MOXXI 2019

2019 MOXXI, CandHy, WMO HydroHub, and CUAHSI Joint Conference

Innovation in Hydrometry: Overcoming barriers to operationalization

MOXXI 2019 International Conference will be hosted at New York University (Kimmel Center, 60 Washington Sq. South Suite 605, New York, NY 10012) from March 11th to 13th in collaboration with the Citizen AND Hydrology (CandHy) working group of IAHS, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) HydroHub, and the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. (CUAHSI).

The conference aims to bring together different researchers, users, and instrumentation developers to discuss how to overcome the barriers to the advancement of hydrological observations and to the operationalization of innovative hydrometric technologies and monitoring approaches. The event will provide a forum for sharing the latest developments in fields such as sensor technology, information systems, participatory monitoring and consideration of the key challenges faced by those delivering operational hydrometric monitoring services in the public and private sector.

The conference welcomes contributions from practitioners, innovators, data managers and assimilators, as well as researchers in hydrology and other fields. Contributions by experts from National Meteorological and Hydrological Services are particularly welcome.

Please take a look at the WMO page of the event.

Contributions should address the following key topics:

- Measurement Techniques and Sensor Development: Innovative observational approaches in all realms of hydrology, including do-it-yourself techniques, multidisciplinary observation systems, unintended instrumentation, opportunistic observations and low-cost sensors.

- Operational Use of New Approaches: Case studies focusing on the integration of innovative techniques into operational hydrological observation networks. Observational hydrological projects co-designed by research experts and national services are particularly welcome, as are contributions relating to hydrometry in Least-Developed Countries (LDC) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) .

- Data Management: Improvements in data quality assessment, new approaches to standardization, data exchange and information systems development.

- New Data Sources: Research, experiences and tools implementing crowdsourced data in hydrologic applications. Case studies and projects concerning citizen science and engagement of human sensors for understanding, monitoring hydrologic processesand river basin features, and managing water resources. Investigations for the identification of optimal procedures, guidelines, policies and standardization of those informal data sources also linked to cross-sectorial studies interfacing social and behavioural sciences.

The conference will offer a stimulating place for hydrology innovators, stakeholders, and representatives from academia and national hydro-meteorological services to identify specific hydrological needs and knowledge gaps, address methodological and operational issues, and promote collaborative efforts. Participation from researchers from other disciplines (for instance, sensors, computer vision, etc) with a developed interest in environmental sciences is also highly sought.

Contributions may take the form of presentation, posters or demonstrations. The Organizing Committee are also keen to receive offers of contributions which take other forms, such as interactive panel discussions, small group teaching, ideas cafes or other innovative sessions which could be held during the conference. 

The deadline for abstract submission is January 10th, EXTENDED TO JANUARY 17th 2019. The abstracts should be sent to [email protected]. The participants should indicate the preferred format for their contribution (e.g. oral/poster presentation, demonstration) when submitting their abstract. The conference participants may consider submitting an extended version of their contributions to special issues in Remote Sensing (ISSN 2072-4292): link1 and link2.


Acceptance notification is on January 20th, 2019.

The deadline for registration is January 31st, 2019.

The registration fee is 160€ and includes coffee breaks and a reception on March 12th.
Payment is possible via bank transfer.

To register, please follow the indications below:

IBAN IT60 H030 6914 5001 0000 0300 011  
Motivation MOXXI2019_LastNameFirstName
Amount €160

To request registration receipts, please send an email to [email protected]  including first and last name, University/Institution, address, and CF (codice fiscale for Italian participants).

The abstract template is available here.


The Measurements and Observations in the XXI Century (MOXXI) working group of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) stimulates innovative and multidisciplinary activities towards the development of novel observational tools in hydrology. The group aims to foster new sources of information on the hydrological cycle by galvanizing a growing community of tech-savvy hydrologists that design and develop their own sensing systems, adopt a multidisciplinary perspective in tackling complex observations, often use low-cost equipment intended for other applications to build innovative sensors, or perform opportunistic measurements (Tauro et al., 2018).

The Citizen and Hydrology (CandHy) working group (WG) is a recently established IAHS WG that seeks to discover the potential of citizen involvement and crowdsourced data for advancing hydrologic research in water resource and risk management, hydroclimatic risk mitigation and disaster preparedness.

WMO HydroHub (Global Hydrometry Support Facility) was established to build operational systems and capacity in hydrometry and water monitoring around the world. Its objectives include providing a framework to develop and implement innovative operational tools for water monitoring and information systems. This is achieved through Innovation Calls which support projects that further the operationalization of novel hydrometric  approaches, including testing and implementation of new monitoring technology and methodology in field projects and the development of adequate standards and quality management practices. The ultimate goal is to integrate innovative approaches with traditional hydrometry, in order to gain efficacy and sustainability in the water monitoring process.

CUAHSI is a research consortium representing more than 130 United States of America (USA) universities and international water science-related organizations. CUAHSI develops infrastructure and services for the advancement of water science through open-source tools and services that enable archiving, sharing, discovering, publishing and analyzing all types of water data, and through community services that support education and multi-disciplinary collaboration.

Organizing committee:

Flavia Tauro, Christophe Cudennec, Salvatore Grimaldi, Fernando Nardi, Johannes Cullmann, Dominique Berod, Maurizio Porfiri, Harry Lins, Harry Dixon, Jerad Bales, Emily Clark, Florian Teichert, Sophia Sandstrom, Raghu Ram Sattanapalle.


Flavia Tauro, John Selker, Nick van de Giesen, Tommaso Abrate, Remko Uijlenhoet, Maurizio Porfiri, Salvatore Manfreda, Kelly Caylor, Tommaso Moramarco, Jerome Benveniste, Giuseppe Ciraolo, Lyndon Estes, Alessio Domeneghetti, Matthew T. Perks, Chiara Corbari, Ehsan Rabiei, Giovanni Ravazzani, Heye Bogena, Antoine Harfouche, Luca Brocca, Antonino Maltese, Andy Wickert, Angelica Tarpanelli, Stephen Good, Jose Manuel Lopez Alcala, Andrea Petroselli, Christophe Cudennec, Theresa Blume, Rolf Hut & Salvatore Grimaldi (2018) Measurements and Observations in the XXI century (MOXXI): innovation and multi-disciplinarity to sense the hydrological cycle, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 63:2, 169-196, DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2017.1420191

Group Picture

Welcoming session


Aline de Almeida Mota

Wouter Buytaert

Filippo Bandini

Alexander B. Chen

Maria Cristina Rulli Presentation 1
                            Presentation 2

Jerad Bales

Roni Ventura

Mariano Re

Robert Sunday

Bojang Landing

Alivony Ravelomanantsoa

Shawn Boyce

Narayan Gautam

Martin Steinson

Fernando Grison

J. Bryan Curtis

Salvatore Manfreda

Je'aime Powell

Christopher J. Post

Paul Celicourt

Marie-claire ten Veldhuis

Libor Duchacek

Shawn Boyce & Jonathan Cox

Nunzio Romano

Bobby Schulz

Pete Marchetto

Andrew D. Wickert

Antoine Harfouche

Jeffrey Laut

Pierluigi Claps

Salvador Peña-Haro
Neo Makhalemele
Alice Andral Flavio Gattari
Roberto Deidda Pedro Luiz Borges Chaffe

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