, please check the website.

Within the Hydrology & Geology course we will visit typical Icelandic case studies to learn and discuss with experts about (this list is not complete):

-              Performing discharge measurements in natural rivers to assess water availability

-              Assess ecological status of river section

-              Discuss geological formations and their impacts on hydrological processes

-              Investigate and discuss representative areas of landscape degradation and restoration

-              Assess requirements of relevant stakeholders (e.g. hydropower, farming, nature conservation)

-              And finally learn and discuss the principals of resilience based management of natural resources.

The course is limited to 20 participants, so we will have interactive discussions on the above mentioned topics.

Registration is now open and we encourage you to share this with those you think may be interested.

7th International Water Resources Management Conference of ICWRS

Bochum, Germany IAHS - 18-20 May 2016

7th International Water Resources Management Conference of ICWRS      

The spatial dimensions of water management - Redistribution of benefits and risks
The conference brings together experts from different countries and expertise to present their research ideas and discuss challenging questions of modern water management. This meeting, part of the series of IWRM conferences organized by ICWRS series is focused on spatial aspects of water management.

Since water is unevenly distributed in space and time, its storage and redistribution is a fundamental task of water management. Large water supply systems have been developed in the past to accomplish this. With the advanced structural possibilities, the scale of human interventions in hydrological systems shifted from local to regional scale and involves more and more global aspects. The overlaying of human interventions at different spatial scales results in complex changes of the hydrological conditions. In many cases improvements at one site are connected with degradations of hydrological conditions at other sites. Also the performance of water management measures becomes more uncertain if the rate of social and economic changes is accelerated. Often improvements at one site are connected with limited options to solve water problems at other sites.

These developments requires a new approach in water management considering crossing scales. This requires a comprehensive analysis of hydrological initial conditions, the evaluation of options and limitations of anthropogenic interventions with particular attention to their socio-economic and ecological impacts and the assessment of the sustainability of planned measures.

Website: http://iahs-rub.hydrology.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/

Hydrological Sciences and Water Security: IAHS Publ. 366, now available

Hydrological Sciences and Water Security: Past, Present and Future.

IAHS Publ. 366 (April 2015) ISBN 978-1-907161-44-5, 202 + x pp. Price £60.00.

Available both online open access as PIAHS vol. 366, and to purchase as a Red Book, vol. 366

Water Security is “the capacity of a population to safeguard access to adequate quantities of water of acceptable quality for sustaining human and ecosystem health on a watershed basis, and to ensure efficient protection of life and property against water related hazards – floods, landslides, land subsidence and droughts” (UNESCO-IHP 2012). 

The contributions arise from the 2014 Kovacs Colloquium held at UNESCO in Paris, which addressed the emergence and development of water security concepts. The invited keynote papers are accompanied by extended abstracts summarizing the posters presented.

Print copies of the volume are available to purchase from IAHS ([email protected]) or via the bookshop. Abstracts and papers are also available online open access as PIAHS vol. 366.  

Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (PIAHS) is a collaboration between IAHS and Copernicus.org. Also available on PIAHS:

Sediment Dynamics from the Summit to the Sea - PIAHS Vol. 367.

Complex Interfaces Under Change: Sea – River – Groundwater – Lake: PIAHS Vol. 365.

The proceedings of ICWRS2014, Evolving Water Resources Systems: Predicting and Managing Water–Society Interactions - PIAHS Vol. 364.


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