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Large Sample Basin Experiments for Hydrological Model Parameterization

Author / Editor: Vazken Andreassian, Alan Hall, Nanee Chahinian & John Schaake
Publication Number: 307
ISBN Number: 978-1-901502-73-2
Year: 2006
Pages: 348 + iv

Price: £70.00

This volume contains 25 papers, many of which follow from presentations made at the last two MOPEX workshops: July 2004 at ENGREF, Paris, France, and April 2005 at the IAHS Assembly in Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil. An objective is to show how valuable it is to work on large data sets in hydrological modelling. The first section provides an introduction to the goals of the MOPEX project, and presents the databases that were used by the workshop participants. Much of the data is published on the DVD accompanying this volume. The second section groups four review papers that were not presented during the MOPEX workshops, but solicited especially for this volume, in order to provide alternative views on the use of large sample basin experiments in hydrology. The third and the fourth sections present model parameterization experiments based on samples of a large number of basins: in the third, the focus is on the databases that were gathered specifically for the MOPEX program, while the fourth presents regionalization and parameterization studies based on other large hydrometeorological databases. The fifth section presents a compilation of the most recent results of the project, and discusses its perspectives.

Contents for Large Sample Basin Experiments for Hydrological Model Parameterization

Title Pages File
Large Sample Basin Experiments for Hydrological Model Parameterization : Results of the Model Parameter Experiment - MOPEX Workshops Paris (2004) and Foz do Iguacu (2005)
Vazken Andreassian, Alan Hall, Nanee Chahinian & John Schaake
Introduction and Synthesis: Why should hydrologists work on a large number of basin data sets? - Vazken Andreassian et al.
Vazken Andreassian, Alan Hall, Nanee Chahinian & John Schaake
1-5 PDF Icon
The US MOPEX Data Set - John Schaake et al.
John Schaake, Shuzheng Cong & Qingyun Duan
9-28 PDF Icon
The MOPEX 2004 French database: main hydrological and morphological characteristics - N. Chahinian et al.
N. Chahinian, T. Mathevet, F. Habets & V. Andreassian
29-40 PDF Icon
Catalogue of the models used in MOPEX 2004/2005 - V. Andreassian et al.
V. Andreassian, S. Bergstrom, N. Chahinian, Q. Duan, Y. M. Gusev, I. Littlewood, T. Mathev
41-94 PDF Icon
Experience from applications of the HBV hydrological model from the perspective of prediction in ungauged basins - Sten Bergstrom
Sten Bergstrom
97-107 PDF Icon
Has basin-scale modelling advanced beyond empiricism? - C. Michel et al.
C. Michel, C. Perrin, V. Andreassian, L. Oudin & T. Mathevet
108-116 PDF Icon
Regionalization methods in rainfall-runoff modelling using large catchment samples rainfall-runoff modelling - Ralf Merz et al.
Ralf Merz, Guenter Bloschl & Juraj Parajka
117-125 PDF Icon
A review of Australian model parameterization studies using large basin samples AWBM - Walter Boughton
Walter Boughton
126-132 PDF Icon
Distributed hydrological modelling with lumped inputs - Vincent Fortin et al.
Vincent Fortin, Nanee Chahinian, Alberto Montanari, Greta Moretti & Roger Moussa
135-148 PDF Icon
Flow simulation in an ungauged basin: an alternative approach to parameterization of a conceptual model using regional data - Monomoy Goswami & Kieran Michael O'Connor
Monomoy Goswami & Kieran Michael O'Connor
149-158 PDF Icon
Modelling ungauged basins with the Sacramento model - Terri Hogue et al.
