F. Sheng Yue

Tison Award 2005

Tison Award to Dr Sheng Yue

 The Jury of the 2005 Tison Award, consisting of Dr Zbigniew W. Kundzewicz (Chair), Dr Katumi Musiake and Dr Demetris Koutsoyiannis, decided to recommend making the 2005 Tison Award to Dr Sheng Yue. The winning paper, “Canadian streamflow trend detection: impacts of serial and cross-correlation” was published by Yue, S., Pilon, P., & Phinney Y, B. in Hydrological Sciences Journal in February 2003 (vol. 48(1), 51–63). When publishing the winning paper, Dr Yue was employed in Environment Canada. Since then he moved into the United States, working first with the US Environment Protection Agency and recently with Hazen and Sawyer, Environmental Engineers and Scientists, New York, New York.
    The authors of the winning paper compared the power of the statistical tests tests to assess the significance of monotonic trends. Beyond simulation studies, they applied the methodology to practical assessment of the significance of trends in the annual maximum daily flows of 30 Canadian pristine river basins. The winning paper, studying impacts of serial and cross-correlation, emphasised important, and commonly overlooked, restrictions of considerable practical importance in change detection. In the competition for 2004 Tison Award this paper was also nominated and narrowly lost to Dr Chiew.
    Dr Yue has been very supportive to HSJ, publishing several papers (another one was on the list of candidates to 2005 Tison Award and also the forthcoming June 2005 issue contains a paper by Yue & Pilon) and providing competent, useful, and timely reviews.
    There were ten candidate papers competing for the 2005 Tison Award, that is far more than in any other year. Sometimes, one single paper is unanimously regarded by all evaluators as THE top candidate and the matter is clear and easy, but this was not the case in 2005. Seven co-authors under 41 years of age, eligible for the Tison Award, that is: Dr Aksoy, Dr Cigizoglu, Dr Kiem, Dr Kisi, Dr Tchiguirinskaia, Dr Xiong, and Dr Yue deserve warm congratulations. 

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