Transport in Nutrient and Contaminant Transfer Author / Editor: M. Stone Publication Number: 263 ISBN Number: 978-1-901502-21-3 Year: 2000 Pages: 307 Price: £15.00 This publication comprises the proceedings of the International Symposium on The Role of Erosion and Sediment Transport in Nutrient and Contaminant Transfer held at Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, in July 2000. Increasing awareness of the effects of sediment-associated chemical transfer on water quality and ecosystem health has raised concern for the sustainable use of water resources worldwide. Consequently, there is global concern for the conveyance of sediment-associated nutrients and contaminants across eroding land surfaces and into receiving waters. The rates and magnitudes of nutrient and contaminant transfer vary in space and time according to the nature of erosion processes, sediment sources as well as conveyance and in-stream processes. Knowledge regarding the spatial and temporal variation of sediment sources as well as sediment properties and environmental factors affecting transport processes is required to model sediment-associated nutrient and contaminant transfer. Such information is necessary to plan and manage the sustainable use of water resources.
This volume contains 34 papers spread over five topics:
Variability in nutrient, contaminant and sediment transfer Terrestrial transfer processes Suspended sediment characteristics and transport processes Sinks and sources of nutrients and contaminants Modelling nutrient and contaminant transfer
The symposium contributed to UNESCO IHP-V Project 2.1 Vegetation, Land Use and Erosion Contents for Transport in Nutrient and Contaminant Transfer Title | Pages | File | Waterloo Symposium, 2000, The Role of Erosion and Sediment Transport in Nutrient and Contaminant Transfer M. Stone, editor | |   | Preface Stone, M. | v-vi |  | NASQAN*: the design and implementation of a large-river suspended sediment and trace element flux programme Horowitz, A.J. | 3-18 |  | Determining variations in sediment yield in large river basins: an example of the Upper Yangtze Higgitt, D.L. Lu, X. | 19-28 |  | Sensitivity analysis in sediment yield modelling Tattari, S. Barlund, I. | 29-35 |  | Temporal and spatial patterns of suspended sediment yields for selected rivers in the eastern United States: implications for nutrient and contaminant transfer Conrad, C. Saunderson, H. | 37-46 |  | Post-fallout redistribution of Chernobyl-derived caesium-137 in small catchments within the Lokna river basin, Russia Golosov, V., Walling, D.E. Panin, A. | 49-57 |  | The use of phosphorus as a tracer in erosion/sedimentation studies Steegen, A., Govers, G., Beuselinck, L., van Oost, K., Quine, T.A. Rombaut, A. | 59-66 |  | Soil erosion and sediment delivery through buffer zones in Danish slope units Kronvang, B., Laubel, A.R., Larsen, S.E., Iversen, H.L. Hansen, B. | 67-73 |  | Bank erosion as a source of sediment and phosphorus delivery to small Danish streams Laubel, A.R., Kronvang, B., Larsen, S.E., Pedersen, M.L. Svendsen, L.M. | 75-82 |  | The effectiveness of grass strips for the control of sediment and associated pollutant transport in runoff Ghadiri, H., Hogarth, B. Rose, C. | 83-91 |  | Nitrogen runoff in a potato-dominated watershed area of Prince Edward Island, Canada Edwards, L., Burney, J., Brimacombe, M. MacRae, A. | 93-97 |  | Impact of soil aggregates on the size selectivity of the sediment deposition process Beuselinck, L., Govers, G., Steegen, A. Poesen, J. | 99-107 |  | Nitrogen and phosphorus transfer in soil erosion processes Mihara, M. Ueno, T. | 109-115 |  | Appraisal of a simple sampling device for collecting time-integrated fluvial suspended sediment samples Russell, M.A., Walling, D.E. Hodgkinson, R.A. | 119-127 |  | Effective particle size characteristics of fluvial suspended sediment transported by lowland British rivers Walling, D.E. Woodward, J.C. | 129-139 |  | The influence of floc size, density and porosity on sediment and contaminant transport Droppo, I.G., Walling, D.E. Ongley, E.D. | 141-147 |  | Some observations on total carbon and nitrogen in suspended matter in the Kam Tin River, Hong Kong Peart, M.R. | 149-157 |  | Distribution of dioxins and furans in size-fractionated suspended solids in Canagagigue Creek, Elmira, Ontario Stone, M. Haight, M. | 159-166 |  | Pollutant sources and transport patterns during natural and artificial flood events in the Olewiger Bach and Kartelbornsbach basins, Germany Krein, A. Symader, W. | 167-173 |  | Time series analysis of chemistry in bottom sediments of the Kartelbornsbach, Germany Symader, W. Bierl, R. | 175-181 |  | Trace element chemistry of surficial fine-grained laminae in the South Saskatchewan River, Canada Levesque, L.M.J. De Boer, D.H. | 183-190 |  | Integrated river management of a small Flemish river catchment Huygens, M., Verhoeven, R. De Sutter, R. | 191-199 |  | Observations on sediment chemistry of the Slave River Delta, Northwest Territories, Canada Milburn, D., Stone, M., English, M. Prowse, T. | 203-209 |  | River flood plains as phosphorus sinks Walling, D.E., He, Q. Blake, W.H. | 211-218 |  | Spatial and temporal variability of the chromium content of suspended and flood-plain sediment in the River Aire, Yorkshire, UK Carton, J., Walling, D.E., Owens, P.N. Leeks, G.J.L. | 219-226 |  | Flood-plain sedimentation in a dryland river: the River Murray, Australia Thoms, M.C., Foster, J.M. Gawne, B. | 227-236 |  | Physical, chemical and rheological characteristics of bottom sediments in reservoirs and fish ponds, Poland Madeyski, M. Bednarczyk, T. | 237-241 |  | Assessment of sediment-fixed nutrient export from small drainage basins in central Belgium using retention ponds Verstraeten, G. Poesen, J. | 243-249 |  | Soil-sediment nutrient transport dynamics in a Himalayan watershed Schreier, H., Brown, S. Shah, P.B. | 251-257 |  | Transport of sediment mixtures De Sutter, R., Huygens, M. Verhoeven, R. | 261-268 |  | Modelling cohesive sediment transport in rivers Krishnappan, B.G. | 269-276 |  | Assessment of spatial redistribution of Chernobyl-derived radiocaesium within catchments using GIS-embedded models Van der Perk, M., Jetten, V.G., Karssenberg, D., He, Q., Walling, D.E., Laptev, G.V., Voit | 277-284 |  | Modelling phosphorus transport processes in a small southern German rural catchment Scherer, U. | 285-292 |  | Assessing in-stream erosion and contaminant transport using the end-member mixing analysis (EMMA) Haag, I., Kern, U. Westrich, B. | 293-300 |  | Estimating the yields of sediments and sediment-bound heavy metals using the EROSION 3D simulation model Schmidt, J. von Werner, M. | 301-307 |  |
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