Sediment TransferThrough the Fluvial System ICCE Author / Editor: Valentin Golosov, Vladimir Belyaev & Des E. Walling Publication Number: 288 ISBN Number: 978-1-901502-67-1 Year: 2004 Pages: 498 Price: £15.00 An improved understanding of sediment transfer, storage and redistribution has many important practical applications, including soil conservation, catchment management, control of diffuse-source pollution, predicting and managing reservoir sedimentation, and the maintenance of irrigation systems and navigation channels, which link closely to the sustainable management of land, water and other natural resources Contents for Sediment TransferThrough the Fluvial System ICCE Title | Pages | File | Moscow Symposium, 2004, Sediment Transfer Through The Fluvial System Edited by Valentin Golosov, Vladimir Belyaev Des E. Walling | |   | Preface Golosov, V., Belyaev, V., Walling, D. E. | v-vi |  | Table of Contents Golosov, V., Belyaev, V., Walling, D. E. | vii-x |  | Climate-induced and local-scale erosion and sedimentation features in small catchments: Holocene history of two small valleys in Central Russia Belyaev, Y. R., Panin, A. V., Belyaev, V. R. | 3-12 |  | Episodic sediment pulses generated by forested flood plain stripping: Bruces Creek, Nadgee State Forest, southeastern Australia Webb, A. A., Dragovich, D. | 13-20 |  | Temporal and spatial interactions of slope and catchment processes in the Central Spanish Pyrenees Garcia-Ruiz, J. M., Lana-Renault, N., Begueria, S., Valero-Garces, B., Lasanta, T., Arnaez | 21-28 |  | The role of pipe erosion and slopewash in sediment redistribution in small rainforest catchments, Sabah, Malaysia Sayer, A. M., Walsh, R. P. D., Clarke, M. A., Bidin, K. | 29-36 |  | Change of fluvial sediment transport rates after a high magnitude debris flow event in a drainage basin in the Northern Limestone Alps, Germany Haas, F., Heckmann, T., Wichmann, V., Becht, M. | 37-43 |  | Identification of sediment sources in a small rural drainage basin Minella, J. P. G., Merten, G. H., Clarke, R. T. | 44-51 |  | Sediment redistribution following wildfire in the Sydney region, Australia: a mineral magnetic tracing approach Blake, W. H., Wallbrink, P. J., Doerr, S. H., Shakesby, R. A., Humphreys, G. S. | 52-59 |  | Erosion in basin geosystems of the Middle Volga (from a landscape analysis perspective) Yermolaev, O. | 60-66 |  | Using Cs-137 measurements and reservoir deposits to investigate the effects of ceasing cultivation on sediment yields and sediment sources in a small catchment on the Loess Plateau of China Zhang, X., Feng, M., Wen, A. | 67-74 |  | Validating the use of caesium-137 measurements to estimate erosion rates in three small catchments in Southern Italy Porto, P., Walling, D. E., Callegari, G. | 75-83 |  | Process interaction and sediment delivery in the Pleiser Hugelland, Germany Preston, N. J., Dikau, R. | 84-92 |  | Applying various methods for assessing soil and sediment redistribution within an intensively cultivated dry valley subcatchment Belyaev, V. R., Markelov, M. V., Golosov, V. N., Belyaev, Y. R., Tishkina, E. V. | 93-103 |  | Predicting slope–channel connectivity: a national-scale approach Walling, D. E., Zhang, Y. | 107-114 |  | Land–ocean sediment transfer in palaeotimes, and implications for present-day natural fluvial fluxes Panin, A. | 115-124 |  | Recent trends in turbidity and suspended sediment loads in the Murrumbidgee River, NSW, Australia Olley, J., Wallbrink, P. | 125-129 |  | Investigation of sediment yield of lowland rivers in Ukraine Kovalchuk, I. P., Vishnevskiy, V. I. | 130-137 |  | Soil erosion, suspended sediment sources and deposition in the Maw-Ki-Syiem drainage basin, Cherrapunji, northeastern India Froehlich, W. | 138-146 |  | A sediment budget for the Herbert River Catchment, North Queensland, Australia Bartley, R., Olley, J., Henderson, A. | 147-154 |  | The impact of erosion protection work on sediment transport in the River Graelva, Norway Bogen, J., Bonsnes, T. E. | 155-164 |  | Sources of fine grained sediment in incised and un-incised channels, Jugiong Creek, NSW, Australia Wallbrink, P., Olley, J. | 165-169 |  | Relative effects of fluvial processes and historical land use on channel morphology in three sub-basins, Napa River basin, California, USA Pearce, S. A., Grossinger, R. M. | 170-178 |  | Erosion and fluvial sediment supply in undisturbed and cultivated basins: the case of the Desix and Maury river basins (western Mediterranean area) Serrat, P., Ludwig, W. | 179-186 |  | Drainage basin controls on geochemical heterogeneity of modern stream sediments in the Guadalhorce basin (Spain) Aseyeva, E. N., Kasimov, N. S., Kroonenberg, S. B., Weltje, G. J. | 187-194 |  | The relationship between sediment yield and drainage basin area Dedkov, A. | 197-204 |  | Morphological expressions of river sediment transport and their role in channel processes Chalov, R. S. | 205-211 |  | The relationship between sediment yield and catchment