Title | Pages | File |
Sediment Dynamics and the Hydromorphology of Fluvial Systems Dundee Symposium July 2006 John S. Rowan, Robert W. Duck & Alan Werritty Editors | nbsp; |   |
Preface of Volume 306 John S. Rowan, Robert W. Duck & Alan Werritty | v-vi |  |
Suspended sediment yield from continents into the World Ocean: spatial and temporal variability - A. P. Dedkov & A. V. Gusarov A. P. Dedkov & A. V. Gusarov | 3-11 |  |
Sediment yields in the Exe Basin: a longer-term perspective - Anna Harlow et al. Anna Harlow, Bruce Webb & Des Walling | 12-20 |  |
Estimates and analysis of suspended sediment from a glacierized basin in the Himalayas - Pratap Singh Pratap Singh | 21-27 |  |
Influence of different factors on the sediment yield of the Oka Basin rivers (central Russia) - Valentin Golosov Valentin Golosov | 28-36 |  |
Sediment transport during a flushing flow in the lower Ebro River - Ramon J. Batalla et al. Ramon J. Batalla, Damia Vericat & Antoni Palau | 37-44 |  |
Glacial erosion and sediment transport in the Mittivakkat Glacier catchment, Ammassalik Island, southeast Greenland, 2005 - Bent Hasholt & Sebastian H. Mernild Bent Hasholt & Sebastian H. Mernild | 45-55 |  |
Flood and sediment transport response to hydrometeorological events of diverse magnitude in the Vallcebre basin, Eastern Pyrenees - Montserrat Soler et al. Montserrat Soler, David Regues, Jerome Latron & Francesc Gallart | 56-63 |  |
Episodic discharge of coarse sediment in a mountain torrent - Richard Johnson & Jeff Warburton Richard Johnson & Jeff Warburton | 64-71 |  |
The life-span of a small high mountain lake, the Vordere Blaue Gumpe in the Bavarian Alps - David Morche et al. David Morche, Christian Katterfeld, Sebastian Fuchs & Karl-Heinz Schmidt | 72-81 |  |
Output of bed load sediment from a small upland drainage basin in Hong Kong - M. R. Peart & L. Fok M. R. Peart & L. Fok | 82-88 |  |
A volumetric approach to estimate bed load transport in a mountain stream (Central Spanish Pyrenees) - N. Lana-Renault et al. N. Lana-Renault, D. Regues, J. Latron, E. Nadal, P. Serrano & C. Marti-Bono | 89-95 |  |
Suspended sediment dynamics for June storm events in the urbanized River Tame, UK - D. M. Lawler et al. D. M. Lawler, I. D. L. Foster, G. E. Petts, S. Harper & I. P. Morrissey | 96-103 |  |
Estimating soil erosion and sediment transport in the drainage basin of the proposed Selova Reservoir, Serbia - Stanimir Kostadinov et al. Stanimir Kostadinov, Nada Dragovic & Mirjana Todosijevic | 104-109 |  |
The effect of the "Great Flood of 1993" on subsequent suspended sediment concentrations and fluxes in the Mississippi River Basin, USA - Arthur J. Horowitz Arthur J. Horowitz | 110-119 |  |
An underutilized resource: historical flood chronologies, a valuable resource in determining periods of hydro-geomorphic change - N. Macdonald N. Macdonald | 120-126 |  |
Hydromorphological adjustment in meandering river systems and the role of flood events - Janet Hooke Janet Hooke | 127-135 |  |
Sediment erosion, transport and deposition during the July 2001 Mawddach extreme flood event - Graham Hall & Roger Cratchley Graham Hall & Roger Cratchley | 136-147 |  |
Sediment transport rates of major floods in glacial and non-glacial rivers in Norway in the present and future climate - Jim Bogen Jim Bogen | 148-158 |  |
Evaluating the impacts of impoundment on sediment transport using short-lived fallout radionuclides - Francis J. Magilligan et al. Francis J. Magilligan, Nira L. Salant, Carl E. Renshaw, Keith H. Nilsow, Arjun Heimsath & | 159-166 |  |
Variety is the spice of river life: recognizing hydraulic diversity as a tool for managing flows in regulated rivers - M. C. Thoms et al. M. C. Thoms, M. Reid, K. Christianson & F. Munro | 169-178 |  |
Multi-scale analysis of island formation and development in the Middle Loire River, France - Emmanuele Gautier & Stephane Grivel Emmanuele Gautier & Stephane Grivel | 179-187 |  |
Geometric properties of the River Euphrates, Iraq: the nature of its slope variation - Moutaz Al-Dabbas & Mukdad Al-Jabbari Moutaz Al-Dabbas & Mukdad Al-Jabbari | 188-196 |  |
Changing use and hydromorphological adjustment in a coastal lagoon-estuarine system, the Ria de Aveiro, Portugal - Jose Figueiredo Da Silva & Robert W. Duck Jose Figueiredo Da Silva & Robert W. Duck | 197-204 |  |
Modelling flow, erosion and long-term evolution of incising channels: managing hydrology and geomorphology for ecology - Timothy Norton et al. Timothy Norton, Julian Leyland & Stephen Darby | 205-213 |  |
