REHYDRATE - REtrieve historical HYDRologic dATa & Estimates

Details of the Working Group

REHYDRATE - REtrieve historical HYDRologic dATa & Estimates: Lead by Miriam Bertola and Paola Mazzoglio. 



Historical hydrological observations are often stored in printed documents and volumes worldwide. This makes them inaccessible and unusable for modern hydrological studies as well as puts them at risk of permanent loss due to the deterioration of their medium. In addition to the intrinsic value of rescuing past observations, having access to historical data is essential for understanding better the complexity and changes in the hydrological cycle and its extremes. As of today, several data rescue initiatives exist, but the efforts are highly fragmented in space and time. New tools are becoming available, and new technologies are developing rapidly. 

In response to these challenges, the REHYDRATE Working Group aims to connect scientists engaged in data rescue, fostering a collaborative community to exchange knowledge, experiences, and best practices in hydrological data rescue and digitization. The ultimate objective is to promote and facilitate hydrologic data digitization initiatives and to ensure their accessibility through open-access repositories (HELPING goals 1.2 and 3.1).

View the proposal and sign up here!



Miriam Bertola (TU Wien)

Paola Mazzoglio (Politecnico di Torino)

Kate de Smeth (University College Dublin)

Hannes Müller-Thomy (Technische Universität Braunschweig)

Dario Treppiedi (University of Palermo)




  • Morbidelli R., Flammini A., Echeta O., Albano R., Anzolin G., Zumr D., Badi W., Berni N., Bertola M., Bodoque J.M., Brandsma T., Cauteruccio A., Cesanelli A., Cimorelli L., Chaffe P.L.B., Chagas V.B.P., Dari J., das Neves Ameida C., Díez-Herrrero A., Doesken N., El Khalki E.M., Elmehdi Saidi M., Ferraris S., Freitas E.S., Gargouri-Ellouze E., Gariano S.L., Hanchane M., Hurtado S.I., Kessabi R., Khemiri K., Kim D., Kowalewski M.K., Krabbi M., Lazzeri M., Lompi M., Mazzoglio P., Meira M.A., Moccia B., Moutia S., Napolitano F., Newman N., Pavlin L., Peruccacci S., Pianese D., Pirone D., Ricetti L., Ridolfi E., Russo F., Sarochar R., Segovia-Cardozo D.A., Segovia-Cardozo S., Serafeim A.V., Sojka M., Speranza G., Urban G., Versace C., Wałęga A., Zubelzu S., Saltalippi C. (2025). A reassessment of the history of the temporal resolution of rainfall data at the global scale. Journal of Hydrology, 654, 132841.


  • Bertola M., Mazzoglio P. and the HELPING REHYDRATE working group (2024). REHYDRATE - an international HELPING working group to REtrieve historical HYDRologic dATa and Estimates. EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna (Austria), 14-19 April 2024, EGU24-5911,



View the Presentation from the November 2023 webinar.


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