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Porto Alegre Symposium, 1988, Sediment Budgets

Author / Editor: M. P. Bordas D. E. Walling, Editors
Publication Number: 174
Year: 1988
Pages: 591

Contents for Porto Alegre Symposium, 1988, Sediment Budgets

Title Pages File
Porto Alegre Symposium, 1988, Sediment Budgets
M. P. Bordas D. E. Walling, Editors
Preface of Volume 174
Bordas, M. & Walling, D.E.
v-vi PDF Icon
Sediment losses from cropland furrows
Alonso, C.V., Meyer, L.D. & Harmon, W.C.
3-9 PDF Icon
Sedimentation of four reaches of the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers
Bhowmik, N.G., Adams, J.R. & Demissie, M.
11-19 PDF Icon
Puissance hydraulique et dept de sediments en eaux courantes
Bordas, M.P., de O. Borges, A.L. & Medeiros, P.
21-33 PDF Icon
Gullying in the southeastern Brazilian Plateau, Bananal, SP
Coelho Netto, A.L., Fernandes, N.F. & de Deus, C.E.
35-42 PDF Icon
Mathematical model for reservoir silting
Cogollo, P.R.J. & Villela, S.M.
43-51 PDF Icon
Model experiments on bed load transport in the variable backwater zone of a reservoir
Fang, D., Chen, Y.X. & Chen, J.Y.
53-62 PDF Icon
Expression generale du debut d'erosion d'un fond mobile non-cohesif
Gadjev, G.K.
63-70 PDF Icon
The silting of Maroccan dams
Lahlou, A.
71-77 PDF Icon
Effects of slope length, slope gradient, tillage methods and cropping systems on runoff and soil erosion on a tropical Alfisol : preliminary results
Lal, R.
79-88 PDF Icon
Hydrological characteristics as a determinant of sediment delivery in watersheds
Matherne, A.M. & Prestegaard, K.L.
89-96 PDF Icon
Transport of suspended sediment in ephemeral channels
Nouh, M.
97-106 PDF Icon
Methods of estimating bed load transport rates applied to ephemeral streams
Nouh, M.
107-115 PDF Icon
Suspended sediment routing along a reservoir
Gracia-Sanchez, J.
117-124 PDF Icon
Some factors affecting erosion of bed channels protected with riprap
Teixeira, E.C. & Villela, SM.
125-132 PDF Icon
Analytical evaluation of bed load transport in a river subject to backwater effect : the case of the River Trombetas (image scan missing pages)
Veiga Pires, L.C., Ribeira, L.O & Coimbra, A.R.S.R.
133-138 PDF Icon
Analytical evaluation of bed load transport in a river subject to backwater effect : the case of the River Trombetas
Veiga Pires, L.C., Ribeira, L.O & Coimbra, A.R.S.R.
133-138 PDF Icon
The cropping pattern and its role in determining erosion risk : experimental plot results from the Mugello valley (Central Italy)
Zanchi, C.
139-145 PDF Icon
A monitoring programme of sediment transport in Norwegian rivers
Bogen, J.
149-159 PDF Icon
Choix de bassins representatifs et experimentaux pour l'etude de l'erosion sur le plateau basaltique sudamericain
de O. Borges, A.L. & Bordas, M.P.
161-169 PDF Icon
A method for determining sediment budgets using caesium-137
Campbell, B.L., Loughran, R.J. & Elliott, G.L.
171-179 PDF Icon
A strategy for aoganizing a sediment data collection network based on the available hydrological records for a catchment in Kenya
Charania, S.H.
181-188 PDF Icon
Evaluation of long term suspended sediment records for selected Canadian rivers
Day, T.J.
189-195 PDF Icon
Assessing sediment sources in a small drainage basin above the timberline in the Pyrenees
Diez, J.-C., Alvera, B., Puigdefabregas, J. & Gallart, F.
197-205 PDF Icon
The nature of coarse material bed load transport
Ergenzinger, P.
207-216 PDF Icon
Development and flume calibration of a new type of near-streambed suspended load sampler
Fang, D. & Wang, G.D.
217-224 PDF Icon
Estimating erosion using caesium-137 : I. Measuring caesium-137 activity in a soil
Fredericks, D.J., Norris, V. & Perrens, S.J.
225-231 PDF Icon
Estimating erosion using caesium-137 : II. Estimating rates of soil loss
Fredericks, D.J. & Perrens, S.J.
233-240 PDF Icon
On identification of sources of sediment transport in small basins with special reference to particulate phosphorus
Hasholt, B.
241-250 PDF Icon
La gestion du bassin versant experimental de Draix pour la mesure de l'erosion
Mura, R., Cambon, J.P., Combes, F., Meunier, M. & Oliver, J.
251-258 PDF Icon
An examination of the role of sampling strategies in the study of suspended sediment transport
Oliver, L.J. & Rieger, W.A.
259-267 PDF Icon
Techniques for establishing suspended sediment sources in two drainage basins in Devon, UK : a comparative assessment
