Variability in Stream Erosion and Sediment Transport Author / Editor: L. J. Olive, R. J. Loughran J. A. Kesby, Editors Publication Number: 224 ISBN Number: 0-947571-19-1 Year: 1994 Pages: 498 Price: £10.00 Canberra Symposium, 1994, Variability in Stream Erosion and Sediment Transport Contents for Variability in Stream Erosion and Sediment Transport Title | Pages | File | Canberra Symposium, 1994, Variability in Stream Erosion and Sediment Transport L. J. Olive, R. J. Loughran J. A. Kesby, Editors | |   | Preface Olive, L., Kesby, J., Loughran, B. | v-vi |  | Variability of gravel movement on the Virginio gravel-bed stream (central Italy) during some floods Cencetti, C., Tacconi, P., del Prete, M., Rinaldi, M. | 3-11 |  | The significance of extreme events in the development of mountain river beds de Jong, C. | 13-24 |  | Interpreting the temporal and spatial dynamics of bed load transport phases according to FAST (Fluid and Sediment Transfer Model) de Jong, C., Ergenzinger, P. | 25-31 |  | Relationships between rill sediment and flow time varying with freezing, groundcover, compaction and slope on a Prince Edward Island (Canada) fine sandy loam Edwards, L., Burney, J. R., Frame, P. A. | 33-41 |  | The susceptibility of valley slopes and river beds to erosion and accretion under the impact of climatic change - Alpine examples Ergenzinger, P. | 43-53 |  | Quantifying soil erosion and sediment transport in drainage basins; some observations on the use of 137Cs Foster, I. D. L., Dalgleish, H., Dearing, J. A., Jones, E. D. | 55-64 |  | Origins of variability in the 230Th/232Th ratio in sediments Olley, J. M., Murray, A. S. | 65-70 |  | Some observations on bed load movement in a small stream in Hong Kong Peart, M. R., Jayawardena, A. W. | 71-76 |  | A comparison of the roles of tillage and water erosion in landform development and sediment export on agricultural land near Leuven, Belgium Quine, T. A., Desmet, P. J. J., Govers, G., Vandaele, K., Walling, D. E. | 77-86 |  | Sediment movement on hillslopes measured by caesium-137 and erosion pins Saynor, M. J., Loughran, R. J., Erskine, W. D., Scott, P. F. | 87-93 |  | Measuring soil movement using 137Cs: implications of reference site variability Wallbrink, P. J., Olley, J. M., Murray, A. S. | 95-102 |  | Sediment production and storage in an urbanizing basin, Lake Macquarie, New South Wales, Australia Whitelock, B., Loughran, R. J. | 103-110 |  | Cyclical construction and destruction of flood dominated flood plains in semiarid Australia Bourke, M. C. | 113-123 |  | Lake sediments as indicators of recent erosional events in an agricultural basin on the Canadian prairies de Boer, D. H. | 125-132 |  | The record of extreme hydrological and geomorphological events inferred from glaciolacustrine sediments Desloges, J. R., Gilbert, R. | 133-142 |  | Sand slugs generated by catastrophic floods on the Goulburn River, New South Wales Erskine, W. D. | 143-151 |  | Variability in the physical, chemical and magnetic properties of reservoir sediments; implications for sediment source tracing Foster, I. D. L., Charlesworth, S. M. | 153-160 |  | Use of Chernobyl-derived radiocaesium to investigate contemporary overbank sedimentation on the flood plains of Carpathian rivers Froehlich, W., Walling, D. E. | 161-169 |  | Temporal variability in streambank response to individual flow events: the River Arrow, Warwickshire, UK Lawler, D. M. | 171-180 |  | Rates of formation of forms in a river channel hierarchy: the case of the River Yana in northeast Russia Matveev, B., Panin, A., Sidorchuk, A. | 181-186 |  | Post-glacial temporal variability of sediment accumulation in a small alpine lake Owens, P., Slaymaker, O. | 187-195 |  | Channel processes and erosion rates in the rivers of the Yamal Peninsula in western Siberia Sidorchuk, A., Matveev, B. | 197-202 |  | Rates of overbank sedimentation on the flood plains of several British rivers during the past 100 years Walling, D. E., He, Q. | 203-210 |  | Temporal and spatial variations in erosion and sedimentation in alternating hydrological regimes in southeastern Australian rivers Warner, R. F. | 211-219 |  | Sediment transport in the Rio Grande, an Andean river of the Bolivian Amazon drainage basin Guyot, J. L., Bourges, J., Cortez, J. | 223-231 |  | Sediment transport in the Fly River basin, Papua New Guinea Markham, A., Day, G. | 233-239 |  | Spatial variation in suspended sediment transport in the Murrumbidgee River, New South Wales, Australia Olive, L. J., Olley, J. M., Murray, A. S., Wallbrink, P. J. | 241-249 |  | Spatiotemporal variability of sediment transport in arid regions Sharma, K. D., Vangani, N. S., Menenti, M., Huygen, J., Vich, A. | 251-258 |  | Sediment transport observations in Switzerland Spreafico, M., Lehmann, C. | 259-268 |  | Annual and decadal variation of sediment yield in Australia, and some global comparisons Wasson, R. J. | 269-279 |  | Temporal and spatial variation of sediment yield in the Snowy Mountains region, Australia Yu, B., Neil, D. | 281-289 |  | Sediment transport in the Yangtze basin Gangyan, Z., Zhian, X. | 291-296 |  | Temporal variability of suspended sediment transport in a Mediterranean sandy gravel-bed river Batalla, R. J., Sala, M. | 299-305 |  | The contribution of gully erosion to the sediment budget of the River Leira Bogen, J., Berg, H., Sandersen, F. | 307-315 |  | Long-term variability of sediment transport in the Ombrone River basin (Italy) Frangipane, A., Paris, E. | 317-324 |  | Water and sediment discharge from glacier basins: an arctic and alpine comparison Gurnell, A. M., Hodson, A., Clark, M. J., Bogen, J., Hagen, J. O., Tranter, M. | 325-334 |  | Variability in discharge, stream power, and particle-size distributions in ephemeral-stream channel systems Lane, L. J., Nichols, M. H., Hernandez, M., Manetsch, C., Osterkamp, W. R. | 335-342 |  | Recent changes in rates of suspended sediment transport in the Jokulsa a Solheimasandi glacial river, southern Iceland Lawler, D. M. | 343-350 |  | Comparative modelling of large watershed responses between Walnut Gulch, Arizona, USA, and Matape, Sonora, Mexico Nichols, M. H., Lane, L. J., Arias, H. M., Watts, C. | 351-358 |  | Debris flows in northeastern Victoria, Australia: occurrence and effects on the fluvial system Rutherfurd, I. D., Bishop, P., Loffler, T. | 359-369 |  | Erosion and sediment yields in the Kakadu region of northern Australia Duggan, K. | 373-383 |  | Analysis of sediment transport developments in relation to human impacts Habersack, H. M., Nachtnebel, H. P. | 385-393 |  | Land-use effects on magnitude-frequency characteristics of storm sediment yields: some New Zealand examples Hicks, D. M. | 395-402 |  | Suspended sediment from two small upland drainage basins: using variability as an indicator of change Johnson, R. C. | 403-410 |  | The impact of run-of-river hydropower plants on temporal suspended sediment transport behaviour Summer, W., Stritzinger, W., Zhang, W. | 411-419 |  | A study of the accumulation rate of the lower Yellow River in the past 10 000 years Jiongxin, X. | 421-430 |  | Variability of sediment load and its impacts on the Yellow River Yuqian, L., Yiying, Q., Guishu, X., Mingquan, X. | 431-436 |  | LISEM: a new physically-based hydrological and soil erosion model in a GIS-environment, theory and implementation de Roo, A. P. J., Wesseling, C. G., Cremers, N. H. D. T., Offermans, R. J. E., Ritsema, C. | 439-448 |  | A methodology for quantifying river channel planform change using GIS Downward, S. R., Gurnell, A. M., Brookes, A. | 449-456 |  | Spatial distribution of sediment discharge to the coastal waters of South and Southeast Asia Gupta, A., Krishnan, P. | 457-463 |  | Long-term records of sediment yield from coral skeletons: results from ion beam analyses Neil, D., Newman, S., Isdale, P. | 465-472 |  | Estimating the impacts of global change on erosion with stochastically generated climate data and erosion models Nicks, A. D., Williams, R. D., Gander, G. A. | 473-478 |  | Flocculation of fine-grained suspended solids in the river continuum Stone, M., Droppo, I. G. | 479-489 |  | Temporal variations of environmental pollutants in channel sediments Symader, W., Schorer, M., Bierl, R. | 491-498 |  |
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