Erosion and Sediment Transport Measurement in Rivers: Technological Author / Editor: by J. Bogen, T. Fergus & D. E. Walling Publication Number: 283 ISBN Number: 978-1-901502-42-8 Year: 2003 Pages: 238 Price: £15.00 The growing awareness of the important role of fluvial sediment in a wide range of environmental problems has accentuated the need for better and more consistent information, yet data collection in this field still lags behind other areas of hydrology. New problems call for new approaches, new strategies and new methods, in order to develop an improved understanding of cause and effect relationships for different activities within a river basin.
Developments in what can be measured in the field, or on samples returned to the laboratory, and in how the data can be used, are moving forward apace. In the case of instream measurements, the environment is often hostile but innovative use of new technology enables data collection that was previously unthought of.
This volume comprises a selection of 24 papers from the Oslo Workshop (2002) of the same title. They are grouped into three topics: Contents for Erosion and Sediment Transport Measurement in Rivers: Technological Title | Pages | File | Oslo Symposium, 2002, Erosion and Sediment Transport Measurement in Rivers : Technological and Methodological Advances J. Bogen, T. Fergus & D. E. Walling, Editors | |   | Preface of Volume 283 Bogen, J., Fergus, T. & Walling, D.E. | v-vi |  | A new definition of suspended sediment: implications for the measurement and prediction of sediment transport Droppo, I.G. | 3-12 |  | Turbidity-controlled sampling for suspended sediment load estimation Lewis, J. | 13-20 |  | Testing laser-based sensors for continuous in situ monitoring of suspended sediment in the Colorado River, Arizona Melis, T.S., Topping, D.J. & Rubin, D.M. | 21-27 |  | Continuous measurement of suspended-sediment discharge in rivers by use of optical backscatterance sensors Schoellhamer, D.H. & Wright, S.A. | 28-36 |  | Measuring suspended sediment characteristics using a LISST-ST in an embanked flood plain of the River Rhine Thonon, I. & Van Der Perk, M. | 37-44 |  | Modelling and monitoring flow and suspended sediment transport in lowland river flood plain environments Nicholas, A.P. | 45-56 |  | Using environmental radionuclides as tracers in sediment budget investigations Walling, D.E. | 57-78 |  | Sediment transport in agricultural catchments-the need for methods to trace sediment sources Oygarden, L., Deelstra, J., Eggestad, H.O. & Vandsemb, S.M. | 79-87 |  | Application of an improved PEEP system to bank erosion investigations on the River Wharfe, UK Lawler, D.M. | 88-95 |  | Development of a sediment yield model for Ghana using sediment transport data Bambury, M. & Elgy, J. | 96-102 |  | Suspended and bed load sediment transport dynamics in two lowland UK streams-storm integrated monitoring Evans, D.J., Johnes, P.J. & Lawrence, D.S. | 103-112 |  | Perspectives on bed load measurement Ergenzinger P. & de Jong, C. | 113-125 |  | Sampler size and sampling time affect bed load transport rates and particle sizes measured with bed load traps in gravel-bed streams Bunte, K. & Abt, S.R. | 126-133 |  | The continuous monitoring of bed load flux in various fluvial environments Laronne, J.B., Alexandrov, Y., Bergman, N., Cohen, H., Garcia, C., Habersack, H.M., Powell | 134-145 |  | Event bed load yield measurement with load cell bed load traps and prediction of bed load yield from hydrograph shape Sear, D.A. | 146-153 |  | Sediment monitoring of glacial rivers in Iceland: new data on bed load transport Hardardottir, J. & Snorrason, A. | 154-163 |  | An assessment of the accuracy of the Spatial Integration Method (SIM) for estimating coarse bed load transport in gravel-bedded streams using tracers Sear, D.A., Lee, M.W.E., Carling, P.A., Oakey, R.J. & Collins, M.B. | 164-171 |  | Use of radio-tracking techniques in bed load transport investigations Habersack, H.M. | 172-180 |  | Bed load measurements with a new passive acoustic sensor Bogen, J. & Moen, K. | 181-192 |  | Acoustic gravel-transport sensor: description and field tests in Little Granite Creek, Wyoming, USA Downing, J., Farley, P.J., Bunte, K., Swingle, K., Ryan, S.E. & Dixon, M. | 193-200 |  | Monitoring bed load transport using acoustic and magnetic devices Froehlich, W. | 201-210 |  | Bed load measurements with a passive magnetic induction device Gottesfeld, A.S. & Tunnicliffe, J. | 211-221 |  | Measurement of bed load with the use of hydrophones in mountain torrents Mizuyama, T., Fujita, M. & Nonaka, M. | 222-227 |  | An instrument to record sediment movement in bedrock channels Richardson, K., Benson, I. & Carling, P.A. | 228-236 |  |
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