Peart, M.R. & Walling, D.E.
269-279 PDF Icon
La production de sediments sur les versants et leur transport a l'echelle du km2 en savane humide, Cote d'Ivoire
Planchon, O.
281-291 PDF Icon
Preliminary estimate of bed load using mean grain size distribution data
Semmelmann, F.R., Bordas, M.P. & Lanna, A.E.
293-299 PDF Icon
Analysis of the quality of suspended sediment data
Semmelmann, F.R. & Lanna, A.E.
301-305 PDF Icon
Erosion studies in Sume, a semiarid region in the northeast of Brazil
Srinivasan, V.S., Gomes, H.P., Leprun, J.C. & Silva, I.G.
307-314 PDF Icon
Measuring sediment yields of storms using PSALT
Thomas, R.B.
315-323 PDF Icon
The use of caesium-137 measurements to investigate sediment delivery from cultivated areas in Devon, UK
Walling, D.E. & Bradley, S.B.
325-335 PDF Icon
The reliability of rating curve estimates of suspended sediment yield : some further comments
Walling, D.E. & Webb, B.W.
337-350 PDF Icon
Periodicity of suspendedc sediment concentrations in the River Tigris at Baghdad identified using short interval sampling
Al-Ansari, N.A. & Al-Sinawi, G.T.
353-357 PDF Icon
Evaluation des risques d'erosion et de sedimentation au Bresil a partir de bilans sedimentologiques rudimentaires
Bordas, M.P., Lanna, A.E. & Semmelmann, F.R.
359-368 PDF Icon
Sediment yield in the Velhas River basin (Minas Gerais, Brazil)
de O. Carvalho, N.
369-375 PDF Icon
Analysis of sediment yields during the historic period in the loess region of the Yellow River Basin
Shensheng, D.
377-380 PDF Icon
Suspended sediment at a cross section of the Middle Parana River : concentration, granulometry and influence of the main tributaries
Drago, E.C. & Amsler, M.L.
381-396 PDF Icon
ETA (Erosion Transport Accumulation) systems, their classification, mapping and managements
Engelen, G.B. & Venneker, R.G.W.
397-412 PDF Icon
Lake-catchments : an evaluation of their contribution to studies of sediment yield and delivery processes
Foster, I.D.L., Dearing, J.A. & Grew, R.
413-424 PDF Icon
Average long-term sediment discharge investigations based on reservoir resurvey data and sediment yield rate factors
Garcia, E.P. & Vignoli, F.O.
425-429 PDF Icon
A comparison of the sediment transport and yield characteristics of two adjacent glacier basins, Val d'Herens, Switzerland
Gurnell, A.M., Warburton, J. & Clark, M.J.
431-441 PDF Icon
Exportation de matieres en suspension des Andes vers l'Amazonie par le Rio Beni, Bolivie
Guyot, J.L., Bourges, J., Hoorelbecke, R., Roche, M.A., Calle, H., Cortes, J. & Barragan G
443-451 PDF Icon
Simulation model for the computation of sediment yield due to upland and channel erosion from a large basin
Hrissanthou, V.
453-462 PDF Icon
Changes in the sediment output of two upland drainage basins during forestry land use changes
Johnson, R.C.
463-471 PDF Icon
The US national project to develop improved erosion prediction technology to replace USLE
Lane, L.J., Schertz, D.L., Alberts, E.E., Laflen, J.M. & Lopes, V.L.
473-481 PDF Icon
A study of the total load transport by the Yellow River
Binwen, L. & Yuqian, L.
483-496 PDF Icon
Modelling sedimentation processes in small watersheds
Lopes, V.L. & Lane, L.J.
497-508 PDF Icon
Transport de matiere sur les grands fleuves des regions intertropicales : les premiers resultats des mesures de flux particulaires sur le bassin du fleuve Congo
Olivry, J.C., Bricquet, J.P., Thiebaux, J.P. & Sigha, N.
509-521 PDF Icon
Uncertainties in defining the suspended sediment budget for large drainage basins
Parker, R.S.
523-532 PDF Icon
Morphological controls on sediment delivery pathways
Prestegaard, K.L.
533-540 PDF Icon
Channel sediment behaviour as a basis for modelling delivery processes
Rieger, W.A., Olive, L.J. & Gippel, C.J.
541-548 PDF Icon
Estimation of colluvial reservoir life from sediment budgeting, Katiorin experimental basin, Kenya
Suthrland, R.A. & Bryan, R.B.
549-560 PDF Icon
Erosion, transport and deposition of sediments by the tropical rivers of India
Vaithiyanathan, P., Ramanathan, A. & Subramanian, V.
561-574 PDF Icon
Sediment yield and availability for two reservoir drainage basins in central Luzon, Philippines
White, S.
575-561 PDF Icon
Application of two physically-based sediment yield models at plot and field scales
Wicks, J.M., Bathurst, J.C., Johnson, C.W. & Ward, T.J.
583-591 PDF Icon
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