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Quantification and Reduction of Predictive Uncertainty for Sustainable Water Resources Management

Author / Editor: E. Boegh, H. Kunstmann, T. Wagener, A. Hall, L. Bastidas, S. Franks, H. Gupta, D. Rosbjerg & John Schaake
Publication Number: 313
ISBN Number: 978-1-901502-09-1
Year: 2007
Pages: 508

Price: £87.00

The atmosphere is the primary driving force for all hydrological processes, yet the availability of spatially and temporally reliable hydrometeorological information remains a critical issue in many hydrological studies. The problem is made more urgent by the suggestion that a warmer climate will lead to an intensification of the hydrological cycle, and to an increase in the frequency of extreme events. In order to accurately represent and understand the impact of climate dynamics on the development of freshwater resources, water management tools that account for the coupled land–atmosphere system are needed. Indeed, the derivation of spatially and temporally representative hydrometeorological data and their accurate representation in water management tools is important to predict current and future developments in freshwater resources, and the influence of changing climate and land surface patterns due to intensified human activities. The contributions in this volume consider the uncertainties in the end-to-end prediction of hydrological variables, beginning with the atmospheric driving, and ending with the hydrological calculations for scientifically-sound decisions in sustainable water management. The book is organized in two main parts; the first addresses the Quantification and reduction of predictive uncertainty in hydrometeorological forcing, and the second includes studies aiming at Minimizing risks in water management decisions by improving the understanding and spatial representation of the coupled land–atmosphere system

Contents for Quantification and Reduction of Predictive Uncertainty for Sustainable Water Resources Management