The role of sediments in the dynamics and preservation of the aquatic forest in the Nestos Delta (northern Greece) - D. Emmanouloudis et al. D. Emmanouloudis, D. Myronidis, S. Panilas &G. Efthimiou | 214-222 |  |
The use of buffer features for sediment and phosphorus retention in the landscape: implications for sediment delivery and water quality in river basins - P. N. Owens et al. P. N. Owens, J. H. Duzant, L. K. Deeks, G. A. Wood, R. P. C. Morgan & A. J. Collins | 223-230 |  |
Sediment monitoring and sediment management in the Rhine River - Stefan Vollmer & Emil Goelz Stefan Vollmer & Emil Goelz | 231-240 |  |
Are flood plain-wetland plant communities determined by seed bank composition or inundation periods? - Munique Webb et al. Munique Webb, Michael Reid, Samantha Capon, Martin Thoms, Scott Rayburg & Cassandra James | 241-248 |  |
A practical method for the management of road runoff - Ingrid Takken et al. Ingrid Takken, Jacky Croke & Simon Mockler | 249-256 |  |
Morphometric analysis of UK lake systems as a compliance tool for the European Water Framework Directive - John S. Rowan et al. John S. Rowan, Iain Soutar & Geoff E. Phillips | 257-266 |  |
Flows that form: the hydromorphology of concave-bank bench formation in the Ovens River, Australia - G. J. Vietz et al. G. J. Vietz, M. J. Stewardson & B. L. Finlayson | 267-276 |  |
The diversity of inundated areas in semiarid flood plain ecosystems - Orla Murray et al. Orla Murray, Martin Thoms & Scott Rayburg | 277-286 |  |
Strategies for reducing sediment connectivity and land degradation in desertified areas using vegetation: the RECONDES project - Peter Sandercock & Janet Hooke Peter Sandercock & Janet Hooke | 287-294 |  |
Evaluating the effectiveness of the Illinois River Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program in reducing sediment delivery - Misganaw Demissie et al. Misganaw Demissie, Laura Keefer, Jim Slowikowski, & Kip Stevenson | 295-303 |  |
Unravelling the physical template of a terminal flood plain-wetland sediment storage system - Scott Rayburg et al. Scott Rayburg, Martin Thoms & Erin Lenon | 304-313 |  |
River sediment/pathogen interactions: importance for policy development on safe water practices - Ian G. Droppo et al. Ian G. Droppo, Steven N. Liss, Declan Williams & Gary G. Leppard | 314-321 |  |
Linking pattern and process: the effects of hydraulic conditions on cobble biofilm metabolism in an Australian upland stream - Michael Reid & Martin Thoms Michael Reid & Martin Thoms | 322-330 |  |
Combining biology and hydrology - questions from an integrated study of chalk streams - Roger S. Wotton & Geraldene Wharton Roger S. Wotton & Geraldene Wharton | 331-338 |  |
Reservoir sedimentation trends in Ohio, USA - William H. Renwick & Zachary D. Andereck William H. Renwick & Zachary D. Andereck | 341-347 |  |
Dating of reservoir and pond deposits by the 137Cs technique to assess sediment production in small catchments of the Hilly Sichuan Basin and the Three Gorges Region, China - Zhang Xinbao et al. Zhang Xinbao, Qi Yongqing, He Xiubin, Wen Anbang & Fu Jiexiong | 348-354 |  |
The role of organic matter on the adsorption of mercury in sediments from Amazon lakes, Brazil - Daniel Marcos Bonotto et al. Daniel Marcos Bonotto, Marcelo Vergott & Ene Gloria Da Silveira | 355-362 |  |
Using geochemical stratigraphy to indicate post-fire sediment and nutrient fluxes into a water supply reservoir, Sydney, Australia - William H. Blake et al. William H. Blake, Peter J. Wallbrink, Stefan H. Doerr, Richard A. Shakesby, Geoffrey S. Hu | 363-370 |  |
Variation of suspended sediment transport in the Timah Tasoh reservoir catchment, Perlis, Malaysia: human impacts and the role of tropical storms - A. Rahaman Zullyadini & Ismail Wan Ruslan A. Rahaman Zullyadini & Ismail Wan Ruslan | 371-379 |  |
The use of 137Cs and 210Pbex to investigate sediment sources and overbank sedimentation rates in the Teesta River basin, Sikkim Himalaya, India - W. Froehlich & D. E. Walling W. Froehlich & D. E. Walling | 380-388 |  |
The infilling of a terminal flood plain-wetland complex - Robert Cossart et al. Robert Cossart, Martin Thoms & Scott Rayburg | 389-398 |  |
Sediment budgets and sinks in the Brahmaputra Basin and their agricultural and ecological impacts - U. C. Sharma & Vikas Sharma U. C. Sharma & Vikas Sharma | 399-405 |  |
