Modelling Soil Erosion, Sediment Transport and Closely Related Hydrological Processes Author / Editor: W. Summer, E. Klaghofer & W. Zhang Publication Number: 249 ISBN Number: 978-1-901502-50-3 Year: 1998 Pages: 453 Price: £15.00 Vienna Symposium, 1998, Modelling Soil Erosion, Sediment Transport and Closely Related Hydrological Processes Contents for Modelling Soil Erosion, Sediment Transport and Closely Related Hydrological Processes Title | Pages | File | Vienna Symposium, 1998, Modelling Soil Erosion, Sediment Transport and Closely Related Hydrological Processes W. Summer, E. Klaghofer W. Zhang, Editors | |   | Preface Summer, W. | v-vi |  | Table of Contents Summer, W. | vii-ix |  | Surface erosion, sediment transport, and reservoir sedimentation Yang, C. T., Randle, T. J., Hsu, S-K | 3-12 |  | The linkage between hydrological processes and sediment transport at river basin scale Krysanova, V., Becker, A., Klöcking, B. | 13-20 |  | A framework for modelling erosion and sediment transport in a large drainage basin Green, T. R., Jakeman, A. J., Zhang, L., Beavis, S. G., Dietrich, C. R. | 21-30 |  | Developments in physically-based overland flow modelling Summer, W. | 33-43 |  | Rill erosion on a sandy soil: preliminary field experiment and quasi-3D numerical simulation Ferraris, S., Carra, G., Gallo, C., Manzini, G. | 45-51 |  | A self-organizing dynamic systems approach to hillslope rill initiation and growth: model development and validation Favis-Mortlock, D., Guerra, T., Boardman, J. | 53-61 |  | Factors influencing the velocity-discharge relationship in rills Takken, I., Govers, G., Ciesiolka, C. A. A., Silburn, D. M., Loch, R. J. | 63-69 |  | Freeze-thaw effects on vehicular ruts and natural rills: importance to soil-erosion and terrain modelling Gatto, L. W. | 71-79 |  | Multi-scale Green's function Monte Carlo approach to erosion modelling and its application to land-use optimization Mitas, L., Mitasova, H. | 81-90 |  | Experiments on sediment deposition by overland flow Beuselinck, L., Gover, G., Steegen, A., Hairsine, P. B. | 91-96 |  | An Optical Spectro Pluviometer for the measurement of raindrop properties Salles, C., Poesen, J. | 97-102 |  | A mathematical model of water movement through porous media Denisov, Y., Sergeev, A., Bezborodov, G., Bezborodov, Y. | 103-109 |  | Numerical modelling of air flow over complex terrain concerning wind erosion Du, M., Wu, P., Maki, T., Kawashima, S. | 111-118 |  | Simulating soil erosion and phosphorus transport on loess soils using advanced hydrological and erosional models Gerlinger, K., Scherer, U. | 119-127 |  | Modelling badlands erosion with SHETRAN at Draix, southeast France Bathurst, J. C., Lukey, B., Sheffield, J., Hiley, R. A., Mathys, N. | 129-136 |  | Comparison between two mathematical models for the computation of sediment yield from a basin Hrissanthou, V. | 137-142 |  | A site-specific systems-approach model for soil erosion and silt yield studies for hilly watershed management Adinarayana, J., Rao, K. G., Krishna, N. R., Venkatachalam, P., Suri, J. K. | 143-148 |  | Application of formulae of transporting flow capacity for the computation of suspended sediment in the Lena River Bobrovitskaya, N. N., Zubkova, C. M. | 149-156 |  | A physically-based sediment delivery model for arid regions Sharma, K. D. | 157-164 |  | Modelling suspended sediment supply to the River Rhine drainage network; a methodological study van Dijk, P. M., Kwaad, F. J. P. M. | 165-176 |  | Variations in sediment yield from an agricultural drainage basin in central Belgium Steegen, A., Govers, G., Beuselinck, L., Nachtergaele, J., Takken, I., Poesen, J. | 177-185 |  | Flooding of properties and sedimentation in retention ponds in central Belgium Verstraeten, G., Poesen, J. | 187-193 |  | Simulating long-term erosion effects on soil