Title Pages File
Quantification and Reduction of Predictive Uncertainty for Sustainable Water Resources Management, Symposium held in Perugia (2007)
Eva Boegh, Harald Kunstmann, Thorsten Wagener, Alan Hall, Luis Bastidas, Stewart Franks, H
Preface of Volume 313
Eva Boegh, Harald Kunstmann, Thorsten Wagener, Alan Hall, Luis Bastidas, Stewart Franks, H
v-vii PDF Icon
Reducing uncertainty in selecting climate models for hydrological impact assessments - A. J. Pitman & S. E. Perkins
A. J. Pitman & S. E. Perkins
3-15 PDF Icon
Multi-model climate change scenarios for southwest Western Australia and potential impacts on streamflow - G. Fu & S. P. Charles
Guobin Fu & Stephen P. Charles
16-23 PDF Icon
Propagation of convection in Africa: implications for predictability of precipitation - A. Laing et al.
Arlene Laing, Richard Carbone & Vincenzo Levizzani
24-32 PDF Icon
GPS and satellite meteorology for understanding monsoon dynamics over the Indian sub-continent - A. K. Prasad et al.
Anup K. Prasad, Ramesh P. Singh, Shatrughan Singh & Dip S. Nanda
33-39 PDF Icon
Linking the West African monsoon's onset with atmospheric circulation patterns - P. Laux et al.
Patrick Laux, Harald Kunstmann & Andras Bardossy
40-50 PDF Icon
A multi-index approach to inflow prediction for water resources management - S. W. Franks & A. M. Wyatt
Stewart W. Franks & Adam M. Wyatt
51-58 PDF Icon
Space–time representativity of precipitation for rainfall–runoff modelling: experience from some case studies - U. Haberlandt et al.
Uwe Haberlandt, Anna-Dorothea Ebner von Eschenbach, Aslan Belli & Christian Gattke
61-69 PDF Icon
Uncertainty characterization in a combined IR/microwave scheme for remote sensing of precipitation - C. De Marchi et al.
Carlo De Marchi, Aris Georgakakos & Christa Peters-Lidard
70-77 PDF Icon
Empirically-based generator of synthetic radar-rainfall data - G. Villarini et al.
Gabriele Villarini, Witold F. Krajewski & Grzegorz J. Ciach
78-85 PDF Icon
Uncertainties in water balance estimations due to scarce meteorological information: a case study for the White Volta catchment in West Africa - S. Wagner et al.
Sven Wagner, Harald Kunstmann & Andras Bardossy
86-97 PDF Icon
Assessment of rainfall and evaporation input data uncertainties on simulated runoff in southern Africa - T. Sawunyama & D. Hughes
Tendai Sawunyama & Denis Hughes
98-106 PDF Icon
GEWEX Hydrology - A. J. Hall et al.
Alan J. Hall, Richard G. Lawford, John O. Roads, John C. Schaake & Eric F. Wood
109-126 PDF Icon
Hydrological predictability investigation of global data sets for high-latitude river basins - Y. M. Gusev et al.
Yeugeniy M. Gusev, Olga N. Nasonova, Larisa Y. Dzhogan & Yeugeniy E. Kovalev
127-133 PDF Icon
Integrated atmospheric and hydrologic modelling for short-term and basin-scale forecasts in a tropical semi-arid context - A. Claudia Braga et al.
Ana Claudia Braga, Carlos O. Galvao, Enio P. Souza, Enilson P. Cavalcanti, Renato Fernande
134-140 PDF Icon
Regional climate change in the Middle East and impact on hydrology in the Upper Jordan catchment - H. Kunstmann et al.
Harald Kunstmann, Peter Suppan, Andreas Heckl & Alon Rimmer
141-149 PDF Icon
Modelling regional climate change and the impact on surface and sub-surface hydrology in the Volta Basin (West Africa) - G. Jung & H. Kunstmann
G. Jung & H. Kunstmann
150-157 PDF Icon
Monthly streamflow forecasts for the State of Ceara, Brazil - D. S. Reis Jr. et al.
Dirceu S. Reis Jr, Eduardo S. Martins, Luiz Sergio V. Nascimento, Alexandre A. Costa & Ala
158-166 PDF Icon
Coupling meteorological and hydrological models for medium-range streamflow forecasts in the Parana Basin - W. Collischonn et al.
Walter Collischonn, Daniel Allasia, Carlos E. M. Tucci & Adriano R. Paz
167-174 PDF Icon
Experimental hydrometeorological and hydrological ensemble forecasts and their verification in the US National Weather Service - J. Demargne et al.
Julie Demargne, Limin Wu, Dong-Jun Seo & John Schaake
177-187 PDF Icon
Adjusting ensemble forecast probabilities to reflect several climate forecasts - J. R. Stedinger & Young-Oh Kim
Jery R. Stedinger & Young-Oh Kim
188-194 PDF Icon
“Outlier” catchments: what can we learn from them in terms of prediction uncertainty in rainfall–runoff modelling ? - N. Le Moine et al.
Nicolas Le Moine, Vazken Andreassian, Charles Perrin & Claude Michel
195-203 PDF Icon
Understanding sources of uncertainty in flash-flood forecasting for semi-arid regions - T. Wagener et al.
Thorsten Wagener, Hoshin Gupta, Soni Yatheendradas, David Goodrich, Carl Unkrich & Mike Sc
204-212 PDF Icon
Long-term probabilistic forecasting of snowmelt flood characteristics and the forecast uncertainty - L. Kuchment & A. Gelfan
Lev Kuchment & Alexander Gelfan
213-220 PDF Icon
Predictive uncertainty in climate change impacts on floods - M. J. Booij et al.
Martijn J. Booij, Martijn Huisjes & Arjen Y. Hoekstra
221-228 PDF Icon
AMMA forcing data for a better understanding of the West African monsoon - A. Boone & P. deRosnay
A. Boone & P. deRosnay
231-241 PDF Icon
Improved scenario prediction by using coupled hydrological and atmospheric models - J. Overgaard et al.
Jesper Overgaard, Michael B. Butts & Dan Rosbjerg
242-248 PDF Icon
Representativeness of point soil moisture observations, upscaling and assimilation - G. J. M. De Lannoy et al.
