Erosion and Sediment Transport Monitoring Programes in River basins Author / Editor: J. Bogen, D.E. Walling & T.J. Day Publication Number: 210 ISBN Number: 0-947571-43-4 Year: 1992 Pages: 538 Price: £10.00 Oslo Symposium, 1992, Erosion and Sediment Transport Monitoring Programes in River basins Contents for Erosion and Sediment Transport Monitoring Programes in River basins Title | Pages | File | Oslo Symposium, 1992, Erosion and Sediment Transport Monitoring Programes in River basins J. Bogen, D.E. Walling & T.J. Day, Editors | |   | Preface Bogen, J., Walling, D., Day, T. | v |  | Suspended load and bed load transport in mountain streams determined by different methods Bartnik, W., Madeyski, M. & Michalik, A. | 3-9 |  | Bed sediment characterization in river engineering problems Billi, P. & Paris, E. | 11-20 |  | Direct measurement of in-channel abrasion processes Brewer, P.A., Leeks, G.J.L. & Lewin, J. | 21-29 |  | Measuring changes in micro and macro roughness on mobile gravel beds de Jong, C. | 31-40 |  | Using COSSY (CObble Satellite SYStem) for measuring the effects of lift and drag forces Ergenzinger, P. & Jupner, R. | 41-49 |  | The impact of particle size controls on stream turbidity measurements; some implications for suspended sediment yield estimation Foster, I.D.L., Millington, R. & Grew, R.G. | 51-62 |  | Applications of sandwave measurements in calculating bed load discharge Jinchi, H. | 63-70 |  | Turbidimeter measurements in a tropical river, Costa Rica Jansson, M.B. | 71-78 |  | Recording bedload discharge in a semiarid channel, Nahal Yatir, Israel Laronne, J.B., Reid, I., Yitshak, Y. & Frostick, L.E. | 79-86 |  | Determining event bedload volumes for evaluation of potential degradation sites due to gravel extraction, N.S.W., Australia Laronne, J.B., Outhet, D.N., Duckham, J.L. & McCabe, T.J. | 87-94 |  | River bank erosion events on the Upper Severn detected by the photoelectronic erosion pin (PEEP) system Lawler, D.M. & Leeks, G.J.L. | 95-105 |  | A study of field methods for measuring sediment discharge Miyamoto, K., Kurihara, J., Sawada, T. & Itakura, Y. | 107-114 |  | Quantification of soil detachment by raindrop impact : performance of classical formulae of kinetic energy in Mediterranean storms Torres, D. S., Salles, C., Creutin, J. D., Delrieu, G. | 115-124 |  | Tracing the source of recent sediment using environmental magnetism and radionuclides in the karst of the Jenolan Caves, Australia Stanton, R.K., Murray, A.S. & Olley, J.M. | 125-133 |  | A new acoustic sensor for sediment discharge measurement Taniguchi, S., Itakura, Y., Miyamoto, K. & Kurihara, J. | 135-142 |  | The use of caesium-137 measurements in soil erosion surveys Walling, D.E. & Quine, T.A. | 143-152 |  | Use of radiometric fingerprints to derive information on suspended sediment sources Walling, D.E. & Woodward, J.C. | 153-164 |  | Separate in-situ entrapment of sand and silt in river systems Witter, J.V. & Waajen, A.N. | 165-174 |  | Measuring techniques of bed load in the Yangtze River Zhian, X. & Gangyan, Z. | 175-180 |  | Monitoring grain size of suspended sediments in rivers Bogen, J. | 183-190 |  | Reliability and representativeness of a suspended sediment concentration monitoring programme for a remote alpine proglacial river Gurnell, A.M., Clark, M.J., Hill, C.T. & Greenhalgh, J. | 191-200 |  | Monitoring sediment load from erosion events Hasholt, B. | 201-208 |  | The use of automatically collected point samples to estimate suspended sediment and associated trace element concentrations for determining annual mass transport Horowitz, A.J., Elrick, K.A., Von Guerard, P.B., Young, N.O., Buell, G.T. & Miller, T.L. | 209-218 |  | Calculating the suspended sediment load of the Dez River Jahani, A. | 219-224 |  | Towards the design of a strategy for sampling suspended sediments in small headwater catchments Johnson, R.C. | 225-232 |  | Temporal variability of suspended sediment flux from a subarctic glacial river, southern Iceland