F. Chiew

Tison Award 2004

Tison Award for Dr Francis Chiew

The Jury of the 2004 Tison Award, consisting of Dr Zbigniew W. Kundzewicz (Chair), Dr Maria Carmen Llasat and Dr Joop Steenvoorden, made an unanimous decision to recommend bestowing the Award to Dr Francis H. S. Chiew of the Cooperative Research Centre for Catchment Hydrology, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. The winning paper, “Global ENSO-streamflow teleconnection, streamflow forecasting and interannual variability”, was published by Dr Francis H. S. Chiew & Dr Thomas A. McMahon in Hydrological Sciences Journal in June 2002 (volume 47, issue 3, pages 505–522). It has been found that El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is linked to climate anomalies throughout the world. The winning paper presents an overview of global ENSO–streamflow teleconnection. Based on analysis of data from 581 catchments worldwide, it identifies regions where the relationship may be exploited for long-term streamflow forecast to help manage water resources. This holds promise particularly in systems with high interannual variability in Australia, southern and drier parts of Africa and some areas of North America. The other three papers competing for the 2004 Tison Award were highly evaluated by the Jury. Their co-authors eligible for the Tison Award: Dr Cigizoglu, Dr Mahe, Dr Ouedraogo, Dr Paturel and Dr Sheng Yue deserve warm congratulations.

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