Upcoming events
ICSH-STAHY Workshop 2024
The fourteenth edition of the STAHY International Workshop, STAHY 2024, will be organized by Pedro Chaffé (Federal University of Santa Catarina) in Florianópolis (Brazil). It will be a combined event together with the 9th International Symposium on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) and the 1st Brazilian Meeting on Statistical Hydrology (EBHE).
The meeting will take place in Florianópolis, Brazil, from 4-7 November 2024.
This joint meeting brings together the experts – academics and practitioners – and young scientists alike for vibrant scientific discussions and debates. We strongly suggest participants to think of how their contributions to the meeting relate to the Themes, Goals and Working Groups of the current IAHS Scientific Decade IAHS initiative for 2023-2032: Science for Solutions: Hydrology Engaging Local People IN one Global world (HELPING). Using the HELPING rationale as the background of our discussions will possibly induce the start and accelerate the development of activities that are already in place in many of the HELPING Working Groups.
We welcome contributions dealing with the following topics (but not limited to):
- Integrated water resources management,
- Characterization and prediction of hydrometeorological extremes,
- Forecast and optimization of water resources systems,
- Water resources in a connected world.
The conference is eligible for SYSTA travel awards (Sivapalan Young Scientists Travel Award). An abstract must already be submitted to be considered for the award.
Important dates:
31 May – Abstract submission deadline.
31 May – SYSTA Travel Grant Application deadline.
28 June – Notification of abstract acceptance.
15 July – Early bird registration deadline.
15 July – Registration deadline for presenting authors.
28 October – Registration deadline for all participants.
4-7 Nov – Conference dates.
Full information can be found on the conference website.
Past events
ICSH-STAHY Workshop 2023
The thirteenth edition of the STAHY International Workshop, STAHY 2023, was organized by Stacey Archfield (USGS) in Boston (USA), November 2023.
Venue: The Institute for Experiential AI, Northeastern University Boston, MA, USA, 9-10 November 2023 (with early career events on November 8)
ICSH-STAHY Workshop 2022
The twelfth edition of the STAHY International Workshop, STAHY 2022 was organized by Roberto Deidda (University of Cagliari) in Sardinia (Italy), September 2022.
Venue: Chia, Sardinia (Italy), 17-20 September 2022
Web site: https://sites.unica.it/stahy2022/
One afternoon was dedicated to the early career workshop, with enlightening presentations by Alberto Viglione (University of Turin) and Simon M. Papalexiou (University of Calgary).
EGU General Assembly 2022
Vienna | May 23–27, 2022
Sessions co-sponsored by STAHY:
HS3.4: Advanced geostatistics, clustering and classification for water, earth and environmental sciences
HS7.7 (Co-organized by NH1): Spatial extremes in the hydro- and atmosphere: understanding and modelling
ICSH-STAHY Workshop 2021 (organized by ICSH-IAHS)
The eleventh edition of the STAHY International Workshop, STAHY 2021 was organized by by the Research Institute of Water and Environmental Engineering (IIAMA) of the Universtat Politècnica de València (UPV).The event was held entirely on-line due to Covid-19 pandemic condition.
General topics included:
- Extreme hydrological and meteorological analysis under global changes
- Quantifying uncertainty in hydrological predictions
- Hydrological design and risk assessment under changing environment
- Applications of big data, data mining and information theory
- Data assimilation for hydrological forecasts
- New approaches in time series analysis
- Spatio-temporal variability and scaling
- Geostatistics in groundwater and surface hydrology
One day before the Workshop (15 September), the Early Career Course took place,
Best presentations are invited to a Special Issue in Hydrological Sciences Journal.
It is also noteworthy that during the Workshop Prof. Jose Salas will receive the ICSH Achievement Award for his giant and outstanding contribution to the science of Statistical Hydrology.