Holocene sediment budgets of the Rhine Delta (The Netherlands): a record of changing sediment delivery - Gilles Erkens et al. Gilles Erkens, Kim M. Cohen, Marc J. P. Gouw, Hans Middelkoop & Wim Z. Hoek | 406-415 |  |
Changing fluxes of sediments and salts as recorded in lower River Murray wetlands, Australia - Peter Gell et al. Peter Gell, Jennie Fluin, John Tibby, Deborah Haynes, Syeda Ifteara Khanum, Brendan Walsh, | 416-424 |  |
Unravelling flood history using matrices in fluvial gravel deposits - Lynne E. Frostick et al. Lynne E. Frostick, Brendan Murphy & Richard Middleton | 425-433 |  |
The importance of temporal changes in gravel-stored fine sediment on habitat conditions in a salmon spawning stream - Ellen L. Petticrew & John F. Rex Ellen L. Petticrew & John F. Rex | 434-441 |  |
Pacific salmon and sediment flocculation: nutrient cycling and intergravel habitat quality - John F. Rex & Ellen L. Petticrew John F. Rex & Ellen L. Petticrew | 442-449 |  |
Sediment storage and transfer in the Mekong: generalizations on a large river ; dam; Mekong - Avijit Gupta et al. Avijit Gupta, S. C. Liew & Alice W. C. Heng | 450-459 |  |
River flood plains as carbon sinks ; carbon cycle; carbon sinks - D. E. Walling et al. D. E. Walling, D. Fang, A. P. Nicholas & R. J. Sweet | 460-470 |  |
Investigating the remobilization of fine sediment stored on the channel bed of lowland permeable catchments in the UK - Adrian L. Collins & Desmond E. Walling Adrian L. Collins & Desmond E. Walling | 471-479 |  |
The impact of changes in climate, upstream land use and flood plain topography on overbank deposition - Ivo Thonon et al. Ivo Thonon, Hans Middelkoop & Marcel Van Der Perk | 480-486 |  |
A gradient or mosaic of patches? The textural character of inset-flood plain surfaces along a dryland river system - Mark Southwell & Martin Thoms Mark Southwell & Martin Thoms | 487-495 |  |
The deposition and storage of sediment-associated phosphorus on the flood plains of two lowland groundwater fed catchments - Deborah Ballantine et al. Deborah Ballantine, Desmond E. Walling & Graham J. L. Leeks | 496-504 |  |
Sediment phosphorus dynamics in tile-fed drainage ditches - D. R. Smith et al. D. R. Smith, E. A. Warnemuende, B. E. Haggard & C. Huang | 507-513 |  |
A framework for predicting delivery of phosphorus from agricultural land using a decision-tree approach - Richard Brazier et al. Richard Brazier, Michael Scharer, Louise Heathwaite, Keith Beven, Paul Scholefield, Phil H | 514-523 |  |
Nutrient and contaminant enrichment in rural areas of southwest Germany - Martin Schwarz & Stephan Fuchs Martin Schwarz & Stephan Fuchs | 524-530 |  |
Salinity and erosion: a preliminary investigation of soil erosion on a salinized hillslope - Mel Neave & Scott Rayburg Mel Neave & Scott Rayburg | 531-539 |  |
Analysis of local scour downstream of bed sills: preliminary results of experimental work - Donatella Termini Donatella Termini | 540-547 |  |
Comparison of numerical and experimental study of dam-break induced mudflow - Szu-Hsien Peng & Su-Chin Chen Szu-Hsien Peng & Su-Chin Chen | 548-555 |  |
MOSESS: a model for soil erosion prediction at small scales - Eduardo E. de Figueiredo & Herbete H. R. C. Davi Eduardo E. de Figueiredo & Herbete H. R. C. Davi | 556-563 |  |
Predicting erosion patterns using a spatially distributed erosion model with spatially variable and uniform parameters - Dirk H. De Boer Dirk H. De Boer | 564-573 |  |
Importance of watershed lag times in IUSG development - Kazimierz Banasik et al. Kazimierz Banasik, Mariusz Barszcz & Leszek Hejduk | 574-581 |  |
Impacts of land-use changes on sediment yields and water quality within the Nairobi River sub-basins, Kenya - Shadrack Mulei Kithiia & Francis M. Mutua Shadrack Mulei Kithiia & Francis M. Mutua | 582-588 |  |
Model investigations of the effects of land-use changes and forest damage on erosion in mountainous environments - Peter Molnar et al. Peter Molnar, Paolo Burlando, Jorg Kirsch & Elke Hinz | 589-600 |  |
SWAT model for Integrated River Basin Management with application to the Mekong Basin - Riyadh Al-Soufi Riyadh Al-Soufi | 601-610 |  |
Modelling the impacts of climate variability on sediment transport - Eileen Cashman & Kenneth Potter Eileen Cashman & Kenneth Potter | 611-619 |  |
Effects of rainfall variability and land-use change on sediment yield simulated by SHETRAN - Eduardo E. De Figueiredo & James C. Bathurst Eduardo E. De Figueiredo & James C. Bathurst | 620-626 |  |