Sediment and the Environment Author / Editor: R. F. Hadley E. D. Ongley, Editors Publication Number: 184 ISBN Number: 0-947571-12-4 Year: 1989 Pages: 218 Price: £10.00 Sediment and the Environment, Proceedings of a workshop held at Baltimore, May 1989 Contents for Sediment and the Environment Title | Pages | File | Sediment and the Environment, Proceedings of a workshop held at Baltimore, May 1989 R. F. Hadley E. D. Ongley, Editors | |   | Preface Hadley, R.F. & Ongley, E.D. | v-vi |  | Nitrogen and phosphorus in eroded sediment from corn and soybean tillage systems McIsaac, G.F., Hirschi, M.C. & Mitchell, J.K. | 3-10 |  | The role of sediment in metolachlor transport from agricultural fields Buttle, J.M. | 11-18 |  | The transport of mine tailings as suspended sediment in the Belle Fourche River, west-central South Dakota, USA Marron, D.C. | 19-26 |  | Rate of sedimentation and geochemistry of southeastern Hudson Bay, Canada Biksham, G. & d'Anglejan, B. | 27-36 |  | Sediment-associated transport and redistribution of Chernobyl fallout radionucleides Walling, D.E., Rowan, J.S. & Bradley, S.B. | 37-45 |  | Metal dispersal in the fluvial system of the River Geul : The role of discharge, distance to the source, and floodplain geometry Leenaers, H. & Rang, M.C. | 47-55 |  | Cross-sectional variability in suspended sediment and associated trace element concentrations in selected rivers of the US Horowitz, A.J., Rinella, F.A., Lamothe, P., Miller, T.L., Edwards, T.K., Roche, R.L. & Ric | 57-66 |  | Cropping systems effects on runoff, erosion, water quality, and properties of a savanna soil at Ilorin, Nigeria Lal, R. | 67-74 |  | Soil erosion and floodplain soil pollution : Related problems in the geographical context of a river basin Leenaers, H. & Schouten, C.J. | 75-83 |  | A case study of approaches for determining diffuse suspended sediment sources and processes Hudson, H.R. | 85-94 |  | Flocculation of suspended solids in southern Ontario rivers Droppo, I.G. & Ongley, E.D. | 95-103 |  | Hysteresis and nonlinearity of discharge-sediment relationship in the Atchafalaya and lower Mississippi rivers Mossa, J. | 105-112 |  | Placer mining operations and modifications of the physical chemical nature of the waters of the Rio Kaka drainage basin (Andes, Bolivia) Guyot, J.L. & Herail, G. | 115-121 |  | Soil erosion in the Yellow River basin and its impacts on reservoir sedimentation and the lower Yellow River Quinhua, Z. & Wenhao, Z. | 123-130 |  | Cost impacts of sediments in South African rivers Braune, E. & Looser, U. | 131-143 |  | Geomorphic design and management of disturbed lands Toy, T.J. & Hadley, R.F. | 145-153 |  | Long- and short-term episodic storage and removal of sediment in watersheds of southwestern Wisconsin and northwestern Illinois Knox, J.C. | 157-164 |  | Constraints on duration of sediment storage in a wide, gravel-bed river, New Zealand Laronne, J.B. & Duncan, M.J. | 165-172 |  | Sediment storage and movement on the Southern High Plains of Texas as indicated by beryllium-ten Osterkamp, W.R. | 173-182 |  | Hillslope and channel sediment delivery and impacts of soil erosion on water resources Phillips, J.D. | 183-190 |  | Developing accurate and reliable stream sediments yields Singh, K.P. & Durgunoglu, A. | 193-199 |  | Modelling agricultural runoff : Overview Marsalek, J. | 201-209 |  | Physical habitat simulation and sedimentation Milhous, R.T. | 211-218 |  |
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