Human Impact on Erosion and Sedimentation Author / Editor: D. E. Walling J.-L. Probst, Editors Publication Number: 245 ISBN Number: 978-1-901502-30-5 Year: 1997 Pages: 311 Price: £15.00 Rabat Symposium, 1997, Human Impact on Erosion and Sedimentation Contents for Human Impact on Erosion and Sedimentation Title | Pages | File | Rabat Symposium, 1997, Human Impact on Erosion and Sedimentation D. E. Walling J.-L. Probst, Editors | |   | Preface Walling, D., Probst, J-L., Diouri, A. | v-vi |  | Soil erosion in the vineyards of Champagne Gourbesville,P. | 3-11 |  | Soil erosion on dry farming land in two changing environments of the central Ebro Valley, Spain Navas, A., Garcia-Ruiz, J. M., Machin, J., Lasanta, T., Valero, B., Walling, D. E., Quine, | 13-20 |  | Simulation of runoff and erosion on mountainous roads in northern Thailand: a first look Ziegler, A. D., Giambelluca, T. W. | 21-29 |  | Developing a sheet erosion equation for a semiarid region Augusto, C., Santos, G., Suzuki, K., Watanabe, M., Srinivasan, V. S. | 31-38 |  | Impact d'un incendie de foret sur l'hydrologie et l'erosion hydrique d'un petit bassin versant mediterraneen Lavabre, J., Martin, C. | 39-47 |  | Impact sur l'environnement des travaux d'amenagement de la Station de Ski de Sierra Nevada (Espagne) Pulido-Bosch, A., Gisbert, J., Al-Alwani, G. | 49-56 |  | Transports de matieres en suspension sur petits bassins versants au Mali: influence des surfaces cultivees Droux, J. P., Mietton, M., Olivry, J. C. | 57-64 |  | Ecoulement et transfert de sediments dans les bassins versants de grande culture sur basalte du Rio Grande do Sul (Bresil) Castro, N. M d R., Auzet, A-V., Bordas, M., Chevallier, P., Leprun, J-C., Mietton, M. | 65-73 |  | The response of sediment yields to environmental change Walling, D. E. | 77-89 |  | The impact of hill land clearance and urbanization on runoff and sediment yield of small catchments in Pulau Pinang, Malaysia Ismail, W. R. | 91-100 |  | Sediment delivery to streams from adjacent slopes on agricultural land in Denmark Hasholt, B., Hansen, B. S., Olsen, C., Olsen, P., Sibbesen, E. | 101-110 |  | Human impact upon sediment in rivers: some examples from Hong Kong Peart, M. R. | 111-118 |  | Assessing the impact of overgrazing on soil erosion in arid regions at a range of spatial scales Sharma, K. D. | 119-123 |  | Hydrological characteristics influenced by deforestation in tropical areas: the Mae Tang River basin, Thailand Nishimura, K., Shimada, T., Yamada, T., Ishikawa, Y., Sukapunnaphan, T. | 125-134 |  | Analysis of erosion in a catchment affected by a landslide Adler, M-J., Stancalie, G., Dragoi, E. | 135-144 |  | Land use changes and their effects on sediment transport and soil erosion within the Athi drainage basin, Kenya Kithiia, S. M. | 145-150 |  | Assessing the effects of land-use changes on sediment yield and channel dynamics in the central Spanish Pyrenees Garcia-Ruiz, J. M., White, S. M., Lasanta, T., Marti, C., Gonzalez, C., Errea, M. P., Vale | 151-158 |  | The role of unmetalled roads as a sediment source in the fluvial systems of the Polish Flysch Carpathians Froehlich, W., Walling, D. E. | 159-168 |  | Sediment yields in a changing environment: a historical reconstruction using reservoir bottom-sediments in three contrasting small catchments, North York Moors, UK Lees, J., Foster, I., Jones, D., Owens, P., Walling, D., Leeks, G. | 169-179 |  | Sediment management and flood protection of desert towns: effects of small catchments Schick, A. P., Grodek, T., Lekach, J. | 183-189 |  | The impact of erosion control measures on runoff processes Ristic, R., Macan, G. | 191-194 |  | Narrow stiff grass hedges for erosion control Ritchie, J. C., Kemper, W. D., Englert, J. M. | 195-203 |  | Use of satellite imagery to determine the land use management factors of the USLE Roslan, Z. A., Tew, K. H. | 205-211 |  | Application of a distributed Shallow Landslide Analysis Model (dSLAM) to managed forested catchments in Oregon, USA Wu, W., Sidle, R. C. | 213-221 |  | Application of a pedogeomorphic approach to sediment management strategies in the High Atlas mountains, southern Morocco Price, J. P. N., Fox, H. R., Moore, H. M., Harrouni, H. C., El Alami, A. | 223-230 |  | Soil erosion and reservoir sedimentation in the High Atlas Mountains, southern Morocco Fox, H. R., Moore, H. M., Price, J. P. N., El Kasri, M | 233-240 |  | Sediment deposition in the Barasona reservoir (central Pyrenees, Spain): temporal and spatial variability of sediment yield and land use impacts Valero-Garces, B., Navas, A., Machin, J. | 241-249 |  | Problems of sedimentation in small dams in Zambia Sichingabula, H. M. | 251-259 |  | The potential impact of neo-Castorization on sediment transport by the global network of rivers Vorosmarty, C. J., Meybeck, M., Fekete, B., Sharma, K. | 261-273 |  | Reservoir construction, river sedimentation and tributary sediment size Milhous, R. T. | 275-282 |  | River regulation and sediment transport in a semiarid river: the Murrumbidgee River, New South Wales, Australia Olive, L. J., Olley, J. M. | 283-290 |  | The influence of the Mosul dam on the bed sediments and morphology of the River Tigris Al-Ansari, N. A., Rimawi, O. | 291-300 |  | Human impact on sediment yield and channel dynamics in the Arno River basin (central Italy) Billi, P., Rinaldi, M. | 301-311 |  |
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