Sediment Problems: Strategies For Monitoring, Prediction, And Control Author / Editor: Richard F. Hadley Takahisa Mizuyama, Editors Publication Number: 217 ISBN Number: 0-947571-78-7 Year: 1993 Pages: 284 Price: £10.00 Yokohama Symposium, 1993, Sediment Problems: Strategies For Monitoring, Prediction, And Control Contents for Sediment Problems: Strategies For Monitoring, Prediction, And Control Title | Pages | File | Yokohama Symposium, 1993, Sediment Problems: Strategies For Monitoring, Prediction, And Control Richard F. Hadley Takahisa Mizuyama, Editors | |   | Preface Hadley, R. F., Mizuyama, T. | v-vi |  | Sediment yield in a semiarid basin: sampling equipment impacts Simanton, J. R., Osterkamp, W. R., Renard, K. G. | 3-9 |  | Incorporating social and environmental factors into a regional soil erosion system analysis Hengyue, G., Xiarong, Q., Douglas, I., Min, H. | 11-21 |  | Characteristics and control of soil erosion in Hubei Province, China Huaxia, Y. | 23-27 |  | Seasonal variation of sediment yield on a gentle slope in a semi-arid region, Tanzania Onodera, S., Wakui, J., Morishita, H., Matsumoto, E. | 29-37 |  | Correlation analysis of rainfall: classification method of rainfall in view of sediment yield and transport Shimada, T., Miyamoto, K. | 39-43 |  | Underlying rock type controls of hydrological processes and shallow landslide occurrence Onda, Y. | 47-55 |  | Characteristics of pyroclastic flows and debris flows accompanying the Mt Unzen-Fugendake eruption Ikeya, H., Ishikawa, Y. | 57-66 |  | Model of pyroclastic flow and its numerical simulation Yamashita, S., Miyamoto, K. | 67-74 |  | Study for prediction of occurrence of hillside landslides Hiramatsu, S., Mizuyama, T., Ogawa, S., Ishikawa, Y. | 75-81 |  | Inference of landslide susceptible areas by Landsat Thematic Mapper data Samarakoon, L., Ogawa, S., Ebisu, N., Lapitan, R., Kohki, Z. | 83-90 |  | An overview of reservoir sedimentation in some African river basins Shahin, M. M. A. | 93-100 |  | Investigation on sediment deposition in a designed Carpathian reservoir Banasik, K., Skibinski, J., Gorski, D. | 101-108 |  | Influence of recent climate on sedimentation in Burrinjuck Reservoir Srikanthan, R., Wasson, R. J. | 109-118 |  | A simulation model for sedimentation process in gorge-type reservoirs Okabe, T., Amou, S., Ishigaki, M. | 119-126 |  | Reservoir sedimentation for different size particles Ito, R. | 127-131 |  | Development of an on site sediment prediction model for forest roads and timber harvest areas Robichaud, P. R., Foltz, R. B., Luce, C. H. | 135-140 |  | Development of debris flow Mizuyama, T., Kobashi, S., Guogiang, O. | 141-145 |  | Measurement of sediment transport components in a drainage basin and comparison with sediment delivery computed by a soil erosion model Hasholt, B., Styczen, M. | 147-159 |  | Monitoring streambank and gully erosion by airborne laser Ritchie, J. C., Murphey, J. B., Grissinger, E. H., Garbrecht, J. D. | 161-166 |  | Erosion and runoff monitoring and modelling in a semiarid region of Brazil Srinivasan, V. S., Galvao, C. O. | 167-173 |  | Forest clearcutting and site preparation on a saline soil in East Texas: impact on sediment losses Sayok, A., Chang, M., Watterston, K. G. | 177-184 |  | An investigation of the influence of edaphic, topographic and land-use controls on soil erosion on agricultural land in the Borrowdale and Chinamora areas, Zimbabwe, based on caesium-137 measurements Quine, T. A., Walling, D. E., Mandiringana, O. T. | 185-196 |  | Experimental study on the rheological properties and hydrological mechanism of the occurrence of a volcanic mudflow Taniguchi, Y. | 197-206 |  | Environmental and hydrological implications of the development of multipurpose reservoirs in some catchments of Kenya: meeting Kenya's water demands by the year 2010 Ongwenyi, G. S., Kithiia, S. M., Denga, F. O., Abwao, P. O. | 207-215 |  | An overview of the soil erosion and sedimentation problems in Kenya Ongwenyi, G. S., Kithiia, S. M., Denga, F. O. | 217-224 |  | A method for estimating soil erosion caused by surface runoff using sloping lysimeters Banzai, K., Hayase, Y. | 227-237 |  | Motion, debris size and scale of debris flows in a valley on Mount Yakedake, Japan Suwa, H., Okunishi, K., Sakai, M. | 239-248 |  | Examining the transition from sediment transport in water to mass movement Rose, C. W., Presbitero, A. L., Misra, R. K. | 249-255 |  | A comparative study on suspended-sediment discharge initiated by snow- or glacier-melting Chikita, K. | 257-267 |  | Modelling soil erosion in arid zone drainage basins Sharma, K. D., Dhir, R. P., Murthy, J. S. R. | 269-276 |  | Influence of heterogeneous sediment transport on the function of sediment control of a check dam Maita, H. | 277-284 |  |
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