productivity for central Switzerland using the EPIC model Schaub, D., Meier-Zielinski, S., Goetz, R. U. | 195-201 |  | Runoff modelling in northern Algeria using a distributed physically-based model integrating remote sensing data Belz, S. Beldjoudi, L., Lahlah, S. | 203-209 |  | Runoff and soil loss from bench terraces in upland West Java, Indonesia and implications for process modelling Bruinjnzeel, L. A., van Eijk, B., Purwanto, E. | 211-220 |  | Hydrological processes and sediment yield on devastated slopes in JiangXi Province, China Kimoto, A., Uchida, T., Ohte, N., Mizuyama, T., Changhua, L. | 221-227 |  | Influence of the moisture-tension parameter on sedigraphs and hydrographs from a semiarid region in Brazil Santos, C. A. G., Watanabe, M., Suzuki, K., Srinivasan, V. S. | 231-240 |  | Assessment of suspended load trapped in a small reservoir related to the erosion in a loess basin Bednarczyk, T., Madeyski, M. | 241-247 |  | Assessment of erosion and some implications for model validation Hasholt, B. | 249-260 |  | Radio-ecological risk assessment (RRA) provided by databases of radioisotope pollution of Ukrainian water bodies Samoylenko, V. M., Tavrov, Y. S. | 261-266 |  | Use of fallout 137Cs measurements for validating and calibrating soil erosion and sediment delivery models Walling, D. E., He, Q. | 267-278 |  | Analysis of river morphological and environmental changes with the integration of historical data and image processing Globevnik, L. | 279-285 |  | Evaluation of the impacts of projects to reduce human-induced soil losses in watersheds Abernethy, C. L., Wijayarathna, C. M. | 287-295 |  | Numerical sediment transport models - theoretical and practical aspects Habersack, H. M. | 299-308 |  | Sediment transport and erosion in mountain streams Koll, K., Dittrich, A. | 309-316 |  | Short-time relations between runoff and bed load transport in a steep mountain torrent Hegg, C., Rickenmann, D. | 317-324 |  | Initial design of a model for Himalayan river sediments Johnson, R., Bronsdon, R., Collins, R. | 325-332 |  | Model for estimating gully morphology Sidorchuk, A., Sidorchuk, A. | 333-343 |  | Development of AYT gravel bed-load sampler and method for bed-load measurement Yang, X., Gao, H. | 345-352 |  | Sediment transport analysed by energy derived concepts Summer, W., Zhang, W. | 355-362 |  | The effects of inaccurate input parameters on the modelling of deposition of suspended sediment Maurer, M., Kelanemer, Y., Bechteler, W. | 363-374 |  | Sediment transport functions and their evaluation using data from large alluvial rivers of Bangladesh Hossain, M. M., Rahman, M. L. | 375-382 |  | Characterization of sediment transport and storage in the upstream portion of the Fraser River (British Columbia, Canada) Petticrew, E. L., Biickert, S. L. | 383-391 |  | Contribution à l'étude du transport solide en Algérie du nord Meddi, M., Khaldi, A., Meddi, H. | 393-397 |  | The use of relative celerities of bed forms to compute sediment transport in the Parana River Vionnet, C., Marti, C., Amsler, M., Rodriguez, L. | 399-406 |  | Transport characteristics of tile drain sediment in clay loam soils Stone, M., Krishnappan, B. . | 407-414 |  | Process-based estimation of suspended-sediment concentration during the thaw season in a small headwater basin Kurashige, Y. | 415-422 |  | The particle bound contaminant transport during low flow conditions in a small heterogeneous basin Udelhoven, T., Symader, W., Bierl, R. | 423-435 |  | Suspended sediment structure: implications for sediment and contaminant transport modelling Droppo, I. G., Walling, D. E., Ongley, E. D. | 437-444 |  | Spatial and temporal variability in fractal dimensions of suspended solids in two southern Ontario rivers de Boer, D. H., Stone, M. | 445-453 |  |
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