Erosion, Debris Flows and Environment in Mountain Regions Author / Editor: D. E. Walling, T. R. Davies & B. Hasholt Publication Number: 209 ISBN Number: 0-947571-38-8 Year: 1992 Pages: 485 Price: £10.00 Chengdu Symposium, 1992, Erosion, Debris Flows and Environment in Mountain Regions Contents for Erosion, Debris Flows and Environment in Mountain Regions Title | Pages | File | Chengdu Symposium, 1992, Erosion, Debris Flows and Environment in Mountain Regions D. E. Walling, T. R. Davies B. Hasholt, Editors | |   | Preface Walling, D., Davis, T., Hasholt, B. | v-vi |  | Threshold of sediment deposition in medium stream power flow Bordas, M. P., Silvestrini, J. H. | 3-13 |  | Erosion resistance of cohesive sediments in turbulent flow Shuyou, C., Duo, F. | 15-20 |  | Soil erosion studies using rainfall simulation on forest harvested areas in British Columbia Commandeur, P. R. | 21-28 |  | Erosion and sediment yield in mountain regions of the world Dedkov, A. P., Moszherin, V. I. | 29-36 |  | Ten-years of sediment discharge measurement in the Jasenica research drainage basin, Yugoslavia Djorovic, M. | 37-40 |  | Criteria for determining the current activity of torrents in their depositional areas Emmanouloudis, D. | 41-49 |  | A conceptual geomorphological model for the development of a Mediterranean river basin under neotectonic stress (Buonamico basin, Calabria, Italy) Ergenzinger, P. | 51-60 |  | The use of fallout radionuclides in investigations of erosion and sediment delivery in the Polish Flysh Carpathians Froehlich, W., Walling, D. E. | 61-76 |  | A new look at soil erosion processes on hillslopes in highland Ecuador Harden, C. P. | 77-85 |  | Use of caesium-137 to investigate sediment sources and sediment delivery in a small glacierized mountain drainage basin in eastern Greenland Hasholt, B., Walling, D. E. | 87-100 |  | Hydrodynamic averaging of overland flow and soil erosion over rilled hillslopes Kavvas, M. L., Govindaraju, R. S. | 101-111 |  | Some remarks on the determination of the sediment delivery ratio Klaghofer, E., Summer, W., Villeneuve, J. P. | 113-118 |  | Erosion evaluation and prediction in mountain regions of Taiwan Lo, K. F. A., Chiang, S. H., Tsai, B. W. | 119-128 |  | Using caesium-137 to assess sediment movement on slopes in a semiarid upland environment in Spain Navas, A., Walling, D. E. | 129-138 |  | Improved model for bed-level changes in mountain rivers Okabe, T. | 139-146 |  | Late Holocene sediment yields in small alpine and subalpine drainage basins, British Columbia Owens, P., Slaymaker, O. | 147-154 |  | Investigation of soil erosion on terraced fields near Yanting, Sichuan Province, China, using caesium-137 Quine, T. A., Walling, D. E., Zhang, X., Wang, Y. | 155-168 |  | Modelling sediment transport in arid upland basins in India Sharma, K. D., Dhir, R. P., Murthy, J. S. R. | 169-176 |  | Determining the source of suspended particulate material Symader, W., Strunk, N. | 177-185 |  | Effect of logging on subsurface pipeflow and erosion: coastal northern California, USA Ziemer, R. R. | 187-197 |  | A preliminary study of the relationship between heavy rainfall and serious debris flows Ze-Yi, C. | 201-205 |  | Rheological modelling and peculiar properties of some debris flows Coussot, P., Leonov, A. I., Piau, J. M. | 207-216 |  | Debris flow behaviour—an integrated overview Davies, T. R., Phillips, C. J., Zhang, X. B. | 217-225 |  | Flow slide movements in clayey terrains of the Italian northern Apennines Gori, U., Tonelli, G. | 227-236 |  | A catastrophic flood/multiple debris flow in a confined mountain stream: an example from the