Gabrielle J. M. De Lannoy, Valentijn R. N. Pauwels, Paul R. Houser, Timothy Gish & Niko E.
249-257 PDF Icon
Can a land surface model simulate runoff with the same accuracy as a hydrological model ? - O. N. Nasonova & Y. M. Gusev
Olga N. Nasonova & Yeugeniy M. Gusev
258-265 PDF Icon
Water balance evaluation in Denmark using remote sensing-driven land surface modelling and spatially distributed hydrological modelling - E. Boegh et al.
Eva Boegh, Britt S. B. Christensen & Lars Troldborg
266-277 PDF Icon
Comparing model performance of the HBV and VIC models in the Rhine basin - A. Te Linde et al.
Aline Te Linde, Ruud Hurkmans, Jeroen Aerts & Han Dolman
278-285 PDF Icon
Analysis of water resource variability over the irrigated area along the downstream reach of the Yellow River - Huimin Lei et al.
Huimin Lei, Dawen Yang, Xinbing Liu & Shinjino Kanae
286-293 PDF Icon
Water consumption of Populus euphratica woodlands in an arid region of China - Yonghua Zhu et al.
Yonghua Zhu, Liliang Ren & Haishen Lu
294-300 PDF Icon
Testing similarity indices to reduce predictive uncertainty in ungauged basins - L. Oudin et al.
Ludovic Oudin, Vazken Andreassian, Claudia Rojas-Serna, Nicolas Le Moine & Claude Michel
303-310 PDF Icon
The use of physical basin properties and runoff generation concepts as an aid to parameter quantification in conceptual type rainfall–-runoff models - D. Hughes & E. Kapangaziwiri
Denis Hughes & Evison Kapangaziwiri
311-318 PDF Icon
Regionalization of parameters of hydrological models: inclusion of model parameter uncertainty - S. Bastola et al.
Satish Bastola, Hiroshi Ishidaira & Kuniyoshi Takeuchi
319-328 PDF Icon
Regionalization for uncertainty reduction in flows in ungauged basins - M. J. Booij et al.
Martijn J. Booij, Dave L. E. H. Deckers, Tom H. M. Rientjes & Maarten S. Krol
329-337 PDF Icon
Assessment of the watershed yield of the Sakarya River basin, Turkey - S. Isik & V. P. Singh
Sabahattin Isik & Vijay P. Singh
338-345 PDF Icon
Applicability of the GIUH model to estimate flood peaks from ungauged catchments in arid areas :– a case study for the West Bank - A. Jarrar et al.
Ammar Jarrar, Niranjali Jayasuriya, Anan Jayyousi & Maazuza Othman
346-356 PDF Icon
Prediction of rainfall-–runoff model parameters in ungauged catchments - M. Zvolensky et al.
M. Zvolensky, K. Hlavcova, S. Kohnova & J. Szolgay
357-364 PDF Icon
Multilevel river classification as the methodological basis for analysis of maximum runoff values in different geographical regions - E. Asabina
Elena Asabina
365-373 PDF Icon
The Xinanjiang model from the perspective of PUB - Liliang Ren et al.
Liliang Ren, Fei Yuan, Zhongbo Yu, Xiaoli Yang, Rulin Ouyang & Xianghu Li
374-382 PDF Icon
Integrating meteorological and uncertainty information in flood forecasting: the FLOODRELIEF project - M. B. Butts et al.
Michael B. Butts, Anne Katrine V. Falk, Yunqing Xuan & Ian D. Cluckie
385-397 PDF Icon
Reducing the uncertainty of flood forecasts using multi-objective optimization algorithms for parameter estimation - Yan Wang et al.
Yan Wang, Christian Gattke & Andreas Schumann
398-406 PDF Icon
Effects of soil moisture parameterization on a real-time flood forecasting system based on rainfall thresholds - G. Ravazzani et al.
Giovanni Ravazzani, Marco Mancini, Ilaria Giudici & Paolo Amadio
407-416 PDF Icon
Estimation of extreme flow quantiles and quantile uncertainty for ungauged catchments - D. H. Burn et al.
Donald H. Burn, Taha B. M. J. Ouarda & Chang Shu
417-424 PDF Icon
Peak flow estimation under parameter uncertainty in a real-time flood warning system for ungauged basins - D. Biondi & P. Versace
Daniela Biondi & Pasquale Versace
425-436 PDF Icon
Demonstrating Integrated Forecast and Reservoir Management (INFORM) for northern California in an operational environment - K. P. Georgakakos et al.
K. P. Georgakakos, N. E. Graham, A. P. Georgakakos & H. Yao
439-444 PDF Icon
Coping with predictive uncertainties in optimization of sustainable water resources - Chin Man Mok et al.
Chin Man Mok, Nisai Wanakule, Armen Der Kiureghian, Steven M. Gorelick & Miao Zhang
445-451 PDF Icon
RNN-based inflow forecasting applied to reservoir operation via implicit stochastic optimization - C. A. S. De Farias et al.
Camilo Allyson Simoes De Farias, Akihiro Kadota, Alcigeimes B. Celeste & Koichi Suzuki
452-462 PDF Icon
Effect of uncertainties on the real-time operation of a lowland water system in The Netherlands - S. Weijs et al.
Steven Weijs, Elgard van Leeuwen, Peter-Jules van Overloop & Nick van de Giesen
463-470 PDF Icon
Data assimilation in a large-scale distributed hydrological model for medium-range flow forecasts - A. R. Da Paz et al.
Adriano Rolim Da Paz, Walter Collischonn, Carlos E. M. Tucci, Robin T. Clarke & Daniel All
471-478 PDF Icon
Predictive models of reservoir storage-yield-reliability functions: inter-comparison of regression and multi-layer perceptron artificial neural network paradigms - A. Adeloye
Adebayo Adeloye
479-486 PDF Icon
Analyse des periodes seches pour la gestion d'un barrage au nord de la Tunisie / Analysis of dry periods for dam operation in northern Tunisia - M. Majid & L. Fethi
Mathlouthi Majid & Lebdi Fethi
487-496 PDF Icon
Hydrological simulation and prediction for environmental change - Jian Yun Zhang et al.
Jian Yun Zhang, Zhiyu Liu & Chuanbao Zhu
497-504 PDF Icon
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