Drainage Basin Sediment Delivery Author / Editor: R. F. Hadley, Editor Publication Number: 159 ISBN Number: 0-947571-80-9 Year: 1986 Pages: 487 Price: £10.00 Drainage Basin Sediment Delivery, Proceedings of a symposium held at Albuquerque, August 1986 Contents for Drainage Basin Sediment Delivery Title | Pages | File | Drainage Basin Sediment Delivery, Proceedings of a symposium held at Albuquerque, August 1986 R. F. Hadley, Editor | |   | Preface Hadley, R.F. | ix-x |  | Identification and evaluation of watershed sediment sources Coleman, D.J. & Scatena, F.N. | 3-18 |  | Sediment sources and yield from small drainage basins Jinze, M. | 19-29 |  | Construction phase sediment budget for forest roads on granitic slopes in Idaho USA Megehan, W.F., Seyedbagheri, K.A., Moski, T.L. & Ketcheson, G.L. | 31-39 |  | Fingerprinting sediment sources : the exemple of a drainage basin in Devon, UK Royaume Uni Peart, M.R. & Walling, D.E. | 41-55 |  | Sediment budgets in forested and unforested basins in upland Scotland Ecosse Stott, T.A., Ferguson, R.I., Johnson, R.C. & Newsom, M.D. | 57-68 |  | The siltation and soil erosion in Zimbabwe Van Den Wall Bake, G.W. | 69-80 |  | The impact and economic effects of soil conservation practice on river aggradation Connor, T.B. | 81-91 |  | Sediment movement in disequilibrium gully fan systems Gryta, J.L. | 95-104 |  | Relationship between sediment supply and sediment transport for the Roaring River, Colorado, USA Bathurst, J.C., Leeks, G.J.L. & Newsom, M.D. | 105-117 |  | Conveyance losses of suspended sediment within a floodplain system Walling, D.E., Bradley, S.B. & Lambert, C. | 119-131 |  | Delivery of pollutants from nonpoint sources Novotny, V., Simsiman, G.V. & Chesters, G. | 133-140 |  | Gully bank erosion of loessial soil in urbanizing watersheds Nicklin, M.E., Remus, J.I. & Conroy, J.M. | 141-151 |  | Seasonal variation in the sediment delivery ration of a forested drainage basin in Luxembourg Duijsings, J.J. | 153-164 |  | Complex response of a chaparral drainage basin to fire Laird, J.R. & Harvey, M.D. | 165-183 |  | Mass transport in Krishna River basin, India Inde Ramesh, R. & Subramanian, V. | 185-197 |  | Sediment transport in the Burhi Dihing River, India Inde Sarma, J.N. | 199-215 |  | Sediment delivery of unusual sediment yield in a mountain drainage basin Yazawa, A. & Mizuyama, T. | 217-223 |  | Suspended and solute loads on the lower Diyala River, Iraq Irak Al-Ansari, N.A., Al-Sinawi, G.T. & Jamil, A.K. | 225-235 |  | A delivery ratio approach for seasonal transport of sediment Dickinson, W.T., Rudra, R.P. & Clark, D.J. | 237-252 |  | Scale effects in predicting soil erosion from large watersheds Julien, P.Y. & Frenette, M. | 253-259 |  | Suspended-sediment storage in river channels : a case study of the River Exe, Devon, UK Royaume Uni Lambert, C.P. & Walling, D.E. | 263-276 |  | Sediment remobilization and storage by discontinuous gullying in humid southeastern Australia Australie Melville, M.D. & Erskine, W.D. | 277-286 |  | Channel storage of fine-grained sediment in the Potomac River USA Miller, A.J. & Shoemaker, L.L. | 287-303 |  | A geological perspective of sediment storage and delivery along the lower Rio Puerco, Central New Mexico USA Love, D.W. | 305-322 |  | Periodic surges and sediment remobilization Heggen, R.J. | 323-333 |  | Types and processes of short-term sediment and uranium-tailings storage in arroyos : an example from the Rio Puerco of the West, New Mexico USA Miller, J.R. & Wells, S.G. | 335-353 |  | Low Australian sediment yields - a question of inefficient sediment delivery Australie Olive, L.J. & Rieger, W.A. | 355-364 |  | Modelling the transport of stored sediment in a gravel-bed river, nothwestern California USA Kelsey, H.M. | 367-391 |  | Mathematical model for the computation of sediment yield from a basin Hrissanthou, V. | 393-401 |  | Sediment delivery model for the Homerka drainage basin Poland Pologne Froehlich, W. | 403-412 |  | Use of the modified USLE for average annual sediment yield estimates on small rangeland drainage basins Jackson, W.L., Van Haveren, B.P. & Gebhardt, K. | 413-422 |  | A Caesium-137 budget approach to the investigation of sediment delivery from a small agricultural drainage basin in Devon, UK Royaume Uni Walling, D.E., Bradley, S.B. & Wilkinson, C.J. | 423-435 |  | Mapping drainage basin sediment sources using Caesium-137 Campbell, B.L., Loughren, R.J., Elliott, G.L. & Shelly, D.J. | 437-446 |  | Determination of "diffusion" erosion coefficients for some tributaries of Oaklimiter Creek, north-central Mississippi Begin, Z.B. | 447-462 |  | Computerizing remote field data acquisition Clune, R.T. | 465-475 |  | A comparison of base flow separation techniques Rieger, W.A. & Olive, L.J. | 477-481 |  | Frequency domain analysis of sediment delivery processes Rieger, W.A. & Olive, L.J. | 483-487 |  |
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