STAHY2021 website: https://stahy2021.congresos.upv.es/
EGU General Assembly 2021
ONLINE | April 19–30, 2021
Sessions co-sponsored by STAHY
HS7.7: Precipitation small scale variability, hydrometeorologic extremes, and land-use feedbacks in the atmospheric water cycle, and beyond - Co-organized by NH1
HS7.8: Spatial extremes in the hydro- and atmosphere: understanding and modelling - Co-organized by AS1/NH1
EGU General Assembly 2020: Sharing Geosciences Online
ONLINE | May 4–8, 2020
Sessions co-sponsored by STAHY
HS3.6: Spatio-temporal and/or (geo) statistical analysis of hydrological events, floods, extremes, and related hazards
HS7.6: Precipitation small scale variability, hydrometeorologic extremes, and land-use feedbacks in the atmospheric water cycle, and beyond - Co-organized by AS4/CL2/NH1/NP3
HS7.10: Spatial extremes in the hydro- and atmosphere: understanding and modelling - Co-organized by NH1
Short course at Hohai University - Nanjing China (co-organized by ICSH-IAHS)
The following short course was held by Prof. Dmitri Kavetski and Prof. George Kuczera Hohai University - Nanjing, China | October 28-29, 2019
"Bayesian Methods in Hydrology"
ICSH-STAHY Workshop 2019 (organized by ICSH-IAHS)
Nanjing, China | October 19-20, 2019
The STAHY2019 workshop also commemorated the lifetime of contributions by Professor Shuzheng Cong (National Weather Service, USA) to the discipline. Prof. Cong presented "Some Thoughts on Flood Frequency Analysis and Its Uncertainty Evaluation: A Historical Review".
A complete report of the event can be found here.
On the day before the workshop (October 18, 2019), also an Early Career Course was held as a short reception for the early career members.
The Early Career Course was organized by Svenja Fischer ([email protected]) as Early Career Committee Representative for IAHS-STAHY.
IUGG General Assembly 2019 (co-organized by ICSH-IAHS)
Montreal, Canada | July 8-18, 2019 - 100th anniversary of IUGG
We had three different sessions receiving many contributions each:
* Quantifying uncertainty in hydrological systems: a Bayesian point of view
* Hydrologic time series with contributions on methodologies, applications, assessment and alternatives for non-stationarity, and assessment of uncertainty
* Contributions to the unsolved problems in statistical hydrology (see pictures below)(Salvatore Grimaldi)
Workshop on Correlated Extreme Events
The Initiative on Extreme Weather and Climate - The Climate Adaptation Initiative
New York, USA | 29-31 May, 2019
Columbia University in the City of New York
EGU General Assembly 2019
Vienna, Austria | April 7–12, 2019
HS7.7/NH1.18: Hydrometeorologic variability: spatio-temporal scales and probability of extremes (co-organized) PICO session (co-organized by ICSH-IAHS)
ICSH-STAHY Workshop 2018 (organized by ICSH-IAHS)
Adelaide, South Australia | September 24-26, 2018
Apart from stimulating discussions on the multiple facets of statistical hydrology, the STAHY2018 workshop also commemorated the lifetime of contributions by Professor George Kuczera to the discipline. Professor Kuczera presented a thoughtful assessment of the importance of type I and II errors in hydrological practice, and how we may be making larger longer-term mistakes at the cost of reducing short-term errors by focussing more on one error type than another.
EGU General Assembly 2018
Vienna, Austria | April 8–13, 2018
HS7.7/NH1.18: Hydrometeorologic variability: spatio-temporal scales and probability of extremes (co-organized) PICO session (co-organized by ICSH-IAHS)
ICSH-STAHY Workshop 2017 (organized by ICSH-IAHS)
Warsaw, Poland | September 21-22, 2017
Warsaw University of Life Sciences WULS-SGGW
IAHS 2017 General Assembly "Water and Development: scientific challenges in addressing societal issues" (co-organized by ICSH-IAHS)
Port Elizabeth, South Africa | July 10-14, 2017
Sessions organized by ICSH – STAHY
#21 Quantifying uncertainty in hydrological systems: A Bayesian point of view
#22 Nonstationarity in Hydrology: Theories, Methods and Applications
#23 Multivariate statistics for hydrological application
#24 Stochastic hydrology: simulation and disaggregation models
and co-organized by ICSH – STAHY
#7 Measurements in the 21st century: innovation in hydrological observations
#10 Prediction in ungauged basins
#11 Modelling hydrological processes for prediction under change
#13 Extreme events: links between science and practice
EGU General Assembly 2017
Vienna, Austria | April 23-28, 2017
