Title | Pages | File |
Sediment Dynamics for a Changing Future, Proceedings of a Symposium held in Warsaw Varsovie (2010) Kazimierz Banasik, Arthur J. Horowitz, Philip N. Owens, Mike Stone & Des E. Walling, Edito | |   |
Preface of Volume 337 Kazimierz Banasik, Arthur J. Horowitz, Philip N. Owens, Mike Stone & Des E. Walling | iii |  |
Using fallout radionuclides to investigate erosion and sediment delivery: some recent advances D. E. Walling | 3-16 |  |
Erosion and sedimentation research in agricultural watersheds in the USA: from past to present and beyond M. J .M. Römkens | 17-26 |  |
Grain erosion - an intense form of rock erosion Zhaoyin Wang, Dandan Liu & Wenjing Shi | 27-34 |  |
Impact of land use activities on fine sediment-associated contaminants, Quesnel River Basin, British Columbia, Canada Tyler B. Smith & Philip N. Owens | 37-43 |  |
Sediment yield in Europe: regional differences in scale dependence Matthias Vanmaercke, Jean Poesen, Gert Verstraeten, Willem Maetens, Joris De Vente & Faruk | 44-52 |  |
Impacts of sediments yields and water quality on the Nairobi River basin ecosystem, Kenya Shadrack Mulei Kithiia | 53-58 |  |
The effects of soil conservation on sediment yield and sediment source dynamics in a catchment in southern Brazil Gustavo H. Merten, Jean P. G. Minella, Michele Moro, Clamarion Maier, Elemar A. Cassol, De | 59-67 |  |
Apportioning sediment sources in a grassland dominated agricultural catchment in the UK using a new tracing framework Adrian L. Collins, Yusheng Zhang, Desmond E. Walling & Kevin Black | 68-75 |  |
Analysis of suspended sediment concentration and discharge relations to identify particle origins in small agricultural watersheds A. Vongvixay, C. Grimaldi, C. Gascuel-Odoux, P. Laguionie, M. Faucheux, N. Gilliet & M. Ma | 76-83 |  |
Sediment-nutrient dynamics in selected Indian mangrove ecosystems - land use and climate change implications Al. Ramanathan, Rajesh Kumar Ranjan, M. Bala Krishna Prasad, Rita Chauhan & Gurmeet Singh | 84-92 |  |
Sediment delivery and erosion processes in drained peatlands Hannu Marttila, Simo Tammela & Bjørn Kløve | 93-98 |  |
Sediment and nutrient transport dynamics in an urban stormwater impoundment Cynthia Yu & Micheal Stone | 99-105 |  |
Characteristics of heavy metal pollution in highway runoff Dingqiang Li, Muning Zhuo & Huayang Gan | 106-112 |  |
Sediment loads in the lower Jinshajiang of the Yangtze River: current status and potential impacts of the cascade dams Lu Xixi, Zhang Shurong, Jiang Tong & Xiong Ming | 113-120 |  |
New methods for estimating annual and long-term suspended sediment loads from small tributaries to San Francisco Bay Mikolaj Lewicki & Lester Mckee | 121-126 |  |
Overbank sedimentation rates on the flood plains of small rivers in Central European Russia V. N. Golosov, V. R. Belyaev, M. V. Markelov & K. S. Kislenko | 129-136 |  |
Deposition of overbank sediments within a regulated reach of the upper Odra River, Poland Agnieszka Czajka & Dariusz Ciszewski | 137-142 |  |
Sediments of the Yenisei River: monitoring of radionuclide levels and estimation of sedimentation rates Alexander Bolsunovsky & Dmitry Dementyev | 143-148 |  |
Preliminary investigation of the potential for using the 137Cs technique to date sediment deposits in karst depressions and to estimate rates of soil loss from karst catchments in southwest China X. B. Zhang, X. Y. Bai & A. B. Wen | 149-156 |  |
The assessment of natural and artificial radionuclides in river sediments in the Czech Republic Diana Ivanovová, Eduard Hanslík & Pavel Stierand | 157-162 |  |
Exploring the relationship between sediment and fallout radionuclide output for two small Calabrian catchments Paolo Porto, Desmond E. Walling, Giovanni Callegari & Carmelo La Spada | 163-171 |  |
Long-term monitoring of the 137Cs activity in suspended sediment transported by the Homerka stream, Polish Flysch Carpathians Wojciech Froehlich & Desmond E. Walling | 172-180 |  |
Sediment dynamics of glacier-fed rivers Jim Bogen | 181-188 |  |
Variations in suspended sediment grain sizes in flood events of a small lowland river Leszek Hejduk & Kazimierz Banasik | 189-196 |  |