Terri Hogue, Koray Yilmaz, Thorsten Wagener & Hoshin Gupta
159-168 PDF Icon
A parameter estimation scheme of the land surface model VIC using the MOPEX databases - Zhenghui Xie & Fei Yuan
Zhenghui Xie & Fei Yuan
169-179 PDF Icon
Application of global 1-degree data sets to simulate runoff from MOPEX experimental river basins - Olga N. Nasonova & Yeugeniy M. Gusev
Olga N. Nasonova & Yeugeniy M. Gusev
180-187 PDF Icon
Simulating runoff from MOPEX experimental river basins using the SWAP land surface model and different parameter estimation techniques - Yeugeniy M. Gusev & Olga N. Nasonova
Yeugeniy M. Gusev & Olga N. Nasonova
188-195 PDF Icon
Performance comparison of a complex physics-based land surface model and a conceptual, lumped-parameter hydrological model at the basin-scale - Thian Yew Gan et al.
Thian Yew Gan, Yeugeniy Gusev, Stephen J. Burges & Olga Nasonova
196-208 PDF Icon
A bounded version of the Nash-Sutcliffe criterion for better model assessment on large sets of basins large sample of basins - Thibault Mathevet et al.
Thibault Mathevet, Claude Michel, Vazken Andreassian & Charles Perrin
211-219 PDF Icon
Regionalization of dynamic watershed response behaviour - Maitreya Yadav et al.
Maitreya Yadav, Thorsten Wagener & Hoshin Gupta
220-229 PDF Icon
Ungauged catchments: how to make the most of a few streamflow measurements? - Claudia Rojas-Serna et al.
Claudia Rojas-Serna, Claude Michel, Charles Perrin & Vazken Andreassian
230-236 PDF Icon
Characterization of flow regimes for three French rivers using a 6-parameter continuous simulation rainfall-streamflow model: the importance of the parameter selection procedure - Ian G. Littlewood
Ian G. Littlewood
237-245 PDF Icon
How informative is land-cover for the regionalization of the GR4J rainfall-runoff model? Lessons of a downward approach downward approach - Ludovic Oudin et al.
Ludovic Oudin, Vazken Andreassian, Cecile Loumagne & Claude Michel
246-255 PDF Icon
Simulation of streamflow by a regionalized lumped rainfall-runoff model over Luxembourg - B. Hingray et al.
B. Hingray, F. Guex, D. Guex, S. Pugin, A. Musy, L. Pfister, A. Idrissi, J. F. Iffly & L.
256-263 PDF Icon
Regionalization of a monthly rainfall-runoff model for the southern half of France based on a sample of 880 gauged catchments - Nathalie Folton & Jacques Lavabre
Nathalie Folton & Jacques Lavabre
264-277 PDF Icon
Modelisation hydrologique et regionalisation en Afrique de l'Ouest et centrale / Hydrological modelling and regionalization in West and Central Africa - J. E. Paturel et al.
J. E. Paturel, E. Servat, A. Dezetter, J. F. Boyer, C. Laroche, L. Mounirou, H. Lubes-Niel
278-287 PDF Icon
Predicting river flow statistics at ungauged locations - a hydrostochastic approach - Eric Sauquet et al.
Eric Sauquet, Lars Gottschalk, Irina Krasovskaia & Etienne Leblois
288-299 PDF Icon
Accounting for spatial variability: a way to improve lumped modelling approaches? An assessment on 3300 chimera catchments - M. Bourqui et al.
M. Bourqui, C. Loumagne, N. Chahinian & M. Plantier
300-310 PDF Icon
Compilation of the MOPEX 2004 results model comparison; MOPEX; parameter estimation - N. Chahinian et al.
N. Chahinian, V. Andreassian, Q. Duan, V. Fortin, H. Gupta, T. Hogue, T. Mathevet, A. Mont
313-338 PDF Icon
The Model Parameter Estimation Experiment (MOPEX): Its structure, connection to other international initiatives and future directions - Thorsten Wagener et al.
Thorsten Wagener, Terri Hogue, John Schaake, Qingyun Duan, Hoshin Gupta, Vazken Andreassia
339-346 PDF Icon
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