Effects of Scale on Interpretation and Management of Sediment and Water Quality Author / Editor: W. R. Osterkamp, Editor Publication Number: 226 ISBN Number: 0-947571-34-5 Year: 1995 Pages: 301 Price: £15.00 Boulder Symposium, 1995, Effects of Scale on Interpretation and Management of Sediment and Water Quality Contents for Effects of Scale on Interpretation and Management of Sediment and Water Quality Title | Pages | File | Boulder Symposium, 1995, Effects of Scale on Interpretation and Management of Sediment and Water Quality W. R. Osterkamp, Editor | |   | Preface Osterkamp, W. R. | v-vi |  | Scale influence on water and sediment output in a first-order mountain basin in Nepal Carver, M., Schreier, H. | 3-9 |  | Decoupling of sediment sources in large river basins Phillips, J. D. | 11-16 |  | Runoff and sediment transport from glacierized basins at the Himalayan scale Collins, D. N., Hasnain, S. I. | 17-25 |  | Downstream changes in suspended-sediment fluxes in the River Severn, UK Bull, L. J., Lawler, D. M., Leeks, G. J. L., Marks, S. | 27-37 |  | Processes influencing pesticide transport in a drained clay catchment Johnson, A. C., Batchelor, C. H., Haria, A. H. | 39-46 |  | Stochastic geomorphology - implications for monitoring and interpreting erosion and sediment yields in mountain drainage basins Benda, L. | 47-54 |  | Changes in sediment discharge resulting from commercial logging in the Sungai Lawing basin, Selangor, Malaysia Lai, F. S., Lee, M. J., Rizal, S. M. | 55-62 |  | Suspended sediment characteristics and drainage basin scale on the Canadian prairies Crosby, G., De Boer, D. H. | 65-72 |  | Effects of a changing environment on sediment transport in two Austrian river systems Habersack, H. M., Nachtnebel, H. P. | 73-81 |  | Variability in stream sediment transport in Liaoning Province and its relation to environmental change Hsueh-Chun, Y. | 83-89 |  | Sediment transport by volcanic torrents of different scale Suwa, H. | 91-97 |  | Sediment and water quality of Klagan River tributary in tropical rainforest of Sabah, Borneo Island Mokhtar, M. B., Awaluddin, A. B. T., Tian, O. E. | 99-104 |  | Assessing the representativity of catchments according to their size from hydrochemical observations Merot, P., Durand, P. | 105-112 |  | Scale effects in particle-associated contaminants of river-bottom sediment Symader, W., Schorer, M., Bierl, R. | 113-117 |  | Analyse temporelle et spatiale des apports de crue sur un bassin mediterraneen : relation avec les processus hydrologiques Gresillon, J. M., Taha, A., Le Meillour, F., Lavabre, J., Puech, C. | 119-129 |  | Using GIS to delineate Chemical Hydrological Response Units (CHRUS) for hydrochemical modeling in a mesoscale catchment in Germany Bende, U., Flugel, W-A., Kern, T. J. | 133-139 |  | Scale behavior of hydraulic conductivity during a pumping test Schulze-Makuch, D., Cherkauer, D. S. | 141-146 |  | Spatial variability of cover affecting erosion and sediment yield in overland flow Lane, L. J., Nichols, M. H., Simanton, J. R. | 147-152 |  | Simulation models for conservative and nonconservative solute transport in streams Runkel, R. L. | 153-159 |  | A study on scale effects on sediment transport modeling in and regions Shanna, K. D. | 161-168 |  | Effect of temporal scale on runoff and erosion modeling Stephenson, D. | 169-174 |  | The impact of scale on the processes of channel-side sediment supply: a conceptual model Lawler, D. M. | 175-184 |  | Sediment-yield alteration of mountain rivers and climate change in central Asia Glazyrin, G. E., Tashmetov, H. K. | 187-190 |  | Deliberation on scale theory Suxia, L., Xingguo, M., Changming, L. | 191-197 |  | An approach to representing spatial variability when evaluating model uncertainty in process-based watershed models Tiscareno-Lopez, M., Claveran, R., Weltz, M. A., Kidwell, M. R. | 199-206 |  | Identifying trends in sediment discharge from alterations in upstream land use Parker, R. S., Osterkamp, W. R. | 207-213 |  | Total suspended load transport as a natural stochastic process Skoklevski, Z., Velickov, S. | 215-221 |  | The prediction of peak nitrate concentration from annual nitrate load at the field and catchment scales Rodda, H. J. E., Scholefield, D., Lord, E., Webb, B. W. | 223-230 |  | Scale-related water temperature behaviour Webb, B. W., Zhang, Y., Nobilis, F. | 231-239 |  | Sediment quality in Australian river basins: a compartmental approach to assessment of regional sediment-variability factor Arakel, A., Hanna, R., McConchie, D. | 243-252 |  | Detecting change in sediment loads: where and how is it possible ? Bunte, K., MacDonald, L. H. | 253-261 |  | Sedimentation in muddy estuaries and management of river flow Kang, W. | 263-267 |  | Evaluation of erosion-control works by turbidity at different scale drainage basins Mizuyama, T., Nakano, M., Matsumura, K. | 269-273 |  | Variations in sediment transport at a variety of temporal scales in the Murrumbidgee River, New South Wales, Australia Olive, L. J., Olley, J. M., Murray, A. S., Wallbrink, P. J. | 275-284 |  | Monitoring of rill formation Hasholt, B., Hansen, B. S. | 285-291 |  | Scale as a factor in designing sampling programs for determination of annual trace element fluxes Horowitz, A. J. | 293-301 |  |
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