Lawler, D.M., Dolan, M., Tomasson, H. & Zophoniasson, S. | 233-243 |  | Stream suspended sediment transport monitoring - why, how and what is being measured ? Olive, L.J. & Reiger, W.A. | 245-254 |  | Critical reflections on long term sediment monitoring programmes demonstrated on the Austrian Danube Summer, W., Klaghofer, E., Abi-Zeid, I. & Villeneuve, J.P. | 255-262 |  | A sampling strategy for an investigation on particle associated contaminants Symader, W. | 263-268 |  | Monitoring of suspended sediment concentration in discharge from regulated lakes in glacial deposits Tesaker, E. & Dahl, T.E. | 269-278 |  | Some sampling considerations in the design of effective strategies for monitoring sediment-associated transport Walling, D.E., Webb, B.W. & Woodward, J.C. | 279-288 |  | A comparison of methods used to measure suspended sediment in Canada's federal monitoring programs Yuzyk, T.R., Gummer, W.D. & Churchland, L.M. | 289-297 |  | Erosion and sediment transport in South America. Monitoring programmes and strategies Arduino, G. | 301-307 |  | River morphology, sediments and fish habitats Bellamy, K., Beebe, J.T., Saunderson, H.C. & Imhof, J. | 309-315 |  | Environmental studies in Western Europe using overbank sediment Bogen, J., Bolviken, B. & Ottesen, R.T. | 317-325 |  | Problems of monitoring erosion and sediment yields in southern Africa Chakela, Q.K. | 327-335 |  | Network evaluation and planning : Canada's sediment monitoring program Day, T.J. | 337-342 |  | Planning sediment monitoring programs using a watershed model Dickinson, W.T., Rudra, R.P., Sharma, D.N. & Ahmed, S.M. | 343-352 |  | Refining a tributary monitoring program for the Great Lakes basin Droppo, I.G., Ongley, E.D. & Marsalek, J. | 353-362 |  | River reach characterization : a survey strategy for river regime and environmental monitoring and analysis Hudson, H.R. | 363-372 |  | The design and operation of sediment transport measurement programmes in river basins : the Chinese experience Yuqian, L. | 373-378 |  | Environmental quality : changing times for sediment programs Ongley, E.D. | 379-390 |  | A sediment monitoring program for North America Day, T.J. & Parker, R.S. | 391-396 |  | The Vigil Network - long-term monitoring to assess landscape changes Osterkamp, W.R. & Emmett, W.W. | 397-404 |  | Multipurpose studies of erosion and sedimentation in the Upper Ob basin Snishchenko, B.F. | 405-411 |  | The Swedish network of sediment transport Wennerberg, G. & Brandt, M. | 413-420 |  | Sediment delivery in large prairie river basins, western Canada Ashmore, P. | 423-432 |  | Hydrological and sediment dynamics network design in a Mediterranean mountainous area subject to gully erosion Balasch, J.C., Castelltort, X., Lorens, P. & Gallart, F. | 433-442 |  | Assessment of catchment erosion in the southern Pennines, United Kingdom, using reservoir sedimentation monitoring Butcher, D.P., Labadz, J.C., Potter, A.W.R. & White, P. | 443-454 |  | Spatial and temporal variations in erosion and sediment yield Campbell, I.A. | 455-465 |  | Assessment of the impact of farmland erosion on sediment quality : the Saskatchewan River basin, western Canada Carson, M.A. & Hudson, H.R. | 467-472 |  | Suspended sediment dynamics of a riverine lake of the St. Lawrence River De Boer, D.H. & Lemieux, C. | 473-482 |  | A programme of monitoring sediment transport in north central Luzon, the Philippines Dickinson, A. & Bolton, P. | 483-492 |  | Channel erosion and erosion monitoring along the Rhine River Droge, B., Engel, H. & Golz, E. | 493-503 |  | Monitoring radionucleide and suspended-sediment transport in the Little Colorado River basin, Arizona and New Mexico, USA Gray, J.R. & Fisk, G.G. | 505-516 |  | Erosion and sediment transport in Papua New Guinea. Network design and monitoring. Case study : Ok Tedi Coppermine Markham, A. & Repp, K. | 517-526 |  | The new sediment yield map for southern Africa Rooseboom, A. & Lotriet, H.H. | 527-538 |  |
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