Porto Alegre Symposium, 1988, Sediment BudgetsAuthor / Editor: M. P. Bordas D. E. Walling, Editors Publication Number: 174 Year: 1988 Pages: 591 Contents for Porto Alegre Symposium, 1988, Sediment Budgets Title | Pages | File | Porto Alegre Symposium, 1988, Sediment Budgets M. P. Bordas D. E. Walling, Editors | |   | Preface of Volume 174 Bordas, M. & Walling, D.E. | v-vi |  | Sediment losses from cropland furrows Alonso, C.V., Meyer, L.D. & Harmon, W.C. | 3-9 |  | Sedimentation of four reaches of the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers Bhowmik, N.G., Adams, J.R. & Demissie, M. | 11-19 |  | Puissance hydraulique et dept de sediments en eaux courantes Bordas, M.P., de O. Borges, A.L. & Medeiros, P. | 21-33 |  | Gullying in the southeastern Brazilian Plateau, Bananal, SP Coelho Netto, A.L., Fernandes, N.F. & de Deus, C.E. | 35-42 |  | Mathematical model for reservoir silting Cogollo, P.R.J. & Villela, S.M. | 43-51 |  | Model experiments on bed load transport in the variable backwater zone of a reservoir Fang, D., Chen, Y.X. & Chen, J.Y. | 53-62 |  | Expression generale du debut d'erosion d'un fond mobile non-cohesif Gadjev, G.K. | 63-70 |  | The silting of Maroccan dams Lahlou, A. | 71-77 |  | Effects of slope length, slope gradient, tillage methods and cropping systems on runoff and soil erosion on a tropical Alfisol : preliminary results Lal, R. | 79-88 |  | Hydrological characteristics as a determinant of sediment delivery in watersheds Matherne, A.M. & Prestegaard, K.L. | 89-96 |  | Transport of suspended sediment in ephemeral channels Nouh, M. | 97-106 |  | Methods of estimating bed load transport rates applied to ephemeral streams Nouh, M. | 107-115 |  | Suspended sediment routing along a reservoir Gracia-Sanchez, J. | 117-124 |  | Some factors affecting erosion of bed channels protected with riprap Teixeira, E.C. & Villela, SM. | 125-132 |  | Analytical evaluation of bed load transport in a river subject to backwater effect : the case of the River Trombetas (image scan missing pages) Veiga Pires, L.C., Ribeira, L.O & Coimbra, A.R.S.R. | 133-138 |  | Analytical evaluation of bed load transport in a river subject to backwater effect : the case of the River Trombetas Veiga Pires, L.C., Ribeira, L.O & Coimbra, A.R.S.R. | 133-138 |  | The cropping pattern and its role in determining erosion risk : experimental plot results from the Mugello valley (Central Italy) Zanchi, C. | 139-145 |  | A monitoring programme of sediment transport in Norwegian rivers Bogen, J. | 149-159 |  | Choix de bassins representatifs et experimentaux pour l'etude de l'erosion sur le plateau basaltique sudamericain de O. Borges, A.L. & Bordas, M.P. | 161-169 |  | A method for determining sediment budgets using caesium-137 Campbell, B.L., Loughran, R.J. & Elliott, G.L. | 171-179 |  | A strategy for aoganizing a sediment data collection network based on the available hydrological records for a catchment in Kenya Charania, S.H. | 181-188 |  | Evaluation of long term suspended sediment records for selected Canadian rivers Day, T.J. | 189-195 |  | Assessing sediment sources in a small drainage basin above the timberline in the Pyrenees Diez, J.-C., Alvera, B., Puigdefabregas, J. & Gallart, F. | 197-205 |  | The nature of coarse material bed load transport Ergenzinger, P. | 207-216 |  | Development and flume calibration of a new type of near-streambed suspended load sampler Fang, D. & Wang, G.D. | 217-224 |  | Estimating erosion using caesium-137 : I. Measuring caesium-137 activity in a soil Fredericks, D.J., Norris, V. & Perrens, S.J. | 225-231 |  | Estimating erosion using caesium-137 : II. Estimating rates of soil loss Fredericks, D.J. & Perrens, S.J. | 233-240 |  | On identification of sources of sediment transport in small basins with special reference to particulate phosphorus Hasholt, B. | 241-250 |  | La gestion du bassin versant experimental de Draix pour la mesure de l'erosion Mura, R., Cambon, J.P., Combes, F., Meunier, M. & Oliver, J. | 251-258 |  | An examination of the role of sampling strategies in the study of suspended sediment transport Oliver, L.J. & Rieger, W.A. | 259-267 |  | Techniques for establishing suspended sediment sources in two drainage basins in Devon, UK : a comparative assessment