characteristics in the middle Yellow River basin of China Jinfa, L., Xiuhua, H. | 212-219 |  | Sediment yields and erosion rates in the Napo River Basin: an Ecuadorian Andean Amazon tributary Laraque, A., Ceron, C., Armijos, E., Pombosa, R., Magat, P., Guyot, J. L. | 220-225 |  | The grain size characteristics of overbank deposits on the flood plains of British lowland rivers Walling, D. E., Fang, D., Nicholas, A. P., Sweet, R. J. | 226-234 |  | Decreasing sediment yields in northern California: vestiges of hydraulic gold-mining and reservoir trapping James, L. A. | 235-244 |  | Patterns of erosion and sediment transport in the Murray-Darling Basin De Rose, R., Prosser, I., Weisse, M. | 245-252 |  | The assessment of Ukrainian riverbed deformation Obodovsky, A. G. | 253-260 |  | Monitoring of channel processes on the interfluve between the Kama and the Vyatka rivers Rysin, I., Petukhova, L. | 261-268 |  | Analysis of coarse sediment connectivity in semiarid river channels Hooke, J. M. | 269-275 |  | Channel adjustments in response to human alteration of sediment fluxes: examples from Italian rivers Surian, N., Rinaldi, M. | 276-282 |  | The settling behaviour of fine sediment particles: some preliminary results from LISST instruments Williams, N. D., Walling, D. E., Leeks, G. J. L. | 283-290 |  | In-channel storage of fine sediment in rivers of southwest England Wilson, A. J., Walling, D. E., Leeks, G. J. L. | 291-299 |  | Alluvial relief structure and bottom sediments of the lower Volga River Korotaev, V. N., Ivanov, V. V., Sidorchuk, A. Y. | 300-307 |  | Sediment transport and morphodynamics of the Tanaro River, northwestern Italy Siviglia, A., Federici, B., Becchi, I., Rinaldi, M. | 308-315 |  | The stratigraphy, mode of deposition and age of inset flood plains on the Barwon-Darling River, Australia Thoms, M. C., Olley, J. M. | 316-325 |  | On sediment transport in the Łososina River in the Polish Carpathians Bednarczyk, T., Radecki-Pawlik, A., Baran, P., Slowik-Opoka, E. | 326-331 |  | Sedimentological assessment of the Tucurui Reservoir (Tocantins River, Brazil) Carvalho, N. O., Coimbra, A. R. S. R., Payolla, B. L., De Castro, T. L. C., Mendes, A. B. | 332-335 |  | Soil erosion at the mesoscale: comparison of two erosion models for a pre-alpine Austrian basin Wolkerstorfer, G., Strauss, P. | 339-344 |  | Probability distribution function approach in stochastic modelling of soil erosion Sidorchuk, A., Smith, A., Nikora, V. | 345-353 |  | A model of rill erosion by snowmelt Sukhanovski, Y. P., Demidov, V. V., Ollesch, G. | 354-360 |  | Hydrophysical model of soil erosion: a basic equation and influence of bed load and suspended sediment on soil detachment by shallow water flow Larionov, G. A., Dobrovolskaya, N. G., Kiryukhina, Z. P., Krasnov, S. F., Litvin, L. F. | 361-369 |  | Spatial modelling of debris flows in an alpine drainage basin Wichmann, V., Becht, M. | 370-376 |  | Computation of the regime configuration of a meandering stream Termini, D., Yalin, M. S. | 377-385 |  | Using computer modelling for regulation of sediment transport under hydraulic structures on a large river Zaitsev, A. A., Belikov, V. V., Militeev, A. N. | 386-394 |  | Movement of bed forms and sediment yield of rivers Alekseevskiy, N. I. | 395-403 |  | A particle tracking method to simulate sediment transfer over flood plains Thonon, I., De Jong, K., Van Der Perk, M., Middelkoop, H. | 404-409 |  | Monitoring and modelling flow and suspended sediment transport processes in alluvial cutoffs Sutton, R. I., Nicholas, A. P., Walling, D. E. | 410-416 |  | Monitoring suspended sediment and associated trace element and nutrient fluxes in large river basins in the USA Horowitz, A. J. | 419-428 |  | Sediment–contaminant interactions and transport: a new perspective Droppo, I. G., Leppard, G. G. | 429-436 |  | Transport and retention of copper fungicides in vineyards Van Der Perk, M., Jetten, V., Heskes, E., Segers, M., Wijntjens, I. | 437-443 |  | The role of soil phosphorus in controlling sediment-associated phosphorus transfers in river catchments Owens, P. N., Deeks, L. K. | 444-450 |  | Soil erosion, nutrient migration and surface water pollution in Russia Litvin, L. F., Kiryukhina, Z. P. | 451-458 |  | Hydrological and biological event based variability in the fine-grained sediment structure of a small undisturbed catchment McConnachie, J. L., Petticrew, E. L. | 459-465 |  | Transport of phosphorus, wash load and suspended sediment in the River Varde A in southwest Jutland, Denmark Thodsen, H., Hasholt, B., Pejrup, M. | 466-473 |  | Nitrogen content of suspended matter in the Kam Tin River, Hong Kong Peart, M. R. | 474-480 |  | Spatial distribution of particulate phosphorus forms in the Slave River Delta, Northwest Territories, Canada Stone, M. | 481-487 |  | Implications of nutrient and soil transfer with runoff in the northeastern region of India Sharma, U. C., Sharma, V. | 488-493 |  |
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