HS7.7/NH1.17 - Hydroclimatic and hydrometeorlogic stochastics: extremes, scales and probabilities PICO session (co-organized by ICSH-IAHS)
ICSH-STAHY Workshop 2016 (organized by ICSH-IAHS)
Quebec City, Canada | September 26-27, 2016
INRS - Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique
Statistical French Society Conference
Montpellier, France | May 30- June 3, 2016
Session co-sponsored by the Committee on Probability and Statistics in the Physical Sciences of the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability and by ICSH- IAHS
# Applications in hydro-meteorology and hydro-climatology
ICSH-STAHY Workshop 2015 (co-organized by ICSH-IAHS)
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia | November 18-20, 2015
Jointly to 10th Alexander von Humboldt Conference 2015 and EGU-GIFT Workshop EGU Leonardo Conference 2015
"Water-Food-Energy River and Society in the Tropics"
IUGG General Assembly 2015 (co-organized by ICSH-IAHS)
Prague, Czech Republic | June 22 - July 2, 2015
HW03 Multivariate Analysis in Hydrological Modelling
HW04 Hydrological Change in Statistical Perspective
EGU General Assembly 2015
Vienna, Austria | April 12-17, 2015
HS7.7/NP3.8 Hydroclimatic and hydrometeorologic stochastics: Extremes, scales, probabilities (co-organized) | PICO Session (co-organized by ICSH-IAHS)
HS3.3 Open Source Computing in Hydrology. PICO Session
ICSH-STAHY Workshop 2014 (organized by ICSH-IAHS)
Abu Dhabi, UAE | November 10-11, 2014
EGU General Assembly 2014
Vienna, Austria | April 27- May 2, 2014
HS7.5/NP8.3, Hydroclimatic stochastics (co-organized by ICSH-IAHS)
HS3.3, Open Source Computing in Hydrology PICO Session (co-organized by ICSH-IAHS)
ICSH-STAHY Workshop 2013 (co-organized by ICSH-IAHS)
Kos Island, Greece | October 17–19, 2013
Round table: “The Legacy of Harold Edwin Hurst to hydrological sciences”
EVAN 2013 International Short Conference on Advances in Extreme Value Analysis and Application to Natural Hazards
Siegen, Germany | September 18–20, 2013
IAHS-IAPSO-IASPEI - Scientific Assembly 2013 (co-organized by ICSH-IAHS)
Gothenburg, Sweden | July 22-26, 2013
HPS1: Advanced Statistical Methods for Hydrology, Oceanography and Seismology
Hw10: Adaptive water resources management - system design and operation
Hw14: Regional modelling in hydrology using statistical tools
Hw15: Testing simulation and forecasting models in non-stationary conditions
EGU General Assembly 2013
Vienna, Austria | April 7-12, 2013
HS7.5 Hydroclimatic stochastics (organized by ICSH-IAHS)
HS3.3 Poster Session on Open Source Computing in Hydrology (co-organized by ICSH-IAHS)
ICSH-STAHY Workshop 2012 (organized by ICSH-IAHS)
Tunis, Tunisia | October 1-2, 2012
Round table: “The Legacy of Vit Klemes to hydrological sciences”
EGU General Assembly 2012
Vienna, Austria | April 22-27, 2012
HS7.5/NP8.3 Hydroclimatic stochastics (organized by ICSH-IAHS)
XXV IUGG General Assembly 2011 (co-organized by ICSH-IAHS)
Melbourne, Australia | June 28 - July 7, 2011
HW13 "Recent development of statistical tools for hydrological application"
HW06 "Expert judgement versus statistical goodness-of-fit for hydrological model evaluation"
EGU General Assembly 2011
Vienna, Austria | April 3-8, 2011
HS7.5/NP6.7: “Hydroclimatic Stochastics” (organized by ICSH-IAHS)
Water 2010 - Hydrology, hydraulics and Water Resources in an Uncertain Environment
Quebec City, Canada | July 5-7, 2010
# Multivariate frequency analysis of hydrological variables
STAHY Workshop Advances in statistical hydrology 2010 (organized by ICSH-IAHS)
Taormina, Italy | May 23-25, 2010
Round table: “The Legacy of Vujica M. Yevjevich to hydrological sciences”
EGU General Assembly 2010
Vienna, Austria | May 2-7, 2010
HS/NP6: “Stochastics in hydrometeorological processes: from point to global spatial scales and from minute to climatic time scales” (organized by ICSH-IAHS)
8th IAHS Scientific Assembly & 37th IAH Congress 2009 (cp-organized by ICSH-IAHS)
Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India | September, 6-12, 2009
HW.7 “New statistics in hydrology”
EGU General Assembly 2009
Vienna, Austria | April 19-24, 2009
HS1 “Recent Development of Statistical Tools for Hydrological Application” (organized by ICSH-IAHS)
AGU Fall Meeting 2008
San Francisco, USA | December 15-19, 2008
H76: “Recent Development of Statistical Tools for Hydrological Application” (organized by ICSH-IAHS)
Workshop "New Statistical Tools in Hydrology" 2008 (organized by ICSH-IAHS)
Capri, Italy | October 13-15, 2008
Workshop organized to launch the STAHY Working Group