Schmiedlaine, southern Germany de Jong, C. | 237-245 |  | A study of the relationship between deposit density and debris flow type Zhicheng, K., Yuzhang, W. | 247-252 |  | The σ-effect in the formation of rockslides ; sigma Pei, L., Tianchi, L. | 253-261 |  | A decade of earthflow research and inter-related studies in the North Island of New Zealand Marden, M., Phillips, C. J., Jackson, R. J., Zhang, X. B., Ekanayake, J. | 263-271 |  | A mathematical model of shear debris flow Mironova, E. M., Yablonskiy, V. V. | 273-281 |  | Mudflood activity in the foothills of central Asia Salikhova, D. H., Liahovskaya, L. F. | 283-288 |  | Shallow landslide analysis in terrain with managed vegetation Sidle, R. C., Terry, P. K. K. | 289-298 |  | Reconstructing debris flow frequency in the southern Alps back to AD 1500 using dendrogeomorphological analysis H. Strunk | 299-306 |  | An index system for delineating landslide regions Chenghua, W., Wanpei, T. | 307-314 |  | Conversion mechanism of gravelly soil to viscous debris flow Ying, W., Bifan, Z. | 315-323 |  | Meteorological conditions associated with severe regional debris flows in China Zuo-Shu, W. | 325-328 |  | Studies of ice-snow melt debris flows in the western Tian Shan Mountains, China Wenshou, W., Cunhai, G. | 329-336 |  | Predicting debris-flow runout and deposition on fans: the importance of the flow hydrograph Whipple, K. X. | 337-345 |  | Major landslides and associated rehabilitation measures in urban areas of the republic of Korea Woo, B. M. | 347-354 |  | Characteristics of erosion and deposition from debris flows Jishan, W. | 355-360 |  | Debris flows in the Ukraine: some results of field and experimental studies Yablonskiy, V. V., Tishchenko, A. S., Deziron, A. V., Boeva, E. G. | 361-367 |  | A discussion on the velocity of debris flow Pengcheng, Z. | 369-374 |  | Reducing soil erosion associated with forestry operations through integrated research: an example from coastal British Columbia, Canada Chatwin, S. C., Smith, R. B. | 377-385 |  | Development of bioengineering strategies in rural mountain areas Clark, J. E., Howell, J. H. | 387-397 |  | The effectiveness of soil conservation structures in steep cultivated mountain regions of the Philippines Dano, A. M., Siapno, F. E. | 399-405 |  | A study of soil loss and measures for its control in the mining areas of the middle Yellow River basin Fang Xuemin | 407-411 |  | A tentative appraisal of the environmental impact of railway construction in mountain areas Lasa, J., Jiangfang, N. | 413-418 |  | Environmental degradation in the Hercynian and Alpine-Carpathian mountain regions of Czechoslovakia Kirchner, K. | 419-422 |  | The effectiveness of check dams in controlling upstream channel stability in northeastern Taiwan Liu, C. M. | 423-428 |  | The effects of forest in controlling gully erosion Zhuo, L. | 429-437 |  | A preliminary study of soil erosion and land degeneration Chonghuan, N., Lixian, W. | 439-445 |  | Landslides, degradation and erosion in Hong Kong Peart, M. R. | 447-453 |  | Benggang erosion in sub-tropical granite weathering crust geo-ecosystems: an example from Guangdong Province Jiongxin, X., Guohua, Z. | 455-469 |  | An evaluation of the initial stages of natural succession on abandoned land in mountain areas Chenghua, Y., Heping, A. | 465-469 |  | Degradation and protection of grassland on the Qinghai-Tibet plateau Dingguo, Y. | 471-476 |  | A study of land degradation and restoration in mountain environments in Liaoning Province Huanchen, Z., Baopin, L., Guilian, L., Wenjing, Z. | 477-485 |  |
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