The impact of road construction on suspended sediment and solute yields of headwater streams in northern Apennine, Italy Samanta Pelacani, Giuliano Rodolfi & Fiorenzo Cesare Ugolini | 197-203 |  |
Historic sediment yields in a small ungauged catchment controlled by a warping dam, using sediment deposition information and 137Cs dating Li Zhan-Bin, Lu Ke-Xin, Hou Jian-Cai & Li Mian | 204-210 |  |
The importance of sediment control for recovery of incised channels W. D. Erskine, A. C. Chalmers & M. Townley-Jones | 211-219 |  |
The influence of density fronts on sediment dynamics within river-to-sea estuarine transitional waters Robert W. Duck | 220-223 |  |
Sedimentation in the riparian zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir, China Yuhai Bao, Hongwei Nan, Xiubin He, Yi Long & Xinbao Zhang | 224-228 |  |
Application of sediment studies to the management and planning of water resources in the Sydney region Anna K. Sim, Wayne D. Erskine & Russell Drysdale | 229-237 |  |
Observations on flow hydraulics in a gauging station of a small stream with high suspended sediment load (Vallcebre, eastern Pyrenees) Guillaume Nord, Montserrat Soler, Jérôme Latron & Francesc Gallart | 238-244 |  |
Assessing riverine sediment-pathogen dynamics: implications for the management of aquatic and human health risk Ian G. Droppo, Kristen King, Sandra M. Tirado, Andrew Sousa, Gideon Wolfaardt, Steven N. L | 245-250 |  |
Salmon as biogeomorphic agents: temporal and spatial effects on sediment quantity and quality in a northern British Columbia spawning channel Ellen L. Petticrew & Sam J. Albers | 251-257 |  |
Sediment impacts on aquatic ecosystems of the Bukit Merah Reservoir, Perak, Malaysia Wan Ruslan Ismail, Zullyadini A. Rahaman, Sumayyah Aimi Mohd Najib & Zainudin Othman | 258-263 |  |
Determination of the geochemical baseline for the East River basin, China Lincoln Fok & Mervyn R. Peart | 264-270 |  |
The use of instrumentally collected-composite samples to estimate the annual fluxes of suspended sediment and sediment-associated chemical constituents Arthur J. Horowitz | 273-281 |  |
Long-term sediment transport and delivery of the largest distributary of the Mississippi River, the Atchafalaya, USA Y. Jun Xu | 282-290 |  |
Tracing spatial sources of suspended sediment in the Ohio River basin, USA, using water quality data from the NASQAN programme Yusheng Zhang, Adrian L. Collins & Arthur J. Horowitz | 291-299 |  |
High resolution quantification of slope-channel coupling in an alpine geosystem Martin Bimbose, Karl-Heinz Schmidt & David Morche | 300-307 |  |
Integrated runoff-erosion modelling in the Brazilian Water Resources Information System (SNIRH) Celso A. G. Santos, Cristiano Das N. Almeida, Amílcar Soares Júnior, Francisco A. R. Barbo | 308-315 |  |
An ANN-based approach to modelling sediment yield: a case study in a semi-arid area of Brazil Camilo A. S. de Farias, Francismario M. Alves, Celso A. G. Santos & Koichi Suzuki | 316-321 |  |
Use of the SWAT model to evaluate the impact of different land use scenarios on discharge and sediment transport in the Apucaraninha River watershed, southern Brazil Irani Dos Santos, Marcos V. Andriolo, Rosana C. Gibertoni & Masato Kobiyama | 322-328 |  |
Comparative analysis of two distributed soil erosion and sediment yield models in Sichuan Basin, China Yuan Zaijian, Chu Yingmin, Shen Yanjun, Liu Chang & Fu Ya'Nan | 329-333 |  |
Effect of topographic scale on the estimation of soil erosion rates using an empirical model Yulia S. Kuznetsova, Vladimir R. Belyaev & Valentin N. Golosov | 334-344 |  |
Modelling lowland reservoir sedimentation conditions and the potential environmental consequences of dam removal: Wloclawek Reservoir, Vistula River, Poland Artur Magnuszewski, Sharon Moran & Guoliang Yu | 345-352 |  |
Incorporating pedotransfer functions into the MOSEE model to simulate runoff and soil erosion at different scales Eduardo E. de Figueiredo & Anthony J. Parsons | 353-360 |  |
How important is sediment graph development in Iran? Seyed Hamidreza Sadeghi | 361-365 |  |
Application of an XML-based genetic algorithm to a rainfall-runoff erosion model Amílcar Soares Júnior, Celso A. G. Santos, Gustavo H. M. B. Motta, Francisco A. R. Barbosa | 366-374 |  |