Peart, M.R. & Walling, D.E. | 269-279 |  | La production de sediments sur les versants et leur transport a l'echelle du km2 en savane humide, Cote d'Ivoire Planchon, O. | 281-291 |  | Preliminary estimate of bed load using mean grain size distribution data Semmelmann, F.R., Bordas, M.P. & Lanna, A.E. | 293-299 |  | Analysis of the quality of suspended sediment data Semmelmann, F.R. & Lanna, A.E. | 301-305 |  | Erosion studies in Sume, a semiarid region in the northeast of Brazil Srinivasan, V.S., Gomes, H.P., Leprun, J.C. & Silva, I.G. | 307-314 |  | Measuring sediment yields of storms using PSALT Thomas, R.B. | 315-323 |  | The use of caesium-137 measurements to investigate sediment delivery from cultivated areas in Devon, UK Walling, D.E. & Bradley, S.B. | 325-335 |  | The reliability of rating curve estimates of suspended sediment yield : some further comments Walling, D.E. & Webb, B.W. | 337-350 |  | Periodicity of suspendedc sediment concentrations in the River Tigris at Baghdad identified using short interval sampling Al-Ansari, N.A. & Al-Sinawi, G.T. | 353-357 |  | Evaluation des risques d'erosion et de sedimentation au Bresil a partir de bilans sedimentologiques rudimentaires Bordas, M.P., Lanna, A.E. & Semmelmann, F.R. | 359-368 |  | Sediment yield in the Velhas River basin (Minas Gerais, Brazil) de O. Carvalho, N. | 369-375 |  | Analysis of sediment yields during the historic period in the loess region of the Yellow River Basin Shensheng, D. | 377-380 |  | Suspended sediment at a cross section of the Middle Parana River : concentration, granulometry and influence of the main tributaries Drago, E.C. & Amsler, M.L. | 381-396 |  | ETA (Erosion Transport Accumulation) systems, their classification, mapping and managements Engelen, G.B. & Venneker, R.G.W. | 397-412 |  | Lake-catchments : an evaluation of their contribution to studies of sediment yield and delivery processes Foster, I.D.L., Dearing, J.A. & Grew, R. | 413-424 |  | Average long-term sediment discharge investigations based on reservoir resurvey data and sediment yield rate factors Garcia, E.P. & Vignoli, F.O. | 425-429 |  | A comparison of the sediment transport and yield characteristics of two adjacent glacier basins, Val d'Herens, Switzerland Gurnell, A.M., Warburton, J. & Clark, M.J. | 431-441 |  | Exportation de matieres en suspension des Andes vers l'Amazonie par le Rio Beni, Bolivie Guyot, J.L., Bourges, J., Hoorelbecke, R., Roche, M.A., Calle, H., Cortes, J. & Barragan G | 443-451 |  | Simulation model for the computation of sediment yield due to upland and channel erosion from a large basin Hrissanthou, V. | 453-462 |  | Changes in the sediment output of two upland drainage basins during forestry land use changes Johnson, R.C. | 463-471 |  | The US national project to develop improved erosion prediction technology to replace USLE Lane, L.J., Schertz, D.L., Alberts, E.E., Laflen, J.M. & Lopes, V.L. | 473-481 |  | A study of the total load transport by the Yellow River Binwen, L. & Yuqian, L. | 483-496 |  | Modelling sedimentation processes in small watersheds Lopes, V.L. & Lane, L.J. | 497-508 |  | Transport de matiere sur les grands fleuves des regions intertropicales : les premiers resultats des mesures de flux particulaires sur le bassin du fleuve Congo Olivry, J.C., Bricquet, J.P., Thiebaux, J.P. & Sigha, N. | 509-521 |  | Uncertainties in defining the suspended sediment budget for large drainage basins Parker, R.S. | 523-532 |  | Morphological controls on sediment delivery pathways Prestegaard, K.L. | 533-540 |  | Channel sediment behaviour as a basis for modelling delivery processes Rieger, W.A., Olive, L.J. & Gippel, C.J. | 541-548 |  | Estimation of colluvial reservoir life from sediment budgeting, Katiorin experimental basin, Kenya Suthrland, R.A. & Bryan, R.B. | 549-560 |  | Erosion, transport and deposition of sediments by the tropical rivers of India Vaithiyanathan, P., Ramanathan, A. & Subramanian, V. | 561-574 |  | Sediment yield and availability for two reservoir drainage basins in central Luzon, Philippines White, S. | 575-561 |  | Application of two physically-based sediment yield models at plot and field scales Wicks, J.M., Bathurst, J.C., Johnson, C.W. & Ward, T.J. | 583-591 |  |
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