Contents for Florence Symposium, 1981, Erosion and Sediment Transport Measurement / Mesure de l'erosion et du transport des sediments
Title | Pages | File |
Florence Symposium, 1981, Erosion and Sediment Transport Measurement / Mesure de l'erosion et du transport des sediments | |   |
Preface of Volume 133 Walling, D. & Tacconi, P. | v-viii |  |
Preface du volume 133 Walling, D. & Tacconi, P. | v-viii |  |
Measurement of bed load in rivers Emmett, W.W. | 3 |  |
Increase bag size improves Helley-Smith bed load sampler for use in streams with high sand and organic matter transport Beschta, R.L. | 17 |  |
The eficiency of basket type bed load samplers Engel, P. & Lam Lau, Y. | 27 |  |
The development of a sand bed load sampler for the Yangtze River Dejia, Z., Daorong, L. & Haochan, G. | 35 |  |
Mesure des sediments charries par les rivieres Vukmirovic, V. & Vukotic, R. | 47 |  |
Experimental investigations on the initiation of bed load ytansport in gravel rivers Cavazza, S. | 53 |  |
Nuclear techniques for measuring sediment transport in natural streams - examples from instrumented basins Tazioli, G.S. | 63 |  |
The development of nuclear sediment concentration gauges for use on the Yellow river Zhi, L., Yuren, L., Leling, S., Xianglin, X., Yujing, Y. & Lingqi, K. | 83 |  |
Latest achievements in the development of nuclear suspended sediment gauges Berke, B. & Rakoczi, L. | 91 |  |
Continuous measurement of suspended sediment in rivers by means of a double beam turbidity meter Grobler, D.C. & van B. Weaver, A. | 97 |  |
Use of turbidity monitors to assess sediment yield in East Java, Indonesia Brabben, T.E. | 105 |  |
Analysis of a simple suspended load integrating sampler Becchi, I., Billi, P. & Tacconi, P. | 115 |  |
Recent developments in pump samplers for the measurement of sand transport Crickmore, M.J. & Teal, C.J. | 123 |  |
Dispositif de prelevement automatique d'un echantillon moyen de transport solide en suspension pondere en fonction du debit, et dispositif de mesure par electrodes specifiques des concentrations en solutes Colombani, J., Fritsch, J.M. & Susini, J. | 131 |  |
Field measurements of suspended sediment concentrations in the surf zone Basinski, T. | 137 |  |
In situ measurements of particulate matter transport in rivers Doll, B., Hahn, H.H. & Kaser, F. | 145 |  |
Sediment measurement techniques used by the Soil Conservation Service of New South Wales, Australia Ryan, K.T. | 151 |  |
Sediment transport sampling for environmental data collection Pemberton, E.L. | 159 |  |
Sediment sampling in rivers and canals Singhal, H.S.S., Joshi, G.C. & Verma, R.S. | 168 |  |
The reliability of suspended sediment load data Walling, D.E. & Webb, B.W. | 177 |  |
Accuracy and precision of suspended sediment loads Dickinson, W.T. | 195 |  |
A study of the variability of suspended sediment measurements Allen, P.B. & Petersen, D.V. | 203 |  |
Accuracy of estimating basin denudation processes from suspended sediment measurements Branski, J. | 213 |  |
Techniques applied in determining sediment loads in South African rivers Rooseboom, A. & Annandale, G.W. | 219 |  |
Measurement of debris flow and sediment-laden flow using a conveyor-belt flume in a laboratory Hirano, M. & Iwamoto, M. | 225 |  |
Some problems related to sediment transport measurement in steep mountain streams Raemy, F. & Jaeggi, M. | 231 |  |
Integrated debris flow observations Okuda, S., Aoki, T. & Okamoto, M. | 241 |  |
Investigation and analysis of volcanic mud flows on Mt Sakarajima, Japan Watanabe, M. & Ikeya, H. | 245 |  |
Studies of sediment production on mountain slopes Hiura, H., Murakami, K. & Ohte, K. | 257 |  |
New methods of measurement of slow particulate transport processes on hillside slopes Culling, W.E.H. | 267 |  |
Sediment measurement in the Yellow River Yuqian, L. & Guishu, X. | 275 |  |
Measurement of sediment yield and transport in mountain torrents in Japan Mizuyama, T. & Watanabe, M. | 287 |  |
Measurement of suspended sediment and bed load in sand bed channels and the associated problems Bhowmik, N.G. | 295 |  |
Significance, measurement and analysis of sediment discharges of flashy rivers Dhillon, G.S., Sakhuja, V.S. & Paul, T.S. | 305 |  |
The national erosion inventory of the Soil Conservation Service, US Department of Agriculture, 1977-1979 Holeman, J.N. | 315 |  |
Data requirements for sediment, erosion and transport simulation Fleming, G. & Fattorelli, S. | 321 |  |
Upland erosion : evaluation and measurement (general review paper) Chisci, G. | 331 |  |
Analyses of different processes governing soil erosion by water in the tropics Lal, R. | 351 |  |
A study of the dynamics of drop erosion under laboratory conditions Kerenyi, A. | 365 |  |
Field measurement of splash erosion Morgan, R.P.C. | 373 |  |
Instrumentation for studies of the erosive power of rainfall Hudson, N.W. | 383 |  |
Soil erosion under simulated rainfall in the field and laboratory : variability of erosion under controlled conditions Bryan, R.B. | 391 |  |
Laboratory and field testing of a programmable plot-sized rainfall simulator Neibling, W.H., Foster, G.R., Nattermann, R.A., Nowlin, J.D. & Holbert, P.V. | 405 |  |
An outdoor portable rainfall erosion laboratory Onstad, C.A., Radke, J.K. & Young, R.A. | 415 |  |
Some laboratory techniques for investigating land erosion de Ploey, J. | 423 |  |
An investigation of source areas of sediment and sediment transport by overland flow along arid hillslopes Yair, A. & Lavee, H. | 433 |  |
Spatial and temporal variations in erosion measurements Campbell, I.A. | 447 |  |
Rate of erosion processes on experimental areas in the Marchiazza basin (northwestern Italy) Caroni, E. & Tropeano, D. | 457 |  |
The establishment of experimental plots for studying runoff and soil loss in the rolling loess regions of China Jinze, M. | 467 |  |
A portable rill meter for field measurement of soil loss McCool, D.K., Dossett, M.G. & Yecha, S.J. | 479 |  |
Relationship between three scales of erosion measurement on two small basins in Sierra Leone Millington, A.C. | 485 |  |
Erosion and sediment transport measurement in a weathered granite mountain area Takei, A., Kobashi, S. & Fukushima, Y. | 493 |  |
Field measurement of rates of bank erosion and bank material strength Thorne, C.R. | 503 |  |
Wind and water erosion of waste heaps at concentration plants for potassium production Bogomolov, G.V., Klementyev, V.P. & Turenkov, N.I. | 513 |  |
Land erosion, research equipment, forecasting methods and prospects for their improvement Mirtskhoulava, T.E. | 521 |  |